[06:56] hi, I am trying to install ubuntu 24.04 LTS daily build (current) to my laptop. The live system works but the installer app shows a white blank window. Do anyone have a workaround to install it? thanks a lot. [06:57] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-desktop-installer/+bug/2043915 I suspect is what you're asking about; you didn't specify which daily ISO (there are many) [06:57] -ubottu:#ubuntu-next- Launchpad bug 2043915 in ubuntu-desktop-installer "Booting into live session results in try/install page white screen" [Unknown, New] [06:58] guiverc, I just downloaded from the website, I guess it's the latest current build. 15c3d8cdcfc6c5bcd1c5e240b8d3062825fdd864af8762e9f4d0a3a8fef9b90a *noble-desktop-amd64.iso [06:59] How come the bug is labelled as Unknown Importance? It should be critical. The installer just doesn't work at all since Nov. It show stopper bug. [06:59] (there are desktop ISOs, server ISOs... different choices; but default desktop ISO of Ubuntu Desktop noble uses ubuntu-desktop-installer which the bug report I showed relates to... does it match your issue? [07:00] we're still rather early (alpha) in the release cycle. I'd not see it as critical at this stage; people if they need to test Ubuntu noble can always use a different ISO/installer.... [07:00] ^ = my 2c/opinion, not fact. [07:01] Yeah, it should match my issue. I just downloaded the iso from https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/. I have replied the sha256 value of the one I downloaded. [07:01] but FYI: The Foundations team will be seeing it as CRITICAL; refer 2nd last comment & who made it. [07:02] (sorry not comment; unknown->critical; or 2nd last update) [07:02] Is the broken installer app written by flutter? I heard ubuntu used flutter to develop the installer app some times ago. [07:03] ubuntu-desktop-installer is the flutter based front-end to subiquity & what you're thinking of.. [07:09] I don't have any positive opinion on flutter. Maybe using flutter is not a good idea. I tried flutter to developer mobile apps. It had many problems and then I gave it up. [07:09] Are there any workaround to make the desktop version installer work? thanks a lot. [07:09] it's a bug... bugs happen in every program, esp. complex ones.. it'll get fixed [07:14] the legacy installer (ubiquity) iso appears disabled so its not there.. you could always use server ISO (& add ubuntu-desktop metapackage), or a flavor ISO & remove flavor desktop then add ubuntu-desktop meta package.. you won't be testing the install process though (given that's what is currently broken) [07:14] (flavor desktops exist using ubiquity or calamares) [07:16] I read a forum post and it said 2023.12.12 build is a working build. Where can I get the 2023.12.12 build? Thanks. [07:18] daily builds from that long ago won't be stored (unless someone stored it for a reason) [07:19] you can view https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/ to see what is generally available... ie. only recent days [07:22] Guest15, you may find this thread on UF useful (https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2492322) as its people talking about issues installing etc the noble dailies [07:23] Thanks a lot for sharing the thread. I am reading it right now. [07:24] another option to get to noble is installing mantic (23.10) & `do-release-upgrade -d` etc. to bump yourself to noble [07:29] Thanks for telling me many ways. The reason why I am trying to install 24.04 is because I don't bother to upgrade in a short time. I am a lazy guy. :) [07:30] If I install 23.10, I will keep using it until 24.04 stable released. [07:31] * guiverc thinks many of us are lazy... can make us efficient as we create tools/ways to achieve what we want in easy ways.. [07:31] if you install 23.10; you can release-upgrade to 24.04 anytime, even before release, that's what the `-d` option is for (ie. bump to development release) [07:32] `-d` used in release-upgrade tools causes this metafile to be used (https://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release-development) instead of the default one which is https://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release where noble doesn't yet exist [07:34] (if you're not familiar with upgrading; the 23.10 page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManticUpgrades maybe useful to review... one hasn't been creaed for noble upgrades yet) [07:36] thank you very much for all the tips. [07:36] you're most welcome [07:38] ^_^ [08:37] guiverc: FYI: by reading https://github.com/canonical/ubuntu-desktop-installer/issues/2407, the X11 forwarding way works. Simply run ubuntu-desktop installer in a ssh client, the window shows without any issues in the client. Hopefully, I can complete the installation process in this way. Doing it right now. [08:37] -ubottu:#ubuntu-next- Issue 2407 in canonical/ubuntu-desktop-installer "Noble installer is an empty white window" [Open] [14:04] I am trying to manually enable encryption luks partition during installation on 24.04 daily build. But after creating the required luks container, the installer can not really see it. The installer only shows crypto_LUKS partition, instead of the un-encrypted partition. Are there any workarounds? Thanks a lot. [14:04] Guest15: wich flavour of ubuntu? [14:05] lotuspsychje, just the default one. official flavour? [14:05] ubuntu-desktop? [14:05] yeah. [14:05] ok [14:05] Guest15: this is the current bug list for 24.04 so far; https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/noble/+bugs?orderby=importance&start=0 [14:08] are there any workaround on this? can I choose another installer instead of the default one? [14:09] Guest15: i havent tested luks myself on 24.04 yet [14:09] Guest15: a good starting point would be pastebin collect your errors and share the url in this channel [14:09] volunteers can take a look for you [14:09] !paste [14:09] For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [14:10] ok. I feel luks should be the default option. I don't know why ubuntu makes it so hard. MX Linux make luks installation very easy. [14:11] Guest15: keep in mind 24.04 is still in early devel branch right now, bugs can arise in this stage [14:13] I knew that. But I mean all ubuntu versions. ubuntu luks installation is never easy. The installer forces user to erase the entire disk, otherwise you have to do it manually with many commands and setup. MX Linux installer just handles it with a few clicks. [14:15] I am trying to install ubuntu 24.04 for the whole day. The job just can't be done. I never thought ubuntu early devel branch can not even install. very disappointed. I am fine if it breaks and has many bugs. but at least, it should allow people to install it. [14:17] Guest15: we dont know whats going if you dont share more info/errors, details are crucial if you want help from the volunteers [14:18] I have mentioned the problem clearly. The installer just does NOT support manual luks encryption. Anyone who tried to install it with luks partitions will see that. [14:19] well, that is the second installer issue. The first one is white blank window, the workaround is to use X11 forwarding in a ssh client. anyway. [14:25] Sorry that I have lost my patient. It has been an entire day to try to install ubuntu. Very frustrated. I used ubuntu many years ago. I am trying to switch back to ubuntu. But I never thought it had too many issues in its installer. I think I should stick with MX LInux. [14:31] Guest15: again, if you agree to test 24.04 now, you agree to encouter possible bugs and not be frustrated about it, and surely at final release this will be fixed [14:32] if you dont agree, you can try luks on a stable LTS release of ubuntu? [14:33] you can share your errors and details here with other volunteers too [14:33] if that can help you can file a !bug [14:33] cant [14:33] I have tried luks on stable LTS release. It still requires many manual commands and setup. The installer does NOT support it directly. it supports luks indirectly. Ubuntu just doesn't care of user privacy. LUKS should be the default option. [14:34] Guest15: thats an opinion/wish you can also file if you like [14:34] I have been using LUKS for many years now. I can't believe that ubuntu makes it so hard. [14:34] we got admins here that will co,vert your bug into a wish [14:36] you are part of the ubuntu community, you can influence the road it goes (if you like) [14:45] thanks a lot for your words. I am done with ubuntu for now. The ubuntu installer is the worst linux installer I have used for the recent years. [14:46] the ubuntu installer is new and being worked on currently.. [14:51] not only the 24.04 one. I mean all versions. It does not allow user to choose which partition to encrypt, instead, it forces user to erase the entire disk if the user wants to use luks encryption. Android encrypts drives by default. Windows enables bitlocker by default. Chromebook has encrypted drive by default. Nowadays, everything is encrypted. [14:51] But ubuntu installer even does not encrypt root partition by default. I just don't understand. [14:51] the users choice [14:52] not every user need encryption [14:52] so why does phone get encrypted? [14:53] people don't need encryption. mobile phones should allow people to choose. [14:54] ubuntu installer does not provide a way to choose encryption as I have mentioned. If you want encryption, the installer will erase the first drive. It's very stupid. I want to install linux on the second hard drive, but the installer will erase the first drive for encryption. [14:58] thank you all very much for the help. I give it up and will leave this channel now. Thanks and bye. === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc