
=== kubuntu is now known as guest101
guest101good job you guys with kubuntu 23.03 + 0.01  the fucking operating system ayz great01:02
jaugenHi.  Is there a fix for getting Google Drive working in Dolphin?03:26
valoriehmmm, used to work03:28
valoriehave not tried it recently03:28
valorieI prefer using it directly03:29
jaugenIt works in Neon, but not Kubuntu.03:29
valorienot sure what the difference would be....03:30
valorieyou might ask in #kubuntu-devel or on the kub. devel ML03:30
jaugenThere must be one, or it would work.03:30
valorieour devel team works well with the neon team03:31
jaugenI'll try ... thanks.03:31
valoriealthough of course we are behind neon03:31
valoriesince their point is being up-to-the moment03:31
valoriewhereas ours is being well-tested03:32
jaugenOf course.  This is why I prefer Kubuntu.03:34
user|59Hi, when kubuntu boot up i have no graphical interface and have to manually run startx. Does anyone know how to solve this problem?05:40
=== TomTom_ is now known as TomTom
Kangarooowhats the name of kubuntu installer?08:35
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BluesKajHi all14:26
=== kubuntu is now known as guest101
=== root is now known as Guest9533
=== root is now known as Guest4090
magic_ninjaanyone know how I can access a libinput's "Accel profiles" ? In list devices I have mouse acceleration on and Plasma won't actually disable it.20:35
abahnmac os is the best free operating system21:01

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