[00:57] Can i see Ubuntu Iso like config files online? without downloading? [04:46] Kangarooo, what type of config files??; there are manifests for ISOs, that include the packages included on ISO, but install options used may not cause all to be installed (you can go to packages.ubuntu.com to explore what's in a package), and installer used for installation does't get installed... online seed files show what is included on an ISO (if you want to explore creation of ISO).. [04:46] guiverc: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemsettings/+bug/2048403 [04:46] -ubottu:#ubuntu-bugs- Launchpad bug 2048403 in systemsettings (Ubuntu) "Out of box shorcuts are lost when defaulting shortcuts. Defaults makes shortcuts lost. Clicking default defaults to not to default defaults but to different defaulting defaults faultly." [Undecided, New] [04:48] i would like to make bug triaging video training video in next loco meetup. wanted to prepare for this bug- searching for word meta in configs in computer and finding original confing in online or downloading iso [04:48] I can't help sorry Kangarooo; I'm not a dev & don't have sufficient detail here to provide even pointers [05:03] Kangarooo: Are you asking specifically for pointers in debugging that systemsettings package bug? Or tips for debugging and/or bug triaging in general? [05:04] cpete: well this bug looks easy to check- confgitming with diff what clicking default does. copying config files. finding where are thouse confing files. using find command. [05:05] confiirming [05:09] So looking for the default config files? [05:14] yeah, with find will try multiple tiimes until we find where is fresh live install made config and copy before and after defaulting shortcuts that doesnt make default ones but different ones. [05:15] cpete: then in next video could show how to implement bug fix. can you say some video thats good to check how to post bug fix? [05:50] That all sounds reasonable to me. I'm not aware of any videos (youtube probably though) but if you were to make one then something along the lines of https://github.com/canonical/ubuntu-maintainers-handbook/blob/main/PackageFixing.md and http://packaging.ubuntu.com/ might be good? You could probably get some good answers by asking in #ubuntu-devel too === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc