
arraybolt3Fixing up some IMO critical issues currently, I still hadn't added a way to enforce only one instance being running at a time, nor had I enabled displaying the window in a way other than by clicking a systray icon.00:05
arraybolt3well everyone's going to hate me for my commit message's verbosity (or lack thereof), but I had to change so many tiny things everywhere that I didn't feel a bunch of individual commits were worth the effort (especially not this early in Lubuntu Update's development history).03:03
arraybolt3so... pushing "A bunch of improvements" :P03:03
tsimonq2bah LGTM *rubber stamp*03:03
arraybolt3Will try to test it a bit more tomorrow and package it. (I didn't get to do a final "does this still update things properly?" test so I'm leery of calling this alpha-quality yet.)03:05
arraybolt3but by tomorrow there'll probably be new updates to install :D03:05
tsimonq2Sounds good!03:13
arraybolt3tsimonq2: currently attempting to supplant lubuntu-update-notifier with Lubuntu Update, and I have a question.04:13
arraybolt3I think the systemd-timer thing isn't necessarily a great idea, since it may attempt to run the updater before the user has even logged in.04:14
arraybolt3(I could be mistaken there but that's what it looks like to me.)04:14
arraybolt3Do you mind horribly if I just revert back to the autostart way we used to always do this?04:15
arraybolt3(also repeatedly executing the new updater will not have the intended effect - it is designed to run as a persistent background process. Re-launching it is how you force the window to appear.)04:16
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Are systemd timers both executed once on login and then again when scheduled, or just when scheduled?04:26
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> I'm really not a fan of any kind of persistent background service unless it's a completely separated daemon04:26
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Remember those issues we were having where the LXQt processes are still left hanging with the update notifier?04:27
lubot[telegram] <lynorian> I mean having a background storage running for the updater when not logged into lxqt would use resources if you logged into another desktop enviorment as well right04:27
arraybolt3umm, Lintian is b0rked04:28
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> That's the way it currently works/that's the bug but it's not by design04:28
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> yeah :(04:28
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> I didn't quite have time today to finish that up, but check the transition tracker04:28
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> May just be an NCR04:28
arraybolt3tsimonq2: yeah, I see what you're saying. I don't know how exactly systemd timers really work, I sort of assumed they just always executed when scheduled.04:28
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> *shrug* nah I get what you're saying, I dunno, those are just my thoughts, if you have something that works and is still resource efficient I'm game to hear it04:30
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> With Lintian... it's definitely broken on Sid right now but is Ubuntu broken too?04:31
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> What's happening arraybolt3?04:31
arraybolt3_tsimonq2: https://termbin.com/xugr04:33
arraybolt3_(sorry, my main IRC client went into hyper lag mode)04:33
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=== Guest4071 is now known as arraybolt3-kirc
arraybolt3-kirctsimonq2: https://termbin.com/xugr04:34
arraybolt3-kircdid that get through the first time?04:34
arraybolt3-kircI can't hardly see what's happening :P04:34
arraybolt3-kirclooks like my bouncer went down04:35
arraybolt3oh there now it works04:38
arraybolt3tsimonq2: I think that since we have other persistent services of sorts in LXQt (namely the panel, PCManFM-Qt, etc.), I'd like to *try* doing this the easy way since it seems cleaner. Iff it causes issues, we can use your hard systemd-based way.04:51
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> hahahahahaha looks like it's Perl NCR time04:55
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> *shrug* just test with loginctl and make sure that either SDDM or LXQt kills the session right :)04:56
arraybolt3yeah, that ought to work05:08
lubot[telegram] <Leokolb> Re Calamares @tsimonq2 selecting "about" on left hand side of installer has links to Calamares team etc but no internet set up until after reboot -16:10
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> If you happen to have the time could we please get a bug to track this? (re @Leokolb: Re Calamares @tsimonq2 selecting "about" on left hand side of installer has links to Calamares team etc but no internet set up until after reboot -)16:42
lubot[telegram] <Leokolb> Will do .. (re @tsimonq2: If you happen to have the time could we please get a bug to track this?)16:42
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Thank you :)16:43
lubot[telegram] <Leokolb> Subbmitted bug 2049088 (thought that this might have been reported before - but found nothing..  :) (re @tsimonq2: Thank you :))17:00
-ubottu:#lubuntu-devel- Bug 2049088 in calamares (Ubuntu) "Calamares install has links to external site but no browser until after install" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/204908817:00
tsimonq2So, after further investigation, yes, the core issue for this has been reported before: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/calamares/+bug/1981473 - that being said, this specific issue is not one that was in the scope of that bug report.17:25
-ubottu:#lubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 1981473 in calamares (Ubuntu) "Calamares fails to open 'donate' or 'Lubuntu support'" [High, Confirmed]17:25
tsimonq2IMO both are useful :)17:26
arraybolt3Back to work today on Lubuntu Update - I forgot that it needed a patched lxqt-sudo, and Palo made some serious improvements to my original patch which I need to test.18:55
arraybolt3so anyway, currently tangled up with that, also $DAYJOB may interrupt at any time, but that's what I'm on currently.18:56
arraybolt3also tsimonq2: anything wrong with the version number "1.0.0~alpha1" for the lubuntu-update-notifier package containing Lubuntu Update?18:57
arraybolt3looking hopeful19:18
arraybolt3alrighty, it works!19:20
arraybolt3well enough anyway - it appears to try to display the notification about updates a *little* too early when first booting, but it does start upon login.19:20
arraybolt3now to see if I can cause pileup19:20
arraybolt3woohoo, the session pileup bug is gone too!!!19:21
arraybolt3and you can even show the window without clicking the tray icon.19:21
arraybolt3So I'm going to label this a success and do some uploads.19:22
arraybolt3Collaborative development at its best - submit a PR that gets a PR submitted against it that you review and merge so that it can be merged into main :D19:24
arraybolt3patched lxqt-sudo uploaded19:42
arraybolt3Lubuntu Update 1.0.0~alpha1 now uploaded.19:51
arraybolt3it's probably going to depwait but I think the archive is supposed to autoretry those.19:51
arraybolt3(I made it so that it depended on an equal or greater version of lxqt-sudo as the one I had just uploaded)19:51
RikMillssometimes it takes its time to retry20:07
RikMills'ubuntu-build lubuntu-update-notifier noble-proposed retry' is a one liner to do it20:08
tsimonq2Sorry, just got back from lunch, walking into another meeting.20:10
tsimonq2+1 on what RikMills said - thanks for your help here arraybolt3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!20:10
arraybolt3Happy to! Everything is pushed to Git and uploaded to the archive.20:11
arraybolt3NOTE: lubuntu-update-notifier's repo *is untouched.*20:11
arraybolt3The new packaging and code is in the lubuntu-update repo.20:12
arraybolt3lubuntu-uodate-notifier's package on the other hand has been clobbered.20:12
tsimonq2roger roger :)20:13
tsimonq2Looks like the lxqt-sudo binaries will be published and good in the next hour, I'd set like a sleep 3200 or something :P20:14

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