
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Could someone please give this a second set of eyes? https://www.reddit.com/r/Lubuntu/s/aDINHNRBzD14:55
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> CC @lynorian in the unlikely case it's a documentation issue on our part ^^^^14:55
lubot[telegram] <eiabruh> why you won't tell him where the GUIs are (re @tsimonq2: Could someone please give this a second set of eyes? https://www.reddit.com/r/Lubuntu/s/aDINHNRBzD)14:56
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> maybe it's because I'm a developer but both Openbox settings and LXQt session settings have menu entries (re @eiabruh: why you won't tell him where the GUIs are)14:56
lubot[telegram] <eiabruh> I'll tell him to search for a better guide insted of running commands14:58
lubot[telegram] <eiabruh> im thatyolky btw, we talked on reddit some time ago14:58
lubot[matrix] <kc2bez> I don't think the keybinds for openbox are exposed in obconf. You have to manually edit those in the rc.xml15:03
lubot[telegram] <eiabruh> nope, there is a GUI part for that in LXQt preferences15:04
lubot[matrix] <kc2bez> That is lxqt-globalkeys and is separate from the openbox keybinds.15:06
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> I have a feeling this story will be better once we switch to Wayland15:08
lubot[matrix] <kc2bez> Hopefully. It is confusing having 2 places to look. The WM agnostic construction of LXQt is a disadvantage for experience here.15:11
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Completely agreed.15:24
lubot[telegram] <eiabruh> will we? (re @tsimonq2: I have a feeling this story will be better once we switch to Wayland)15:25
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> 24.10 is fully Wayland yeah (re @eiabruh: will we?)15:27
lubot[telegram] <eiabruh> sounds cool15:28
lubot[telegram] <lynorian> The reddit link is describing stuff in the rc.xml for openbox writing a response now21:00
lubot[telegram] <lynorian> ok just realizing looking at this file is somewhat wierd as we have alt shift up and alt shift down in there twice21:02
lubot[telegram] <lynorian> wait there is also a click action21:04
lubot[telegram] <Eickmeyer> Wait... what? 💀 (re @lynorian: ok just realizing looking at this file is somewhat wierd as we have alt shift up and alt shift down in there twice)21:05
lubot[telegram] <Eickmeyer> That can't be good.21:06
lubot[telegram] <lynorian> And what I have in the manual is for using those keys is the binding that doesn't seem to do anything...22:04

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