
anotheryouand it doesn't need that second admin user?00:00
bparkerjust login as root to do it00:02
bparkerit's just that you can't be logged in as the user you want to encrypt00:02
bparkerat least where you run the command at00:03
anotheryouah, I'll need another tutorial for that XD https://itsfoss.com/ubuntu-login-root/00:05
anotheryouI get that this is easy for you00:05
anotheryoubut that seems to be ~20 commands in total. it's not easy for me and I don't think it quite falls under "just one command" :)00:05
anotheryouanyways, thanks for the help! I'll catch some sleep and think about whether to do this again tomorrow00:06
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causativewell, RDP is extremely slow when scrolling.. dunno if ubuntu is to blame or my rdp android client00:58
causativebut anyway I'm back to VNC with Xorg, giving up on wayland00:59
causativemaybe the problem was the encryption slowing RDP down, but there were no options to remove it (I'm using an ssh tunnel with a firewall so rdp/vnc can only be accessed from localhost, and dont need another encryption layer)01:02
causativeand I guess when ubuntu drops support for xorg, I may need to drop ubuntu01:14
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tomreynbparker / anotheryou: ecryptfs has security relevant shortcomings and isn't recommended anymore.01:28
tomreynuse 'full disk' encryption via dm-crypt luks or a supported file system encryption.01:29
kotgcHi, just to confirm, the language Ubuntu 22.04.3 Terminal uses is Bash right?05:22
Frostlykotgc: Yes!05:23
kotgcFrostly, thx, I'm off the bash channel :-)05:24
xxyi hope to forward traffic from A VPS to B vps with iptables , and A VPS listen destination port "1080" , the PREROUTNG rule like "iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 1080 -j DNAT --to-destination", then using "ufw allow 1080/tcp",check status is "1080/tcp allow anywhere", then i check from client "nc -vz 1080", connection is fail. i noticed all opened port have a application accordingly , if using iptables , how to let that port06:32
tomreynxxy: are you sure is the right ip address? that's a mobile network operator from new zealand (whereas appears to be a china telecom ip address). NAT'ing traffic over the Internet is probably not a good idea, unless you encapsulate it in a VPN.06:46
tomreyn(and usually mobile networks do CGNAT - you would not be able to connect to a specific endpoint directly anyways)06:50
tomreynxxy: please choose where to discuss this: here or in #linux or in #networking - thanks.06:59
xxytomreyn: sorry, that ip is not my VPS IP. my VPS IP is "" ,07:00
xxytomreyn: and i notice my VPS no direct public IP , it's a private address when i use "ip a " in that host07:02
tomreynxxy: you provided two ip addresses above, which one is to be replaced by "", and which one is "VPS A" and "VPS B"? (we don't strictly need to know the IP addresses, just the architecture, unless you'd like someone helping test things).07:03
xxytomreyn: the relay VPS address is "" that port is "1080" ,07:04
tomreynso that would be "VPS A"07:05
xxytomreyn: yes07:05
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xxytomreyn: the problem is my client can't connect VPS A  which display connect refuse . then i check port with "nc -vz ip:port" ,it can't connect success07:07
tomreynxxy: a TCP connection from your client to VPS A's 1080/tcp can only succeed if the connection from VPS A to VPS B' tcp/1080 can be established and something is actually listening on this port on "VPS B"07:10
tomreynmaybe discussing this in #networking was actually the better choice, because you may first want to get a better idea of how this network should be designed properly.07:11
tomreynwhat you're doing there might work, but it's most likely not a good setup, and - i guess - not what you really want.07:12
xxytomreyn: my application is xray , xray client is my pc ,and xray server locate on B VPS , and A VPS relay traffic from client request to B VPS for accelerating net speed. this is all.07:15
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tomreynxxy: i'm not sure what you mean by xray, possibly jfrog's? are any of these systems actually running ubuntu?07:22
xxytomreyn: xray is a proxy which can bypass GFW,07:22
tomreyni see07:23
xxytomreyn: https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-core07:23
tomreynxxy: i just looked at this, but i don't think i understand how the protocols or server works. there's a good chance someone in #networking will be more familiar with either this approach, or another one for what you're trying to achieve.07:27
xxytomreyn: do you mean talking in #networking?07:29
tomreynxxy: yes07:30
tomreynbecause this is hardly ubuntu related really. this software is not packaged in ubuntu and most people here won't be familiar with it.07:31
ktktwhat is chat07:39
ktktdolpiwn open07:39
anotheryoutomreyn: luks seemed difficult to install just for my partition too :/09:11
anotheryoubut thanks for the info09:11
nshireis there any logical reason as to why gparted is included in the usb livedisk, but NOT the full desktop install?09:26
nshireseems like an odd choice to me09:26
raxor2kI would gladly pay someone here 10 or 15usd to setup a mailcow server on my droplet.. this is hell of a pain09:38
anotheryouough, found a tutorial how to encrypt a partition with the ubuntu installer but the ubuntu installer does not seem to have the option to create encrypted partitions anymore :(09:49
anotheryoustuck on this step: "[after setting up a 300mb /boot in the partition manager], with the rest of the space make an encrypted volume. This will create a single LV partition. Modify it to be the selected root / partition. Saying it differently, hit the "change" button on /dev/mapper/sdaX_crypt and set the mount point to /"09:50
nshireyeah what happened to the luks page09:51
anotheryouI guess it should look like this: https://i.imgur.com/qNDcIkP.png09:51
anotheryoubut it seems "simplified" to this: https://i.imgur.com/iihlIw4.png09:51
raxor2kif somebody is interested in setting up mail server for me for 10usd, contact in private msg09:54
respawnraxor2k: just use ubuntu server and read the online manuals how to do it09:55
anotheryouthank you nshire. it shouldn't be that complicated, but that guide looks straight forward at least :)09:55
anotheryoustill tempted to just kill windows not to deal with this hmmm...09:56
respawnraxor2k: https://www.hostinger.com/tutorials/how-to-install-and-setup-mail-server-on-ubuntu/09:56
anotheryounshire: ugh no, don't really want to touch efi :( hmmm...09:58
raxor2krespawn: i will try, once again09:58
anotheryouI think I'll do the unsecure home encrypion09:59
anotheryouseems at least doable09:59
anotheryoufor me09:59
nshireefi system partition isn't a big deal10:00
nshireit can be rewritten if broken10:00
nshireas long as you don't lose any encryption keys10:00
anotheryouhaha, that sounds... safe10:01
anotheryouI'll do the insecure home encryption and call it a day10:01
anotheryouI think it technically fulfills my works requirements10:01
anotheryouand if they have nobody to set up linux for me that's their problem10:01
raxor2krespawn: i have my own domain inside domeneshop.no, and i can point a DNS to my droplet inside digital ocean, do i need to install bind9 ?10:01
nshireanotheryou, do you have important data you want to keep on the drive10:04
anotheryounshire: kinda: a windows installation/license I intended to keep (with no data in it yet, fresh laptop)10:07
nshirelicense should be auto tied to the mobo if it was connected to the internet10:08
anotheryouI guess, yes10:14
anotheryouyea maybe I just wipe windows and do the full disk install...10:15
anotheryougreat, my fresh ubuntu doesn't get past starting gdm.service on boot. love this10:15
anotheryousorry, got a bit grumpy XD10:15
anotheryoumaybe I just do the full install and see where that gets me10:15
anotheryouwas just curious to test win11 and maybe use it privately a bit10:16
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anotheryouok, somehow managed with popos :)11:27
anotheryoudid have to fix the boatloader though XD11:27
anotheryoudo you happen to know if I can re-enable bitlocker in windows after setting up my linux partition?11:28
ravageboth, popos and windows are offtopic here11:37
anotheryouwell the windows question is a generic one and just as true for ubuntu. And I wonder if it would affect ubuntu.11:41
anotheryoubut ok, I'll head out :)11:41
anotheryouthanks anyways11:41
Phaelosubuntu sucks, and so does its community. sorry for the bad news11:45
MiroboruI want to migrate some system currently using libpam_ldap to sssd. I have successfully set up a client using sssd from scratch, but I am unsure how to safely move a server already running libpam_ldap to sssd. Which services should I stop, what packages should be uninstalled and in which order for instance. Anyone has a good pointer to some resources on this?12:00
lotuspsychjeMiroboru: could this be what you seek for? https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/service-sssd-ldap12:06
Your_Doganybody here experience xwayland crashing after installing/uninstall an app on snap?12:25
Your_Dogkinda interesting experience12:25
lotuspsychjeYour_Dog: check /var/crash for new items12:26
Your_Dogyeah, have seen in there. _usr_bin_Xwayland.1000.crash12:27
lotuspsychjeYour_Dog: see if your bug exists here first, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xwayland/+bugs?orderby=importance&start=012:29
lotuspsychjeYour_Dog: if not, you can try to file a new !bug and follow the (private) bug procedure for crashes12:30
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.12:31
Your_Dogalright, ill try to sort this out first and test a few things out, seems like its a new bug12:33
teddybearcell^ Anyone have experience using this on Android? Perhaps this question may be off topic here, but even a referral to the proper channel would be helpful, thanks.12:48
raxor2kim asking for the last time, before im going to fiverr/upwork: someome who wants to set up mail server on my droplet for 10usd ?12:56
EriC^^raxor2k: this isnt the place for such requests12:56
Miroborulotuspsychje: Not really, that is just for installing sssd on a clean system. I have now installed and set up sssd, including chanding nsswhich.conf to read passwd: files sss ... and so on. It is still authenticating using pam_ldap though, not sssd_pam as on the machine set up from scratch12:57
MiroboruI find this really weird - I though nsswhich.conf was the only placed where this is set...12:58
raxor2kEriC^^ :  fine, upwork it is12:59
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kevin-oculus its cold outside 12,4F outside inside i have 66F its getting cold in building13:42
TechPupHey, i am running a computer with ubuntu server, and it seems the dns records have been messed up. since i have to resort to typing ip adresses other than the actual URL. how do i fix that?13:48
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BluesKajHi all14:21
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ph88How can i make my own icon in the launcher menu?15:28
ph88i mean add new application with icon. I have a script and i want to open the terminal with that script. Because i use it so often i want to add a launcher15:29
ravageph88: https://p.haxxors.com/gnome.txt15:32
jeremy31ph88 or https://askubuntu.com/a/1428566/15:35
ph88thank you guys15:35
Kartagishow is it possible to remove "Try or Install Ubuntu" and such from grub?16:39
MenzadorKartagis: for what purpose would you want that?16:39
ravagethat option only exists on the live images and not on installed systems16:39
Kartagisravage: on my installed system, it does exist.16:40
MenzadorAlso what ravage said - when the installer runs the grub-install and update-grub scripts it will detect and automatically name what's there16:40
KartagisMenzador: I want to directly boot into my installed system.16:40
MenzadorIs your live media removed from your computer system?16:41
ravagea default Ubuntu install does not have that entry16:41
ravagemake sure you do not boot from the install media16:41
tomreynafter installation, ubuntu asks you to remove the installation media. maybe you missed this step.16:41
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FKAShinobiIs there a messenger client that supports slack, discord, irc, matrix, meta messenger?17:13
ravagei think that is offtopic here. but you can use all those protocols with matrix bridges17:13
ravagebleeper cloud offer that as a paid service i think17:14
FKAShinobiok, nothing in the repos though?  (22.04)17:14
ravagei dont think so17:15
telgareithI miss the days when you got to choose what software gets installed during OS installation.17:39
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lotuspsychjetelgareith: you can pick a minimal option at setup and install your wanted packages later?17:59
ravageI think that was just a statement 18:00
webchat35My notebook was stolen, and looking on the users dashboard ir recommended to go to de #is channel. But I can't find it18:01
lotuspsychje!alis | webchat3518:02
ubottuwebchat35: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see «/msg Alis help list» or ask in #libera - Example usage: «/msg Alis list http»18:02
webchat35Thanks! I'll look with alis18:07
marcopolomy system starts becoming crazy after i run a game on ubuntu with the drivers installed20:32
marcopolofor an example the whole desktop freezes to the point where i cant reach tty20:32
marcopoloIm not sure what causes the bug20:32
marcopolodo you think it might be because i didnt process vulkan shaders ?20:36
Frostlymarcopolo: what games are you running20:37
marcopoloI dont know if it has any inpact but i might have processed 30% of the shaders with my cpu because i forgot that i didnt have the gpu graphics installed20:45
austintHello. I am new to Ubuntu Support. There has been an issue with Ubuntu 23.10 that I can't seem to figure out. It's probably a bug related to the Gnome Desktop + Wayland + Nvidia more than likely. Whenever my laptop wakes from being inactive the gnome desktop UI is all broken with icons not rendering and the overview not working at all. The only way to fix it is by logging out and logging back in which really hurts my22:29
austintproductivity. I have a screenshot of what I see if it's useful.22:29
rboxsounds like you should file a bug report22:30
austintI'll look into doing that rbox.22:37
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MrMobiuswhen would an ubuntu LTS release move to the 6.2 kernel? np if no exact answer23:06
leftyfbMrMobius: the HWE kernel for Ubuntu 22.04 LTS has been on 6.2 for a while now23:06
MrMobiusleftyfb: forgive me since i dont understand exactly how it works. I have 22.04.3 on three machines and uname -r gives 5.15. is the kernel update separate from apt update? I ask because I have to keep rebuilding my wifi driver but apparenly it's included in 6.223:09
leftyfbMrMobius: sudo apt install linux-image-generic-hwe-22.0423:10
leftyfb!hwe | MrMobius23:10
ubottuMrMobius: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack23:10
jeremy31MrMobius: What wifi device?23:11
MrMobiusjeremy31: Realtek RTL8723DU23:14
MrMobiusleftyfb: thanks23:14
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