
bhechingerIsn't there a tool that shows midi messages? I could have sworn there was.10:43
bhechingerI found midisnoop. :-D23:04
bhechingerAlso, this firewire card has two chips on it (2 ports each) but how do I tell which pci device the audio is connected to?23:05
EickmeyerYeah, no clue.23:13
* Eickmeyer doesn't have firewire23:13
bhechingernone of the ffado tools seem to show that, sadly.23:15
bhechingerI wonder if there is a way to watch that.23:15
Eickmeyerlspci | grep firewire? idk, tbh23:16
bhechingerThat shows me the two controllers but not what's connected to them sadly23:18
EickmeyerYeah, I have no clue how to even do that.23:29
oerheksIIRC When the hw port is unused, the /dev/fw0 device does not exist23:43

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