[00:01] Kangarooo: in essence, yes, however we dunno what may have happened, could have been anything, another app setting some global shortcut, a bug, some misconfiguration, who knows [00:02] well autokey app from github seems like is a text snippet app. i need ctrl+alt+t to open terminal and meta to open start menu or what was name in ubuntu i forgot [00:03] Kangarooo: from github? is in the repositories btw [00:04] thats the defaults in kubuntu and when running live usb they work and then defaulting them they dont work anymore so its a bug [00:05] https://github.com/autokey/autokey [00:05] dont seem that this bug would be solved with snippets [00:05] app [00:08] Kangarooo: I'm just saying as a fix, a way for you to have it open in Kwin, and this is a Kwin issue mind you, since that's what you're running [00:18] i dont understand why would i need to run autokey app? what would i do with it? i need start menu to open and terminal to open [00:24] Kangarooo: well, to open the menu, mouse no good? hmmmm with autokey, it requires at least 2 keys, so in this case hmmm you can settle for hmm winkey-z? [00:24] Kangarooo: btw, can you remap the menu.... let me look at mine [00:26] bprompt: i can try to think what popular snippets other using to use this apps, but for current bug i need to just it be fixed. but ill try autokey for something when bug is fixed that default defaults to default defaults. [07:27] hi all i want to stop discover from auto checking updates on boot [08:30] hello! anyone using kubuntu 22.04 lts? I tried to upgrade my KDE to the latest stable version 5.27.10 (thru ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports-extra) and i got some flickering when using wayland, would like to ask what's the latest kde version without the backports since i'd like to downgrade kde to the stock version without the backports ppa.. [08:37] oh nvm i got it going with ppa-purge [11:10] vincejv: wayland is not ready, switch back to x [11:11] IrcsomeBot: in discover open there settings [11:12] :c yeah i get some really weird glitches here and there with wayland ontop of this list: https://community.kde.org/Plasma/Wayland_Known_Significant_Issues [11:13] Fixed in QT 6.x but most apps still use QT 5 lol [11:18] but im living on the edge-ish, using Kernel 6.6.10 + btrfs (instead of ZFS) [14:25] Hi all [17:34] vincejv: btrfs instead of zfs? Truly living on the edge indeed :P [18:35] https://irc-attachments.kde.org/7c27b1c4/file_71679.jpg [18:35] kubuntu 22.04 [18:35] android 9 [18:35] all updated to latest [18:35] why im i getting this (re @Omarvx211: ) [18:49] Wxyo [18:49] 91p2 [18:50] 9ip2 [18:50] Hey, im first time installing kubuntu after a long time and HDMI signal dissapeared === cbreak_ is now known as cbreak [18:53] and rebooting didn't fix the problem? [18:53] I don't think I can really help you, but with more information, someone else might, like, what kind of GPU do you use, which kind of driver, X11 or Wayland? [18:53] Im rebooting right now [18:54] IT worked damn [19:27] is this the right plase to ask? (re @Omarvx211: ) [19:32] how to copy a file [19:44] hi all [20:24] hello again kubuntu people [20:25] Anybody got an idea how I can get the fingerprint sensor working on my laptop? === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [21:00] Bonsoir [21:01] Comment installer kubuntnu 23.10 [21:02] what comment do you mean? [21:07] !fr | nono88 [21:07] nono88: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper «/join #ubuntu-fr» ou «/join #ubuntu-qc». Merci. [21:08] cbreak, comment means how. === kubuntu is now known as kubuntu_ [23:52] vincejv: in 22.04 isnt optiopn to install ZFS. Theres XFS but that isnt ZFS. ZFS was removed but Zsys was good thing. https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2023/01/ubuntu-zfs-support-status