
Bashing-omalcosta: What IRC client are you using ? My irssi client puts the output in a new window that the server creates.00:01
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alcostaSorry, Bashing-om, I was discussing on #python and I din't see your replay! I'm using gamja (https://web.libera.chat/gamja/).00:37
Bashing-omalcosta: I have no experience with gamja // maybe look in the status window (1) for the output ?00:40
bpromptalcosta: no option to use a native irc client?00:41
alcostaSorry, bpromt! What do you mean with "no option to use a native irc client?" I don't understand!00:42
=== ingrim8 is now known as ingrim
alcostaSorry, Bashing-om, I'm writing on a page of google chrome! I don't see any status window (1)!00:44
Bashing-omalcosta: Well, I am out of ideas :(00:45
bpromptalcosta:  there are many native irc clients, which is what Bashing-om is referring to with saying irssi,  hmmm00:46
bpromptalcosta:  for example, I use hexchat -> https://i.pinimg.com/originals/b2/0b/00/b20b000f45b9c223ab1400c92c00c44e.png00:47
alcostaThank you, bprompt! I will look for a native irc client and see what is the best for me (maybe the first one I'll find!). Thank you! :)00:53
alcostaHere in Italy is 01:53 AM. I don't know there, but here it's time to go to bed! Good night! :)00:55
xanguaIsn't hexchat gtk2?01:02
bpromptxangua:   dunno, offhand I don't know any gtk2 apps these days, mind you that updating to gtk3 using CSS rules for many apps and distribution happened about 10 years or so ago01:06
bpromptit may be gtk, but definitely not 201:07
rboxhexchat is most defintely gtk201:07
tomreynhttps://packages.ubuntu.com/noble/hexchat or "apt-cache depends hexchat | grep libgtk"01:38
* guiverc : hexchat is one of the few remaining gtk2 apps....02:00
guzzlefryHello, I just did a release upgrade from 20.04 to 22.04. For some reason the mount points for my external drives now have a 1 appended to the end of the UUIDs. Any way to fix?02:25
guzzlefryFor clarity, the old mount point was /media/guz/11466b05-9b41-48f5-b8cb-a3b3ca91a617. It's now /media/guz/11466b05-9b41-48f5-b8cb-a3b3ca91a6171 (note the additional 1 at the end)02:26
guzzlefryoh, it seems the old directory is now removed once the drive is unmounted. :P02:29
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morgan-u2can I check my internet connection, speed in terminal?03:41
morgan-u2I tried to update and it said there was a problem but my ethernet looks connected b the upper right icon03:41
rboxwget a large file03:42
morgan-u2I dont know how to do that or have any idea what large means. but thanks03:42
morgan-u2I'' tke that as a no.03:42
Bashing-om!info speedtest-cli jammy | morgan-u203:44
ubottumorgan-u2: speedtest-cli (2.1.3-2, jammy): Command line interface for testing internet bandwidth using speedtest.net. In component universe, is optional. Built by speedtest-cli. Size 24 kB / 104 kB03:44
morgan-u2Bashing-om, it's installing'04:02
morgan-u2that's that works. didnt know that was in ubottu. jammy=new.  TY04:04
morgan-u2sudo apt upgrade04:05
morgan-u2updates are what kills chrome. It sits behind the windows and sucks up all the lucky charms.04:06
Bashing-ommorgan-u2: :D04:14
=== Guest3058 is now known as EriC^^
lotuspsychje[m]good morning to all06:33
Guest15hi, I am trying to install ubuntu 24.04 LTS daily build (current) to my laptop. The live system works but the installer app shows a white blank window. Do anyone have a workaround to install it? thanks a lot.06:53
guivercGuest15, @ubuntu-next is where you can ask about unreleased products (this room is released only), and yes that's a known issue06:54
guiverc(there are multiple ISOs using different installers too)06:54
Guest15guiverc, thanks a lot for the tip. I will join @ubuntu-next then.06:55
guivercsorry I typed @ when I meant #... if using ubuntu-desktop-installer ISO your issue is likely https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-desktop-installer/+bug/2043915 Guest1506:56
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2043915 in ubuntu-desktop-installer "Booting into live session results in try/install page white screen" [Unknown, New]06:56
guiverc(for more, please ask in #ubuntu-next..)06:57
xxyi open port with iptables in Ubuntu 20.04 , "sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 8080 -j ACCEPT" ,then i check rule, it exist, lile this "ACCEPT     tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere             tcp dpt:socks07:50
xxy", then i noticed that port can't open yet with "ss" command07:50
xxyhow to open a port with iptables07:51
CosmicDJxxy: why don't you just use ufw?07:52
CosmicDJxxy: sudo ufw allow port 808007:53
ravagexxy: if the port is not open in general your firewall is not the problem07:54
CosmicDJxxy: and what ravage said, any port you open in your firewall will not magically show up in ss unless you have some program running that listens on this port (you can use nc to test -> nc -l 8080)07:56
causativexxy, show us sudo iptables -L -v, perhaps there is another rule blocking the port07:58
causativeand also you don't want to use iptables and ufw at the same time, maybe ufw is blocking the port when you allowed it in iptables08:00
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xxy1CosmicDJ:  if using ufw. it will let ssh broken08:09
xxy1causative: it is only one rule "ACCEPT  tcp  --  anywhere  anywhere  tcp dpt:socks" in filter table08:10
causativeI'm not sure what port dpt:socks refers to, it might be 1030? anyway what does "sudo iptables-save" say08:14
causativepaste the output08:14
causativeto a pastebin08:14
causativeanyway if that's the only rule and the input default is ACCEPT then the rule is not doing anything08:15
causativeunless the input default is REJECT08:15
causativeor DROP08:16
xxy1causative: https://paste.centos.org/view/23d4179308:17
causativeyeah, that's not doing anything, it accepts everything08:18
xxy1causative: how to let it works?08:18
causativeiptables is not interfering with your port08:19
causativeif there is a problem connecting to your port, iptables is not to blame08:19
causativeiptables is also not providing any security but that's a different problem08:19
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xxycausative: if i enable UFW, then remote server can't be login08:34
tomreyncausative: in "dpt:socks", "dpt" refers to "destination port", and "socks" refers to the output of   grep ^socks /etc/services09:21
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raubCan anyone recommend a way to see which keys the computer thinks I have pressed when I press a key? Hunting down function key issue12:15
osseraub: xev can show all sorts of info12:18
raubosse: when I press the function keys xev shows nothing12:20
raubNVM, I need to select the window and then type12:22
raubAnd I found the keyb is indeed boink12:32
charcklehello my fellow humans!12:32
raubcharckle: big assumption you make12:32
MortifiedPenguinHello everybody, i am fairly new to IRC and i was wondering: how can i ensure that the messages i send in a channel are encrypted? I am using Mozilla Thunderbird as IRC client (which I already figured is maybe not the best option available) on Ubuntu 22.04 and while i explicitly see an "encryption" icon for one to one chats it seems not to be available in channels.12:42
MortifiedPenguinIf somebody got any useful info it would be appreciated12:42
vincejvMortifiedPenguin if ur'e connecting thru SSL commonly port 6697, your messages are pretty much encrypted12:47
ravagethere is transport encryption. no end to end encryption12:49
ravagepeople with access to the server can read all channel messages12:49
MortifiedPenguinThank you both for the help12:50
MortifiedPenguinravage: that makes sense, my bad12:50
ravageyou can look into Matrix if you want to get into E2E enctrypted rooms. Thunderbird supports that too. An alternative client would be https://element.io/12:51
ravageyou can find the Ubuntu Matrix Community at https://matrix.to/#/#community:ubuntu.com12:52
MortifiedPenguinActually i might look into that as I'm noticing now that I can't start encrypted one-to-one conversations (at least with the ChanServ and NickServ) but mostly I think i have to spend some time getting a better grasp of how IRC actually works12:54
MortifiedPenguinThanks again for the suggestion though12:54
EriC^^[m] /14:02
Yakovwhen I use find in upper field it freezes, if htop my processes I can find /usr/libexec/tracker-miner-fs-3 reponsible for this freeze | if kill that process, can use find again. How to fix it? https://ibb.co/Ht7qJqp | https://ibb.co/s31JLwc14:03
ioriaYakov, reset the db14:04
ioriaYakov, tracker --help14:06
ioriaor tracker3 (depends on ver)14:06
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Yakovshould I make reset?14:12
BluesKajHi all14:25
danzahi BluesKaj14:36
BluesKajhi danza14:40
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ThermoriaxWhat's the accepted way to modify keymapping these days? Like if I wanted my capslock to be an escape key, or I have a key xubuntu doesn't seem to see? I've read xmodmap isn't the thing anymore (though I do appear to have it installed).15:53
lotuspsychjeThermoriax: there's a hand app on the repos input-remapper you can try15:54
ThermoriaxThe pile of issues on github doesn't inspire confidence. I'll keep looking. :)16:02
lotuspsychje!info input-remapper | Thermoriax16:08
ubottuThermoriax: input-remapper (2.0.0-1, mantic): Input device button mapping tool (metapackage). In component universe, is optional. Built by input-remapper. Size 2 kB / 9 kB16:08
lotuspsychjeaka on the ubuntu repos^16:08
Thermoriaxah, my bad. I thought you meant the one on github, which looks nice but very buggy. :)16:08
ThermoriaxWhich is in fact that github package, just much older than latest.16:11
ThermoriaxThanks for the suggestion though.16:12
cloudbenderlinux is hard16:12
ThermoriaxLife is hard. Linux is life?16:13
cloudbenderI used SystemV Unix years ago, but things have changed.16:13
cloudbenderI did manage to get a print queue built16:14
cloudbenderIt's slowly coming back to me ...16:14
ubottuWant to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!16:15
cloudbenderWhat is the 'Device URI' referenced in a print queue 'Settings' dialog ?16:48
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rboxwhat does it say?16:49
cloudbenderIs that a reference back to the queue ? Or a reference to the queues assigned printer ?16:49
rboxthats the device in cups16:50
cloudbenderSo, the Device URI is how (other) hosts discover the printer and connect to it ?17:28
rboxyes, thts how to connect to cups17:29
cloudbenderSorry, I'm an expert at windoze printing, but cups is different.17:30
MrMobiusdoes Ubuntu let you log in over USB serial by default?17:31
cloudbenderI have legacy terminal apps which require legacy print semantics.  I'm hoping to get the print routes stablized before I choose a terminal emulator.17:31
rboxMrMobius: no, you have to enable a getty for the port17:32
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coderman1i had a server just turn off in a data center, data center employees arent very helpful. what log can i look in to see why it turned off? syslog doesnt have much19:41
ravageif the system is back online you can use journalctl19:42
ravagejournalctl --list-boots19:42
ravagejournalctl -b-119:43
coderman1Jan 06 13:28:01 server1 CRON[28918]: pam_unix(cron:session): session closed for user root19:46
coderman1Jan 06 13:28:01 server1 CRON[28919]: pam_unix(cron:session): session closed for user root19:46
coderman1Jan 06 13:28:33 server1 systemd-logind[1120]: Power key pressed.19:46
coderman1Jan 06 13:28:33 server1 systemd-logind[1120]: Powering Off...19:46
coderman1Jan 06 13:28:33 server1 systemd-logind[1120]: System is powering down.19:46
coderman1Jan 06 13:28:33 server1 systemd[1]: Stopping Session 17143 of user administrator.19:46
leftyfb!paste | coderman119:47
ubottucoderman1: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:47
leftyfbcoderman1: that said, it tells you exactly what happened and what time19:47
leftyfbcoderman1: tell your datacenter folks someone pressed the power button at Jan 06 13:28:33 <INSERT TIMEZONE HERE>19:47
leftyfbor not19:47
dellHi everyone19:54
dellDo you speak Hungarian?19:54
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anotheryouHi, how to install ubuntu alongside win11 with bitlocker? Did: disable secure boot, shrunk win partition within windows. Observed: Ubuntu installer did not seem to see(?) the unallocated free space. Maybe I have to use a non default option in the installer?21:51
anotheryouOr should I create a partition in win?21:51
anotheryou(only to reformat it within the installer)21:51
rboxare you sure theres free space?21:52
anotheryouyes, 250gb or something21:52
anotheryouI see it in the windows partition manager21:52
rboxand what is the error in ubuntu21:53
anotheryouwill get you both, will take a while (installer loading from sloow usb :) )21:54
anotheryourbox: https://i.imgur.com/Ellsx2u.png windows partition manager21:57
anotheryourbox: ubuntu install option chosen: https://i.imgur.com/P4TJAfp.jpeg22:08
anotheryourbox: ubuntu "error": https://i.imgur.com/D683814.png22:08
anotheryouI can go to the partition manager and could create an Ext4 in the empty space there, but I'm not sure what I'm doing there :)22:09
anotheryoupartition manager ubuntu installer: https://i.imgur.com/p1wPspS.jpeg22:10
rboxi mean, the link it provides expalisn it...22:11
jeremy31Choose the free space use ext4 and mount point /22:11
jeremy31install bootloader to nvme0n122:12
anotheryoujeremy31: and that would not corrupt my windows install?22:12
jeremy31anotheryou: you already made Windows rescue disks and backup up the Windows install in case something does go wrong?22:13
anotheryoujeremy31: no :). but the only thing valuable to me would be the windows license22:14
anotheryouotherwise i fresh machine with nothing on it22:14
anotheryouwell I guess disabeling bitlocker is easiest22:16
anotheryouI can do that22:16
jeremy31anotheryou: The license might be in UEFI but you would need install disk/USB with same Windows version22:16
anotheryoujeremy31: makes sense to just disable it and try the ubuntu installer again?22:16
anotheryouand big thanks to both of you for helping me :)22:17
jeremy31anotheryou: Make Windows backups first.  Then do my suggestions for installing Ubuntu22:17
anotheryoujeremy31: ok :) any recommendation for how to do the backup?22:18
anotheryouI guess "create recovery drive" is exactly what I need..22:21
jeremy31anotheryou: Look in Windows help files22:30
teddybearcellHow many users here?22:37
teddybearcellIs there a more appropriate channel to speak about any topic?22:37
Jibwood1078 right at your service22:37
Jibwood@teddybearcell: whats the topic?22:38
teddybearcellAcademic research papers...22:38
JibwoodProbably an appropriate channel somewhere for it22:39
teddybearcellMy phone seems not to want to load the /list, and so I am forced to ask, my apologies.22:39
teddybearcellWhat about books?22:40
rboxyou can msg with alis22:40
rboxit'll tell you all the channels22:40
teddybearcellWhat is Ali's?22:45
bparker/msg alis help22:46
rboxa bot22:47
teddybearcellThank you22:47
teddybearcellSeems the FBI shut down most book / academic research papers channels on IRC. I suppose that makes sense ...23:02
anotheryousince when is this channel so slow? used to be one of the busiest ones on freenode, no?23:03
anotheryoudid people move to matrix?23:03
JibwoodA lot of people on discord tbh @anotheryou23:09
anotheryouJibwood: there is an official discord?23:19
Jibwood@anotheryou: yes, Ubuntu Hideout23:20
bparkerlol discord23:27
bparkernever again (they won't even let me)23:27
bparkeras soon as I try to join I get instant phone-walled23:27
JibwoodYeah I'm not a fan23:27
JibwoodFull of kids23:27
bparkerno matter what connection, browser or IP I try to use, always the same23:27
bparkersometimes it happens later, sometimes it's immediate23:27
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anotheryou:( dualboot and encrypting the linux part is *also* difficult -_-... I thought I just disable bitlocker for win, but linux I'd like encrypted23:40
Jibwoodon the same HDD/SSD?23:41
bparkerworks fine for me23:41
anotheryoubparker: how?23:42
bparkeranotheryou: by just doing it? I don't understand the issue23:52
bparkerI've done dual-boot encryption with both zfs builtin encryption on the linux side as well as ecryptfs23:53
anotheryoubparker: well at least the ubuntu installer does not offer it anymore23:55
anotheryouI mean, does not for a partition23:56
bparkermine was installed to a partition23:56
bparkerwith the default 22.04 installer23:56
anotheryouguess ecryptfs is the way to go23:56
anotheryouwhich seems to need quite a few command line hoops to be jumped through23:57
anotheryouif this is the way to do it still: https://jumpcloud.com/blog/how-to-encrypt-ubuntu-20-04-desktop-post-installation23:57
bparkerit's literally one command23:58
bparker> $ sudo ecryptfs-migrate-home -u winnie23:58
anotheryouoh ok23:58
anotheryouand from than on swap and home are encrypted on log-off and standby?23:59

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