[22:11] Hello, can someone give a hint what can causes errors at code.launchpad.net import from external git repo (github.com)? A couple days ago import was successful [22:14] In log there's: [22:14] ``` [22:14] Traceback (most recent call last): [22:14] ... [22:14] AssertionError: Invalid sha for Commit ... [22:14] Import failed: [22:14] Traceback (most recent call last): [22:14] Failure: twisted.internet.error.ProcessTerminated: A process has ended with a probable error condition: process ended with exit code 1. [22:14] ``` [22:15] Guest85: Does this happen to be a public thing we could take a look at? [22:16] Guest85: Otherwise, what I'd recommend is filing something here: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad [22:16] Guest85: (Disclaimer, not on the Launchpad team.) [22:19] tsimonq2: "Does this happen to be a public thing": launchpad is public, github is public, repo is public too [22:23] from cli with 'git clone https://github.com/...' it works, [22:23] from code.launchpad.net does not (but worked a couple days ago) [23:51] Sorry for disturbing with the error above, my fault: messed up two branches(pages) project/+git/project and project/main (from the last one import wasn't worked, so that just deleted this forgotten branch)