[16:22] hi - i'm running ubuntu 22.04 and i received a kernel upgrade today to - it failed to reboot into that kernel as either default or recovery mode (attempting to use either returns me to grub with nothing in journalctl for the attempted boot) - selecting the previous kernel of 6.2.0-39 is ok though - had a couple of suggestions in the main #ubuntu channel to follow, but wondered if [16:22] this is a known issue? bug #2047590 (for 23.10) seems to be related [16:22] -ubottu:#ubuntu-kernel- Bug 2047590 in linux (Ubuntu) "6.5.0-14 kernel will not boot" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2047590 [16:22] Anyone experiencing modprobe:kernelloop issues with kernel 6.6 and 6.7. Can only boot using 6.5 ubuntu 24.04 on Dell XPS 8940 [16:24] Is kernel loop a known bug for kernel 6.6 and up? [16:28] Any kernel experts here? [16:46] Anyone experiencing issues with noble and kernels 6.6 and 6.7 [16:46] anyone? [16:46] roddy, can you post the exact error / trace? [16:47] roddy, moreover are you using the stock noble kernel or the mainline 6.6 / 6.7? [16:47] Problem is both kernels boot up but freeze when you get to modprobe:kernelloop [16:48] I'm using ubuntu 6.5 kernel with hold on 6.6 kernels. Both mainline and ubuntu 6.6 kernels have been tested. Unusable. [16:49] I have no idea what modprobe:kernelloop is, you mean the loopback module? [16:50] does it happen when the system is trying to mount the rootfs? maybe you can take a picture and post somewhere so we get a better idea of the issue [16:50] Yes if it is what it is. stock 6.5 kernel works... stock 6.6 needs patching. [16:50] lilo_booter, what's your kernel commandline? Remove quiet and splash and reboot into the broken kernel. That should at least give some console messages. [16:51] I can only boot up till it freezes on modprobe:kernelloop line. Nothing is saved in journal. [16:52] kernel 6.5 journalctl shows no issues as well as dmesg. [16:53] I think I need to see the exact message to better understand what's going on... [16:54] Just cannot get logs from kernel 6.6 or 6.7 due to freezeup during boot. I can take a picture of the screen when it freezes and upload. [16:57] I have quiet splash removed from default grub. I suspect it has to do with extra security and tpm2 or PTT whatever. Why does stock 6.5 have no issues hmmm [18:38] juergh: did that and rebooted - videod what came up, but saw no error - last frame captured before the screen went black and it rebooted http://geminidev.be/gilbert/~charlie/system/home/charlie/Pictures/Screenshots/Screenshot%20from%202024-01-10%2019-32-37.png - still nothing showing in journalctl [20:04] This may be too early to ask, but what kernel is 24.04 expected to ship with initially? Is 6.6 definitely going to be it since it's an LTS kernel, or is there a possibility that 6.7 or newer will end up being chosen? [20:06] Also if 6.6 is the one that is chosen, what time frame would be expected for a 6.7+ OEM kernel to be released? If there are docs with this kind of info already in them, I'd love to be pointed to them. [20:14] arraybolt3, it is not official yet, but the tentative plan for now is to go with 6.7 [20:15] nice, thank you for the info! [20:15] and I don't have any official doc at the moment, sorry, this is an unofficial info for now :)