[15:29] If no one minds, I'd like to resume work on Lubuntu Update today. If someone does mind (i.e., if Nani72Noni is still interested in working on it first), I'll work on learning Golang and maybe do some patch piloting instead. [15:30] (just thinking about the impending Feature Freeze, I have no problems working on something else. Shoot, I could work on the installer prompt, that would be helpful and fun.) [15:30] (and Feature Freeze is still a ways off) [15:31] [telegram] Youโ€™re welcome to work on it. Iโ€™m busy at the moment with exams coming up so I might not find time for anything major in the next few weeks. [15:33] No problem, thanks for letting us know! There'll still be plenty of opportunities whenever you're here. :) [22:27] arraybolt3: Allow me to ask you again: is Lubuntu Update going to be ready for Noble? [22:27] As in, is it almost done? :) [22:28] I'm asking because we *need* to get that update notifier SRU in before Monday per Brian, so I'd like to get whatever we need to in Noble ASAP. [22:28] oh wow, ok, noted [22:28] yes, it's just about done I think [22:28] So, I can upload my small fix I've had staged for it, just to unblock the SRU [22:29] But I've hesitated thus far because I know we're putting effort into this [22:29] I intended to work on it more today, so I'll try and make that my primary development task. [22:31] Let me ask my question precisely: do you plan on uploading this to Noble prior to Monday? My final call with depend on your answer. :) [22:31] *will depend [22:32] I *intend* to do that, and I *think* I can do that, but if I haven't uploaded it on Friday, use your alternate solution. [22:32] tsimonq2: ^ [22:33] arraybolt3: Roger that. Please keep me posted. :) [22:33] Right now it's capable of installing updates, and it *should* be capable of detecting new ones and letting the user know about them. Really the details screen is the only missing, well, detail :) so I should just test what I have and upload it if it works well enough. [22:34] I would suggest using the same source/binary package when uploading so you don't hit the NEW queue, even if you bump the major version. [22:34] ๐Ÿ‘, it is still a Lubuntu update notifier after all. [22:34] Very true. :) [22:35] * tsimonq2 goes to grab my earbuds from home so I can test the bluez upload [22:35] I'll implement release upgrades later (potentially way later - we *might* SRU that after release so that I can test it easily, but I can think of a way around that), details screen can happen later. Right now I'll cut the button out entirely so that it's not an eyesore. [22:37] Currently using the new updater to install a massive update batch including a new kernel. If this goes smoothly, I'll prep the last little bits that it needs (autostart, etc.) and package it. [22:42] update succeeded without issues ๐ŸŽ‰ [22:57] [telegram] Very nice!