
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
arr3how do i dualboot kubuntu and windows 1102:30
guivercarr3, you should be able to install just Kubuntu using the 'install alongside' opton & both should boot (dual boot with grub the bootloader letting you choose which OS you wish to use for the session).   That is assuming fastboot/hibernate aren't active, no bitlocker etc enabled or used03:30
guiverc(fyi:  I purchased 5 machines last year & used the for QA installs; none suffered damage to windows 10/11 installs, no loss of files etc) and 4 booted exactly as expected post-install... the 5th required a fix before windows (10 in that case) booted successfully03:32
=== arraybolt3_ is now known as Guest4071
=== Guest4071 is now known as arraybolt3-kirc
BluesKajHi all13:02
kubuntuwhat is the kde name webcam thing?13:20
kubuntukde-based i mean13:21
Guest59gnome screenshot app not working15:44
BluesKajGuest59, try #ubuntu chat for gnome help15:49
=== rkratky__ is now known as rkratky
=== vincentr is now known as DarkosGahan
=== DarkosGahan is now known as Darkos
=== DarkosGahan is now known as Darkos

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