
lotuspsychjegood morning02:27
Eickmeyerleftyfb: You of all people should know by now that all flavors of Ubuntu > 18.04 use the firefox snap. No exceptions. We cannot deviate or provide our own package. Furthermore, it's #ubuntustudio, not #ubuntu-studio.03:44
Eickmeyer*all supported flavors03:45
leftyfbEickmeyer: he insisted it was a fresh install of ubuntu studio and the only change he made was doing regular updates. So I thought maybe studio did things a little differently. I was wrong. Not the first time and won't be the last03:59
leftyfbI also joined #ubuntu-studio and saw you in there and assumed that was the right place03:59
leftyfbdid they get helped?04:00
Eickmeyerleftyfb: I forgot, it's aliased. And, sadly, there has been nothing but joins/parts for the past 10 hours in there, so no, they didn't even join.04:01
EickmeyerRedirects to other channels are less effective than you might think.04:01
MenzadorAlready supporting 802.11be when there aren't any devices on the general market for it - that's futureproofing if I ever saw it17:20
MenzadorAlso, preamble puncturing could be a game-changer17:21
pragmaticenigmaI wouldn't call it future proofing, because while 802.11be is a "standard" the vendors will inevitably make their implementation "special"17:26
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