
Guest66i had a fat32 hard drive00:37
=== NotEickmeyer is now known as Eickmeyer
Eickmeyertestmestress: Don't ask to ask, just ask!00:41
arraybolt3What's gone wrong?00:42
testmestressi tried to install lubuntu00:42
testmestressbut i used a fat32 hard drive00:42
testmestressi am using the demo off of a usb stick00:42
arraybolt3How big is this hard drive?00:42
arraybolt3And what release of Lubuntu are you using?00:43
testmestress22.04 and 128gb00:43
arraybolt3By "tried to install", do you mean you went through the installation process and ended up with an error message?00:44
arraybolt3ah, ok00:44
testmestresswhen i tried to boot without the usb00:44
testmestressand i could not boot lubuntu00:44
arraybolt3What is the exact error the computer gives you when attempting to boot? If you can, take a picture of it, upload it to Imgur, and send a link here so I can see it.00:45
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/72b8d1a4/oppenheimer_oppenheimer_movie.mp400:48
testmestressI am using a smart phone01:08
testmestressNot another laptop01:08
testmestressI don't have a Imgur account01:11
Eickmeyerarraybolt3: I believe you were helping testmestress?01:15
testmestressI don't have a Imgur account01:15
Eickmeyer!patience | testmestress 01:15
ubottutestmestress: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/01:15
testmestressI used a fat32 SATA hard drive01:16
testmestressMedia failure check cable no boot device01:17
testmestressIn legacy mode01:20
testmestressNo bootable devices found01:20
testmestressIn uefi mode01:21
arraybolt3Guest88: If you're "testmestress", I'm here again.01:46
testmestressNo bootable devices found03:10
testmestressPress F1 key to retry boot03:10
testmestressPress F2 for setup utility03:12
testmestressPress f5 to run onboard diagnostics03:13
arraybolt3testmestress: If you are sure you successfully installed Lubuntu, **and if you are not dual-booting**, look for an option in your BIOS for BIOS or EFI modes. Switch from whatever mode you're in to the other mode. It sounds like you installed in one mode and are now booting in the other.03:14
arraybolt3Except now you're gone.03:14
arraybolt3While I was typing. Sigh.03:14
arraybolt3testmestress: If you are sure you successfully installed Lubuntu, **and if you are not dual-booting**, look for an option in your BIOS for BIOS or EFI modes. Switch from whatever mode you're in to the other mode. It sounds like you installed in one mode and are now booting in the other.03:14
testmestressI was trying to replace windows with Linux03:15
arraybolt3then try switching your boot mode, you probably installed in EFI mode and are now booting in BIOS mode, or vice versa.03:16
testmestressIn legacy mode03:16
testmestressIntel boot agent03:18
testmestressNot happy03:18
testmestressIT was not happy03:18
testmestressOkay I am doing good03:19
arraybolt3And you were in EFI mode previously?03:19
arraybolt3Or were you in some sort of "mixed" or "hybrid" mode?03:20
arraybolt3ok, odd03:20
arraybolt3switch back to UEFI mode, boot from the USB, and then we can see what can be done.03:20
testmestressI booted from legacy mode and am installing lubuntu03:21
testmestressDell latitude e724003:21
testmestressA29 bios03:22
testmestress8gb ram03:22
testmestress128gb HDD03:22
testmestressScreen froze03:25
thatyolkytsimonq2 hi man17:29
thatyolkyI'm having some problems with "libffmpeg"17:30
thatyolkyI installed it, but Opera won't recognize it17:30
kc2bezthatyolky: Do other browsers recognize it?17:31
thatyolkyyes, I tried on firefox and it worked fine17:31
thatyolkyOpera gives me problems only on Twitch and Reddit17:31
thatyolkyhow to fix17:36
thatyolkynote that I have Lubuntu 23.10 running17:36
kc2bezUse Firefox ;) Seriously though, it does seem like an Opera issue rather than a Lubuntu issue if Firefox is working.17:37
thatyolkyugh okay17:38
kc2bezDo you get any errors or warnings?17:39
thatyolkyon twitch I get Error #4000 and reddit just says that it cant play videos17:40
xanguathatyolky: do you have the package: chromium-ffmpeg installed?17:40
thatyolkyhow can I check17:41
xanguaOpen a terminal and run: sudo apt install chromium-ffmpeg17:42
thatyolkyokay running right now17:42
thatyolkyuh it says "Unable to lockate package"17:43
xanguaWhat Ubuntu release is this?17:43
kc2bezThe package name is `chromium-codecs-ffmpeg` 17:44
thatyolkyxangua its Lubuntu 23.1017:44
thatyolkykc2bez thanks17:44
kc2bez`apt-cache policy chromium-codecs-ffmpeg` will tell you if you have it installed17:44
thatyolkydo I have to reboot after I install it?17:45
kc2bezI wouldn't think so. You may have to log out and back in if it doesn't work.17:46
EickmeyerThat's a known problem with Opera.17:46
EickmeyerI was about to post the fix.17:47
EickmeyerERR: UNSUPPORTED17:47
Eickmeyerthatyolky: You need this: https://github.com/kiss-oliver/opera_h26417:48
thatyolkyomg so much things17:48
thatyolkylet me download it17:48
EickmeyerIt's just a script.17:48
thatyolkyhow to run it properly17:48
Eickmeyerthatyolky: This is actually a better fix: https://github.com/nicolas-meilan/fix-opera-linux-ffmpeg17:49
EickmeyerRead the readme, that's all you need to do.17:49
Eickmeyerthatyolky: That said, This solution is unsupported by both Ubuntu and Lubuntu.17:50
EickmeyerIf something goes wrong, we're not responsible.17:51
thatyolkyokay uh, about the first link: how do I run the script17:51
EickmeyerDon't use the first one. Use the second one.17:51
EickmeyerThe second one will update with Opera.17:52
EickmeyerIf it's the script I think it is)17:52
thatyolkyim feeling a bit dumb, but I cant get to the repo root folder17:52
thatyolkythrough terminal17:53
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> cd17:53
thatyolkyyes I know but I copy 'n' paste the command and it wont work17:53
thatyolkyoh simon its you17:53
thatyolkyokay guys thanks yall its finally fixed17:57
EickmeyerHonestly, the easiest fix is not to use the .deb from Opera, but to use the snap from Opera (`sudo snap install opera`)17:57
lubot[telegram] <eiabruh> yeah I also tried using the snap but it wouldn't work18:00
lubot[telegram] <Eickmeyer> Strange, because I literally use the snap all the time and have no issues. You just have to check the snap permissions and make sure they're all set. (re @eiabruh: yeah I also tried using the snap but it wouldn't work)18:07
lubuntu nn21:53
arraybolt3lubuntu: Anything we can help you with?21:55
lubuntudo you think i can install lubuntu onto a usb drive21:56
lubuntuand boot off of it21:56
arraybolt3I've done it before, so yes.21:56
lubuntudo i need another usb21:56
arraybolt3Yes, you can't install onto the same drive you boot the installer from.21:56
lubuntubut i have an internal emmc drive21:57
arraybolt3But the installer will recognize other USB drives the same way it recognizes internal disks, so you can just plug one in before launching the installer and then choose it as your target drive.21:57
lubuntui have an internal drive21:58
arraybolt3Lubuntu should install onto that without problems.21:58
lubuntui want to install to the usb21:58
lubuntubecause the usb is small21:58
lubuntunot usb the internal21:58
arraybolt3two possible solutions:21:59
arraybolt31: If you don't care about the contents of the internal drive, you should be able to flash the Lubuntu ISO *onto the internal drive* and then boot from that. Then the USB drive will be free and you can install to it.21:59
arraybolt32: Otherwise, find a second USB (pretty much anything 4GB or over will work), flash the ISO onto that, and then install onto the bigger target drive.22:00
lubuntuhow do i flash the iso to the internal drive22:00
lubuntuwhen im booting off of it22:00
arraybolt3The primary filesystem on the booted ISO is read-only, so you should be able to clone it anyway.22:01
arraybolt3Are you really sure that you don't want *any* of the data that is currently on the internal drive? We will wipe it clean doing this.22:01
lubuntuits a chrombook22:01
arraybolt3Press Ctrl+Alt+T to open a terminal22:01
lubuntui did it22:02
arraybolt3Once you have the terminal open, run `lsblk` to identify which device is your internal storage.22:02
arraybolt3It will probably be mmcblk0.22:02
arraybolt3but depending on the machine it might be sda.22:02
lubuntuive done it22:02
arraybolt3which drive in the list is the same size as your internal one?22:02
lubuntuim booting off of the internal drive22:02
arraybolt3I get it.22:02
arraybolt3So... hmm, that slightly complicates things, lemme think...22:03
arraybolt3sec, lemme run a quick test22:04
lubuntui think i know how22:04
lubuntubut i wanna hear what your saying22:04
arraybolt3My idea is to do it in stages - flash the ISO onto your target USB, then boot from the USB and flash the first 3 GB of the USB drive back onto the internal drive. Then boot from the internal drive (hopefully it will be bootable) and then install onto the target USB drive.22:05
arraybolt3The "flash the first 3 GB" part is what I'm about to test.22:05
lubuntui could just dd if=/dev/mmcblk1 of=/dev/sda22:06
arraybolt3that would flash the internal drive to the USB22:06
lubuntuthen flash the iso to the internal22:06
arraybolt3which I don't *think* is what you want22:06
arraybolt3unless you already flashed the ISO to the internal drive22:06
lubuntui copy the internal drive flash it from the usb then repartition with gparted and start install22:07
arraybolt3question - what OS are you running on the internal drive now?22:07
lubuntudebian server22:07
lubuntuserver meaning without wm or de22:08
arraybolt3kk, I'd start with flashing the ISO to the USB drive via dd.22:08
arraybolt3since that step will probably be necessary no matter what happens next22:09
lubuntuis there an eta on the installer22:10
lubuntuor like a details button22:10
arraybolt3there's a progress bar if that's what you're asking22:10
lubuntulike 5 minutes remaining22:10
lubuntuor console output22:10
lubuntuthat i can look at22:10
arraybolt3not exactly like that, but it shows you what step it's doing and how far through the process of installation it is.22:10
arraybolt3The installation process by nature is pretty resistant to "time remaining" calculations since every machine might do some steps faster or slower.22:11
arraybolt3alright, I have verified the trick will work.22:11
arraybolt3so start by flashing the ISO to your target USB, then boot from the USB.22:12
arraybolt3Once that's done, do something like `sudo dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/mmcblk1 bs=1G count=3` to flash the ISO back to the internal drive. (Make *very sure* that /dev/mmcblk1 is still your internal drive, sometimes drive IDs change from boot to boot!)22:12
arraybolt3Then reboot into the internal drive, plug in the flash drive, launch the installer, and proceed as normal. If the installer doesn't see the USB drive for some reason, wipe the first 32MB of it with dd (sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=32M count=1) and then try again, that should wipe any partitioning info and let the installer see it.22:13
ubottuarraybolt3: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:13
arraybolt3lol, didn't mean to trigger the factoid bot22:14
lubuntuis /dev/ram ram22:18
lubuntuis it22:18
lubuntuis the lubuntu installer need to take 42 minutes22:22
lubuntuUptime: 48 mins22:27
lubuntuim still in the installer22:27
lubuntuis it stuck22:27
lubuntuit changed 1% in the last 15 minutes22:28
arraybolt3...what version of Lubuntu are you installing?22:28
arraybolt3kk, as a heads-up 20.04 isn't really supported anymore, though I'm fine with helping you install it, and it still gets security updates.22:29
arraybolt3*Lubuntu 20.04 I mean22:29
lubuntuits 2G22:30
lubuntumy internet is 400kb22:30
lubuntuper sec22:30
lubuntuim not redownloading22:30
arraybolt3so wait, you haven't even downloaded Lubuntu yet?22:30
arraybolt3ah right, that makes sense22:30
arraybolt3the solution I layed out above shouldn't require a redownload22:30
lubuntuits on filling up filesystems22:31
arraybolt3on Chromebook-powered hardware, that may just be normal. You may have to be *really* patient sadly.22:31
lubuntuthe max cpu usage ive seen22:32
lubuntuwas 15%22:32
lubuntuon one core22:32
lubuntuand ram isnt full22:32
arraybolt3right, but the USB hardware is particularly slow on the Chromebooks I've encountered.22:32
arraybolt3the CPU and RAM may be OK, but the USB controller seems to get maxed out easily.22:32
lubuntuthis is why i was asking for the eta22:33
arraybolt3that makes sense22:33
lubuntuat least my internet tells me i have to wait 4 hours 22:34
lubuntuto download a iso22:34
arraybolt3from what I remember, you may be looking at around an hour to an hour and a half (based on my memory of doing this same sort of thing on my Chromebooks)22:34
lubuntuyou have uefi chromebooks22:34
lubuntuupgrade the firmware yet22:35
arraybolt3well, I made them UEFI anyway.22:35
arraybolt3So yes, used the MrChromebox script and all that. Was pretty fun, gave me a few decent netbooks.22:35
lubuntuno there is newer versions of 22:35
arraybolt3yeah, I did an upgrade on at least one of my machines due to a bug in an earlier version22:35
arraybolt3I don't do upgrades frequently though, I'm scared of ruining the devices :P22:36
lubuntuoh dont worry22:36
lubuntuhe has an unbricking service22:36
lubuntuyou can pay 5 usd22:36
lubuntuand he will fix it22:36
arraybolt3haha nice22:37
lubuntuidk where it is on his website but it is there22:37
lubuntui think in the faq22:37

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