
Kangarooohow to report bug- i came to computer and i had icon of crash in notification panel. clicked it crashed and clicking to reload something then got 2 crashes then 3 then 4 each time sending crashes and reloading something that crashed that could not send crash. Ubuntu-bug i choose security? There is no main bug reporting option14:44
tomreynKangarooo: if you'd like to report a bug about the bug reporting software, you'd file it against "apport" (after ensuring it has not been filed, yet).18:38
tomreynon a side note: this is a support question + answer, and support is in #ubuntu18:39
Kangaroooits apport that gave crashes? then all crashes that happened will be posted in bug report? tomreyn  ok18:39
tomreynKangarooo: crashes and crash reporting are handled by whoopsie, but it integrates with apport.18:40

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