
=== rkratky__ is now known as rkratky
Noksehi everyone! 18:58
NokseI'm struggling with netplan, hostapd and systemd-networkd, trying to configure wireless adapter as acess point but without internet access, while server itself has access to internet via ethernet cable (this wifi network will be used to connect different IoT devices to Home Assistant on server). OS: ubuntu server 22.04, wpasupplicant already installed.19:03
Nokseor it is impossible that way and network manager should be used ?19:03
danilogondolfoHi, unfortunately the AP mode only works with network manager at the moment19:08
NokseOk, thank you. Initially I misunderstood line in man " Note that systemd-networkd does not natively support wifi, so you need wpasupplicant installed if you let the networkd renderer handle wifi. " as that it is possible to configure wifi ap with netplan and networkd if wpasupplicant is installed. Now I checked man once more and found " ap is only supported with NetworkManager"19:24
Nokseok, now I'm curious if there is/are any how-to's or examples, how to properly do it with network manager and netplan? because at the https://netplan.readthedocs.io/ there is none. a lot of different examples and how-to's but not about ap unfortuantely19:27
danilogondolfoThere is a feature request to support hostapd in Netplan, feel free to +1 it https://bugs.launchpad.net/netplan/+bug/204619019:27
danilogondolfosomething like this should work https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/nkr9hRRq7G/19:33
NokseThank you!) already googling about how to do it via network manager.19:36

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