
tsimonq2I figured out that debhelper-compat is showing up in check-mir, which is a part of ubuntu-dev-tools. Doing an upload to Sid which just denylists that so nobody wastes time on it.00:45
UnivrslSuprBoxtsimonq2: 2048953 re:grub-common and python3-apt01:02
UnivrslSuprBox*ahem* lp:204895301:03
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2048953 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "grub fails to add boot entries if python3-apt is missing" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/204895301:03
UnivrslSuprBoxI wonder if a dependency from any version of grub to python3-apt is strictly desirable, though maybe it's not bothersome given ubuntu-advantage-tools and cloud-init depend on it too.01:31
tsimonq2juliank, mkukri, bdmurray: ^^^^^ :)02:06
tsimonq2In other news, https://git.launchpad.net/ubuntu-dev-tools/commit/?id=e90ceaf26b3ea2d0f4249d9b7dde8403bd8f4178 denylists debhelper-compat.02:06
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Commit e90ceaf in ubuntu-dev-tools "In check-mir, ignore debhelper-compat when checking the build dependencies. This is expected to be a build dependency of all packages, so warning about it in any way is surely a red herring."02:06
tsimonq2I also added support for virtual packages in check-mir: https://git.launchpad.net/ubuntu-dev-tools/commit/?id=a5185e461226d671fe92744e6fe37f4239dd814902:06
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Commit a5185e4 in ubuntu-dev-tools "Add proper support for virtual packages in check-mir, basing the determination solely off of binary packages. This is not expected to be a typical case."02:06
tsimonq2That should be landing in Noble over the next 12-24.02:07
tsimonq2I gave Ben a haircut: https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-transition-trackers/ubuntu-transition-tracker/ben/revision/18403:31
tsimonq2Vim update building for Unstable which should fix this issue if anyone else has been annoyed like it like me: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vim/+bug/204798203:46
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2047982 in vim (Ubuntu) "Highlighting of patches offers insufficient contrast" [Medium, In Progress]03:46
mkukritsimonq2: do you have a usecase for grub being installed without python3-apt? if not i think we'll just add it to "Depends" for grub-common08:01
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bdrung@pilot in12:00
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Focal-Mantic | Patch Pilots: bdrung
adrienI'm continuing on the path of disabling TLS <= 1.1 and I'm wondering if anyone is aware of similar things in Debian: I don't think I've read anything about doing that across the distribution and I expect I would have heard a lot about it if it was the case, but I'd prefer a confirmation14:39
adrienthe reason I ask is to know whether I should push a corresponding change in rabbitmq through ubuntu or try to do it through debian14:40
UnivrslSuprBoxadrien: Do you have a thread somewhere where the work to disable TLS 1.1 and below is discussed?15:21
UnivrslSuprBoxmkukri: I don't have any specific need to have grub and not python3-apt. I can grumble about dependency creep, but pretty much everyone will have cloud-init or ubuntu-advantage-tools installed so it's no big deal. Adding python3-apt to grub-common's Depends is good.15:23
mkukriack, ive put it in TODO. ive merged grub 2.12 (non-rc1) for Debian on salsa, and that's coming soon, and then there's gonna be a  erge and uploads for all grubs in Ubuntu, so unless this is urgent for some reason, ill include this in that15:27
UnivrslSuprBoxNot urgent, I can install python3-apt manually and add a comment to the code to say why15:27
mkukriokay, ill try to remember putting your LP# in the changelog so youll get notified when it's out15:28
adrienUnivrslSuprBox: it's actually something fairly old by now but full implementation takes a lot of time; see https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/default-to-tls-v1-2-in-all-tls-libraries-in-20-04-lts/1246415:43
UnivrslSuprBoxadrien: Thanks. I haven't heard of a concerted effort within Debian, either.15:51
adrienOK; I would expect systemd-level drama on such a topic tbh15:54
sudipmkukri: you forgot to remove the maintainer change in d/control for the Debian debdiff for cunit :)16:04
* sudip is removing that now16:05
mkukriwoops, thank you16:05
sudipmkukri: have you seen the comment at https://bugs.debian.org/1057930 ? Specifically the line saying "Note that getmaxx(win) returns win->_maxx + 1, and similar for getmaxy.". if that is true then your patch will be adding 1 to all x and y.16:10
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Debian bug 1057930 in src:cunit "cunit: FTBFS: invalid use of incomplete typedef ‘WINDOW’ {aka ‘struct _win_st’}" [Serious, Open]16:10
mkukrioh oh16:12
mkukriah that is rather annoying, i fixed up the same thing in multiple packages, so probably all need fixed16:15
mkukrisudip: im in a meeting now, but i can prepare updated patches later16:18
sudipmkukri: dont worry about cunit, I will fix it for you.16:18
mkukriok thanks, but i think ncurses-hexedit and probably the already uploaded clog has the same issue as well16:20
mkukri(no clog was different, newer mind, but ncurses-hexedit defenitely has this)16:20
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sudipgetmaxx and getmaxy is not used in ncurses-hexedit debdiff16:24
mkukriah if this is all, that is great16:24
mkukrii was just remembering ncurses16:24
bdrung@pilot out16:46
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Focal-Mantic | Patch Pilots: N/A
kanashiro@pilot in16:57
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Focal-Mantic | Patch Pilots: kanashiro
tsimonq2sudip: Thank you for helping mkukri with the NMUs, I appreciate it :)17:26
tsimonq2mkukri: grub2 cc UnivrslSuprBox> To my understanding, python3-apt is a part of the core Ubuntu platform. UnivrslSuprBox works on a project that essentially rebuilds the Ubuntu archive, so his dependencies are slightly more relaxed. I think it is reasonable (and in fact, important) to explicitly define that dependency if grub2 expects to use it.17:28
UnivrslSuprBoxAnd I'm happy to put in effort to make my weird usecase work correctly! At the very least, you can expect high-quality bug reports from me :)17:29
tsimonq2^^^^^ :)17:47
tsimonq2Looks like there's now eight source NEW packages in the queue.17:50
tsimonq2kanashiro: Do you plan on reviewing any of those? Any that I should avoid?17:50
tsimonq2Eickmeyer, arraybolt3: Great opportunity to get some practice patch piloting for source NEW ^^^^ :)17:50
tsimonq2jjohansen: https://code.launchpad.net/~enr0n/ubuntu/+source/apparmor/+git/apparmor/+merge/458453 may interest you17:51
Eickmeyertsimonq2: Yeah, got my hands full cooking a Raspberry Pi at the moment. (pun intended)17:53
tsimonq2Eickmeyer: Save me a slice! :D17:53
tsimonq2In case anyone else is curious on where the .sbuildrc is for Launchpad builders: https://git.launchpad.net/launchpad-buildd/tree/sbuildrc18:01
tsimonq2Dear whoever wrote this comment: you may not have known how much sense it made then, but it makes tons of sense to me now, and it fixed an issue I had:18:04
tsimonq2    # It's not clear how much sense this makes, but sudo set this as a18:04
tsimonq2    # fallback default, so keep it for compatibility.18:04
tsimonq2    'TERM' => 'unknown',18:04
tsimonq2(I don't plan on making an LP to launchpad-buildd just to update a comment. :P)18:04
* tsimonq2 really really wishes Launchpad's Git could do blame so I can thank them without cloning the repo...18:06
kanashirotsimonq2 sorry, you can review whatever you prefer, just add a comment saying so and we avoid any double review18:40
tsimonq2kanashiro: Roger that :)20:10
tsimonq2Just verified that bug 2047982 is fixed in Debian via a new upstream release. Uploaded that to Sid, will upload to Noble shortly, should affect Vim syntax highlighting for all Noble users.20:45
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Bug 2047982 in vim (Ubuntu) "Highlighting of patches offers insufficient contrast" [Medium, In Progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/204798220:45
arraybolt3https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/virtualbox/+bug/2049104 New HWE kernel in Jammy breaks VBox for everyone.20:58
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2049104 in virtualbox (Ubuntu) "Virtualbox 6.1.38 not compatible iwith kernel 6.5.0-14-generic" [Undecided, New]20:58
arraybolt3(not my bug report, but this looks pretty, uh, bad.)20:59
arraybolt3looks like VBox 6.1.46 is the earliest one that fixes it.21:00
tsimonq2arraybolt3: so uh, bug 2017101 has been ready to go for months now21:01
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Bug 2017101 in virtualbox-hwe (Ubuntu Mantic) "[SRU] Virtualbox 7.0.12 and 6.1.48" [Undecided, In Progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/201710121:01
arraybolt3"Linux Host: Added initial support for kernel 6.5 (NOTE: Guest Additions do not support kernel 6.5 yet)"21:01
arraybolt3tsimonq2: hmm21:02
tsimonq2arraybolt3: I just pinged both the release team and SRU team very loudly (although the former is just to get more coverage).21:02
tsimonq2You all know how many people use VirtualBox, right?21:02
tsimonq2I mean, I'm not one of them :P but a lot21:02
arraybolt3thanks, I'll be happy to be the guinea pig for verifying.21:02
arraybolt3yeah I use it sometimes :P21:02
tsimonq2arraybolt3: please :)21:02
tsimonq2Currently, ALL this SRU is waiting on is for someone to review it.21:03
tsimonq2I *will* be poking until someone does now, given this is a regression in a stable release.21:04
bdmurrayI seem to recall there being questions about the validity of the microrelease exception for virtualbox. https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2023-September/005787.html21:09
tsimonq2Well, now it's snowballed into something bigger.21:11
EickmeyerImagine how much work is being lost right now because of this.21:18
kanashiro@pilot out21:40
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Focal-Mantic | Patch Pilots: N/A
kanashirois there any process to add a epoch to a version string of a package? For instance, in Debian, we need to mail debian-devel to discuss with other developers, but I did not find anything like that in Ubuntu21:45
kanashiroI am asking because of this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/backport-iwlwifi-dkms/+bug/204687121:45
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2046871 in backport-iwlwifi-dkms (Ubuntu) "migrate to upstream release/coreNN branch" [High, In Progress]21:45
tsimonq2kanashiro: IME it's a bit more loose/consensus based.21:45
tsimonq2Please don't let this come across wrong but ABSOLUTELY ALWAYS 100% ALWAYS be sure an Epoch is ABSOLUTELY necessary.21:46
tsimonq2Otherwise IMO Ubuntu can move a bit faster than that :)21:46
kanashiroby default I always try to avoid that, but in this case might be the solution. Or maybe there is a better way out that I am not seeing it. More opinions are welcome21:49
tsimonq2I would triple-check that upstream's naming scheme is what the sponsoree is suggesting. Otherwise, this does seem like one of the rare times you'd use it.21:50
jbichakanashiro: what about using 1:0~84 instead of 1:84 . That allows for further tweaks of the version system before needing another epoch bump21:53
kanashirojbicha fair enough, good point21:56
kanashiroI'll add a comment to the bug with all those considerations, I am not so confident to upload this right away21:57
tsimonq2It's better to not upload than upload when you're unsure. :)21:58
arraybolt3can autopkgtest-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud actually specify how much RAM the VM is intended to have? Looking at the manpage it kind of looks like that, but it seems weird to me since I thought all it did was build the VM disk image.23:09
bdmurrayarraybolt3: I don't think it can but when you load the built image with qemu you can adjust the amount of ram23:18
bdmurraysomething like `autopkgtest ... -- qemu --ram-size=8192 --cpus=4 /srv/vms/autopkgtest-lunar-amd64.img`23:19
bdmurrayI use that for checking locally if big_packages will help23:19

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