=== kuraudo1 is now known as kuraudo [09:29] holmanb: shouldn't that just produce distro defaults? [14:30] meena: if no path_cfgs is provided, the defaults are hard-coded (`/run/cloud-init` for the run_dir attribute) [14:59] holmanb: oh… is there a way to ask distro for default Paths? [15:01] meena: I think that this is a chicken/egg in the case of the Paths call in stages [15:02] the egg was there first. but the thing that laid the egg wasn't quite a chicken, but then the thing that hatched from the egg was [15:03] well yes :) [15:03] the Init().distro property is populated by reading the system configuration.... which it gets from the Paths obect that is populated without a configuration [15:04] so maybe it doesn't matter in that case, if /run/cloud-init/ isn't used in getting the config path [15:06] but I haven't investigated that fully [15:11] and since the runtime config is stored in the ephemeral directory I'm guessing that this might actually matter [15:13] maybe it doesn't matter for discovering configured distro, but a re-read after identifying the distro might be required to get the datasource_list that ds-identify writes into /var/run/cloud-init/cloud.cfg, if the config that is read using Paths({}) gets cached anywhere