
leftyfb   ( cat /etc/os-release ; uname -a ; apt-cache policy firefox ; snap list firefox ) | nc termbin.com 999900:00
leftyfbtry that00:00
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gennleftyf : its notresponding00:04
gennnothing hapens00:04
leftyfbgenn: what changes have you made to this default install of ubuntu 22.04?00:05
gennjust updeting and upgrading00:06
gennnothing more00:06
gennyou know sudo apt update00:06
gennsudo apt upgrade00:06
leftyfbgenn: run this:    which firefox00:07
leftyfbwhat does that give you?00:07
genni cant not see de version00:08
leftyfbwhat did it return?00:08
gennjust firefox we rowser00:09
leftyfbcopy and paste the results please00:09
gennehler: cannot list snaps: cannot communicate with server: Get http://localhost/v2/snaps?snaps=firefox: dial unix /run/snapd.socket: connect: connection refused00:12
leftyfbit says you don't have firefox installed00:12
leftyfbare you sure you didn't remove snap?00:13
leftyfbor is this some ubuntu derivative that removes snap?00:13
leftyfblowlatency kernel?00:14
leftyfbis this ubuntu studio?00:14
genni don't know, i didn't nothing extra becouse i dont hae a Big expirience whit this siste00:15
gennyes its uuntu studio00:15
leftyfbgenn: I would recommend /join #ubuntu-studio    I'm not sure what defaults they have setup00:16
gennthank you leftyfb i'll try00:19
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ooogabogabogaCan someone confirm if my conspiracy theory is true that george soros is behind ubuntu linux kernel and firefox and brainwashing kids. Ex: firefox pings location data every 5 seconds somewhere doing who knows what and from here on its jeffrey epstein all over again02:03
kotgcHi, is this the Ubuntu channel?02:04
kotgcI’m stuck in my iPhone as Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS is booting to a black screen.02:05
kotgcI’ve tried all these troubleshooting steps: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2494247&p=14174239#post1417423902:06
semguiverc, all I can tell you is that on my system (lubuntu 20.04) I get this: $ ls /usr/share/sounds/ ~~ alsa  freedesktop  GNUstep  sf2  sf3   ##also find doesn't find anything with 'desktop' in the name02:06
sembut I was able to download it from an old archive :)02:07
semso all good02:07
guiverchttps://packages.ubuntu.com/focal/ubuntu-sounds should be there ; contains these files - https://packages.ubuntu.com/focal/all/ubuntu-sounds/filelist02:08
guivercLubuntu doesn't support 20.04 (3 years for flavors), but Ubuntu 20.04 LTS is still supported (with LXQt an alternate desktop)..   I can't recall if I added sound files to this box or not...   i'll do a quick search02:09
guivercubuntu-sounds isn't installed here??  (I'm using Lubuntu/LXQt.. but my box is heavily modified & may have been pulled in with other stuff I added post-install)02:11
* guiverc does have ubuntu-desktop (GNOME) installed.. maybe that's how it was pulled in ...02:11
webchat79Does anyone experienced the dist-package outdated issue for cloud-init feature, since netplan requires single root permission, but the cloud-init feature NETPLAN_CONFIG_ROOT_READ_ONLY is still disabled in latest dist-package of Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, though the version of cloud-init is
RickNMortadelaOften people will ask, "Why does the Negro do this?" or "Why did the Negro do that?" It is pretty much akin to asking why dogs bark, why cats climb trees, or why birds fly. They just do — their primitive brains are hard-wired in a manner that is incompatible with Human logic.04:12
RickNMortadelaGod only knows what really goes on inside the chimp’s brain-pan, but we can identify certain behaviors that seem to be consistent among the species:04:12
RickNMortadela1) "LOOK-A-ME!" This is the basic 24-hour a day / 7 days a week behavior that the Negro employs to get attention. This is basically why Negroes wear the most idiotic outfits, have 10 pounds of fake "bling" around their necks, blare their stereos, talk at the top of their voice at all times, etc., etc. It is all a ploy to get noticed and stand out from the other members of the Chimp Pack in an attempt to get food, money, or sex.04:12
RickNMortadela2) "GIBS-MUH!" Now that the Negro has your attention, it will attempt to extort spare change, get free Government Cheese, FEMA checks, or even the rims off of your car. The Negro, suffering from an inferiority complex by nature, is also perpetually lazy and stupid, and therefore blames all of its problems on Whitey — seeking free handouts as a never-ending form of compensation for imagined wrongdoings.04:12
RickNMortadela3) "MUH-DIK" This is the primary driver of Negro behavior. Everything to a Negro revolves around sex — whether it’s with an unwilling victim, farm animals, patio furniture, a Brother on the "Down-Low", or a female member of it’s own species. Negroes have an unusually strong sex drive because basically the species would have died out 10’s of thousands of years ago if they weren't genetically programmed to screw even the uglies04:12
RickNMortadelat, most disgusting member of the opposite sex in response to Nature’s demand to perpetuate the species.04:12
mybalzitchoh hey, thats against the starlink AUP04:23
telgareithso, installed the latest ubuntu, I think all updates are installed. But, it's still OpenZFS 2.2.006:16
Kangarooowhat is swap name? swapfile? grep swap /etc/fstab07:21
Kangarooo/dev/mapper/vgkubuntu-swap_1 none            swap    sw07:21
Kangaroooin on kubutnu 22.04.3 shows swap07:21
Kangaroooi did swapoff -a and now cant find what is correct name for swap file07:21
Kangaroooso i would use the same name not like in tutorials swapfile. maybe now its called just swap?07:21
Kangarooodid sudo swapoff -a now cant do sudo swapon /swapfile07:27
Kangarooomaybe different file name?07:27
CosmicDJKangarooo: swapon -a ?07:28
Kangaroooyes thx CosmicDJ . now swapon --show07:30
KangaroooNAME      TYPE      SIZE USED PRIO07:30
Kangarooo/dev/dm-2 partition 1,9G   0B   -207:30
KangaroooSo where is my swap file so i overwrite it not make new named as in tutorials swapfile07:30
CosmicDJKangarooo: you don't have swapfile, you have a logical volume used for swap07:37
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KangaroooCosmicDJ: so i cant increase swap? i can add now more swap by making swapfile?08:32
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guivercKangarooo, you can use swapfile + swap partition; there maybe a slight overhead cost with 2x swap; but I've used both myself (adding swapfile when I needed extra swap beyond what my swap partition had allocated)11:41
lilo_booterrunning 22.04 here and just got a new kernel update - going from 6.2.0-39 to 6.5.0-14 - system does not boot with the 6.5.0 kernel - anyone know what's going on?12:20
d3vilSomething went wrong12:34
lilo_booterd3vil: yup - seems that way...12:41
dgutovHopefully you still have a grub entry with the previous kernel12:41
d3villilo_booter: it's just booting old, or new one hands the process? did you check boot log?12:42
lilo_booteryeah - no problems starting up with the old one12:42
lilo_booterit's the new one which is broken12:42
ravageWithout any errors messages it is impossible to help you really12:44
d3viljust enable log output and paste it here12:44
lilo_booterhmm - i get that - but when i try to boot from the 6.5.0 kernel either as default or in maintenance mode, it just reboots the entire box and goes back to grub - the only way to get a log is when i'm running on the old kernel, and as i said, that one is fine12:46
lotuspsychjelilo_booter: journalctl -b -1 to track a previous boot12:49
lilo_booterah - thanks :)12:49
lotuspsychjeor journalctl --list-boots12:49
d3villotuspsychje: if it reboots before systemd it will be empty12:50
lilo_booteryup - empty - all i see is 6.2.39 boots going back to december some time12:50
lilo_bootersorry 6.2.0-3912:50
d3viltry to add kernel params like panic=0 loglevel=5 and remove such params as quiet etc.12:51
lotuspsychjeok, then the forward way, press F1 at boot for text mode and see where it gets stuck12:51
lilo_booterok - i will have to pick this up after work though - actually kinda in a meeting right now :)12:51
lilo_booteralso tried that, think i saw an error but it flashed up quick and went before i could read it12:52
lilo_booterthanks for the help guys - will try some reboots in 4 hours or so...12:52
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ogra_lilo_booter, also, #ubuntu-kernel might be able to help ...12:57
lotuspsychjelilo_booter: maybe bug #2047590 related?13:08
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Bug 2047590 in linux (Ubuntu) "6.5.0-14 kernel will not boot" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/204759013:08
ioriacurrent for mantic is, the bug is for  6.5.0-14.14 , maybe you need to full-upgrade lilo_booter13:21
lotuspsychjeioria: he said he's on 22.04?13:23
ioriaoh, ok13:23
lotuspsychjeHWE then13:24
ioriathen he's using jammy-proposed13:24
lotuspsychjelinux-image-generic-hwe-22.04 (, jammy13:25
ioriai see13:26
lilo_booterexcellent - thanks for the continued info - but nope, i am not using jammy-poposed13:51
lilo_booteralso checked in sources.d dir and no proposed showing up there either13:53
iorialilo_booter, and can you boot the previous kernel ?13:55
lilo_booterioria: yup - previous kernel is fine14:08
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lilo_booterlotuspsychje: yup - that seems related, but as above, i am running 22.04 (22.04.3 according to /etc/issue), not 23.10 - so it's unclear to me why i would have got this specific kernel upgrade14:13
BluesKajHi all14:26
ravagekernel 6.5 is in the  linux-image-generic-hwe-22.04-edge package14:27
ravagei just got inux-image-generic-hwe-22.04-edge_6.
ravagewill tell you in a moment how my reboot goes14:28
ravageback on "6.5.0-14-generic #14~22.04.1-Ubuntu". booted fine14:32
lilo_booterravage: good to hear14:37
pavlosmy question: https://termbin.com/q08e14:42
pavlostoddc: shhhhh14:43
lilo_booterpavlos - don't use tabs to align things like that - try with printf like: printf "%8s %4d\n" hello 114:46
leftyfbpavlos: lilo_booter is correct. This would also be a perfect question for #bash14:48
pavlosleftyfb: sorry14:48
pavloslilo_booter: ty14:48
lilo_booternp :)14:49
leftyfbpavlos: no need to apologize. It's fine to ask here, but it's verymuch focused on bash and the folks in #bash are VERY good, though usually with a bit of an attitude14:49
pragmaticenigmapavlos: think of the line being broken up into blocks of 5 characters. Each tab will fill the remainder of a block. If the preceeding text ends on a complete block, you will get two full blocks for the tabs you defined. If the text does not, the tab will fill in the remainder of the current block. then add one more block.14:54
lbracherHello! I'm using Ubuntu 22.04 LTS and recently I'm experiencing a disconnection of almost all my USB devices. I could make them work again by restarting the computer, but even using this I'm not able to use them again. Here's a paste of dmesg with a grep for a USB device, could anyone help me with this? Thanks a lot! https://dpaste.org/UbqSe15:06
leftyfblbracher: try adding usbcore.autosuspend=-1 to your kernel parameters15:08
pragmaticenigmalbracher: Start with unplugging all devices, then add one at a time. The behavior sounds like one of your USB devices might be trying to draw too much power from the computer.15:11
leftyfbthey left15:12
pragmaticenigmaships passing in the night15:14
lbracherleftyfb, it worked for some seconds, until it got disconnected 42 seconds after reboot.15:17
pragmaticenigmalbracher: Start with unplugging all devices, then add one at a time. The behavior sounds like one of your USB devices might be trying to draw too much power from the computer.15:17
lbracherpragmaticenigma, I'll try that. Thanks!15:18
pragmaticenigmalbracher: or use a powered USB hub to connect your devices, such as a docking station with an external power supply.15:18
pragmaticenigmalbracher: or use a powered USB hub to connect your devices, such as a docking station with an external power supply.15:21
lbracherpragmaticenigma, looks like this is the answer! I'm using a cheap USB ethernet dongle, I decided to not connect it and just connect the mouse and the bluetooth, and it worked! Thanks!15:22
lbracherIt's probably draining so much current15:22
lbracherI need to buy one that uses external DC current15:22
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DeeJay2I'm running POP OS 22.04 (which is based on Ubuntu 22.04).15:55
DeeJay2I have a thinkpad P16s Gen2 AMD15:55
pragmaticenigma!popos | DeeJay215:55
ubottuDeeJay2: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official !flavors. Derivatives and other distributions use different software repositories and other software. Please use their dedicated support venues, such as: Linux Mint: #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org, Pop!_OS: https://support.system76.com/ , Kali Linux: #kali-linux on irc.oftc.net, LXLE: https://lxle.net/support-options/15:55
DeeJay2I use to work with an external monitor at home and now I'm out of home and notices that I can't work on my internal monitor15:55
DeeJay2I see that the prompt to decrypt my drive at boot is only showing on the external monitor..15:56
DeeJay2I can fill my password but I can't see it.15:56
pragmaticenigmaDeeJay2: Support for POP_OS! is not available here. Please stop and read the message ubottu tagged you on15:56
DeeJay2Even my ttys are on the external monitr...15:56
DeeJay2can't this part be the same as on ubuntu?15:57
pragmaticenigmano, if you were to go into #debian and ask about ubuntu, they'd tell you to come here even though Ubuntu is "based" on Debian.15:57
DeeJay2ok thank you15:57
lilo_booteroh - i had the same issues which lbracher had with a powered hub - drove me nuts - mouse would suddenly disappear - fixed it with echo -1 > /sys/module/usbcore/parameters/autosuspend16:07
lilo_booter(well, not just mouse - also jabra, webcam etc - but mouse was the one i noticed most of the time)16:08
derek-shnoshI'd like to change the default file type in Gnome Text Editor (when I save a new file) to .md from .txt, is this possible?16:17
pragmaticenigmaderek-shnosh: Unlikely, though when creating a file name, if you end it with .md it shouldn't change the file extention or add .txt16:22
derek-shnoshpragmaticenigma: yeah, was hoping to find a way to default it to .md so I don't have to clear .txt. 99.99% of the time I save/work in .md.16:23
pragmaticenigmaderek-shnosh: I'd choose a different editor that allows you that choice, or doesn't default. You could look into something like VSCodium16:28
derek-shnoshpragmaticenigma: thanks, I do use VScod* daily, but like to have a more basic editor open for my daily notes/etc.16:29
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FKAShinobi_Does ubuntu have any feature that allows backup to cloud providers?17:20
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leftyfbFKAShinobi_: a quick google search turned up duplicity and restic as both supporting multiple cloud providers17:26
pragmaticenigmaFKAShinobi_: In settings you can also attach your machine to a cloud provider, and just make it a point to save your documents and files in the folders that are sync'd with that service.17:27
FKAShinobi_leftyfb pragmaticenigma: Thank you. Restic is alpha and am unsure if it will be sufficient for a 7TB backup. I'll look at duplicity and attaching the machine to the provider directly. I assume attaching a cloud provider will look like any other mounted fs, correct?17:31
rfmFKAShinobi_, I just do a "aws s3 sync" to a bucket I've set up to keep a couple versions ...17:31
pragmaticenigmaFKAShinobi_: 7TB? my suggestion may not be the best choice for that much data. I was thinking you were interested in backing up personal documents, photos, and the like. Sounds like you're trying to do a full system backup17:34
pragmaticenigma(my assumption was thinking you were using something like Google Drive, Microsoft One Drive, Dropbox, or something similar)17:35
FKAShinobi_pragmaticenigma: Back up a NAS to rebuild it.17:35
johnfghi folks17:40
johnfgHopefully someone dealt with the vile stuff someone was spewing here on Monday.17:41
leftyfbFKAShinobi_: https://www.bestbuy.com/site/wd-easystore-8tb-external-usb-3-0-hard-drive-black/6425302.p?skuId=642530217:41
johnfgAnyway, for some reason, by 22.04 system sometimes doesn't connect to wifi.17:41
johnfgWhen it comes up, it doesn't even show it, and there's no way to start it in settings.  Is this a known problem?17:42
pragmaticenigmaFKAShinobi_: Agreed, do not back up your drive to the cloud for a system rebuilt. I would recommend purchasing a local storage device and save things there. Way too much could go wrong with expecting the cloud provider to be a good custodian of your data while your trying to rebyuild things.17:50
pragmaticenigmaFKAShinobi_: It will save you a lot of money, and then you have a local backup (which you should have anyways) to restore data if something were to go wrong with your server17:52
FKAShinobi_leftyfb pragmaticenigma: Thank you. I was considering mega.io because it costs ~$21.88 for 8TB storage and 8TB egress. The drive would be helpful for this backup. The NAS is being expanded to 14 TB so would need yet another drive to backup the NAS.17:55
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pavlostoddc: sent email18:00
Guest4090Hello from IRC server on WSL18:01
pragmaticenigmaFKAShinobi_: The cost looks nice at the beginning, until something doesn't go right and then you're stuck paying a bigger bill for the longer storage time or they have a price increase mid-operation.18:01
FKAShinobi_pragmaticenigma: Gotcha18:01
arraybolt3Also mega's file encryption is flawed and insecure, don't rely on them for safety (or any other cloud storage built-in encryption fornthat matter).18:09
arraybolt3*for that18:09
pragmaticenigmaarraybolt3: you need to qualify that with a reputable resource please18:09
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:09
arraybolt3pragmaticenigma: don't worry, I was on it :)18:09
arraybolt3leftyfb: valid18:10
leftyfbFKAShinobi_: a local storage copy will be quicker by a matter of days18:11
MenzadorActually I'm going to corollary this: Have MULTIPLE backups. Back it up to multiple places just in case, especially if the data possesses a level of significant importance18:18
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CosmicDJis there a page or blog about what's new in kernel 6.5 for 22.04 LTS?20:16
pragmaticenigmaCosmicDJ: http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/main/l/linux/20:27
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Kangaroooif in /var/crash/ i have files21:07
Kangarooofile:///var/crash/_usr_bin_dolphin.1000.uploaded this one is locked21:07
Kangarooothen they didnt send? because launchpad didnt open. or for some crashes launchpad dont open?21:07
leftyfbthere's no point in sending multiple of the same issue. Just delete them21:07
tomreynKangarooo: crash logs don't go to launchpad, they go to errors.ubuntu.com (via 'daisy'). To see the crashes your system reported so far: xdg-open https://errors.ubuntu.com/user/$(sudo cat /var/lib/whoopsie/whoopsie-id)21:24
magic_ninjaSo I had another mouse plugged in earlier. Despite rebooting, the options where still on that mouse.21:26
tomreynmagic_ninja: i think this is lacking context. you don't seem to have discussed this topic here previously.21:28
pragmaticenigmamagic_ninja: you started your support thread in #kde21:30
magic_ninjatomreyn, sorry about that, got confused21:30
tomreynno worries, i just thought i'd point it out since it looked like a loose thread.21:31
ph88is it possible to update the mesa driver? how can i do this ?21:54
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pragmaticenigmaph88: Any such thing would result in an unsupported system here. Updates are provided through Ubuntu's package management applications (apt, Ubuntu Software) which used supported package repositories.22:02
ph88ok i guess i wait for the next release then ^^22:03
pragmaticenigmaph88: Is there an issue with your computer that has resulted in you thinking you needed an upgraded version?22:06
ph88yes the graphics freeze and then i have to hit the reset button22:08
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JanCph88: you should file a bug report for such things; maybe it can be fixed...23:00
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pragmaticenigmadon't see how that's helpful JanC , untill someone has taken the time to try and triage to determine if in fact it's a bug, hardware failure, or system resource deficiency23:02
ph88maybe if it was a bug it is already solved in the new mesa version23:05
pragmaticenigmaph88: it's quite a leap to go from my graphics freeze, to assuming it's a new driver version required. drivers are just conduits that allow the software to talk to the hardware. there are many layers between what the application shows on the screen down to that driver level that could be the culprit.23:06
ph88it's not about what an application is showing, the whole screen freezes23:10
pragmaticenigmaph88: log files are were to start, then escalating to installing trace tools that attempt to capture and log system and kernel faults. There'a also the lack of you describing what you were doing when the graphics froze. Were you playing a game in steam, were you browsing the web, what was running on the computer before you left and came back to find it locked up23:11
ph88it's likely firefox crashing because of new hardware acceleration capabilities. But a userland program should not be able to crash the graphics like that. I assume driver problem23:13
pragmaticenigmaph88: did you try disabling hardware acceleration in Firefox? are you running X11 mode or Wayland. You're leaving out a lot of details. If there was a driver problem, you'd be experiencing this issue in multiple places. not just under one program.23:17
ph88no i didn't try to disable hardware acceleration, that's an idea i could try23:17
ph88i don't have many details23:17

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