
xu-irc0wthe link quality on this headset is stuck at 10 percent00:07
xu-irc0wcan anyone please respond?00:07
xu-irc0won further experimentation, it looks like the problem is my external bluetooth dongle00:12
xu-irc0wwhich is annoying because it's long range, without it i don't get audio throughout the apartment00:12
xanguaSo you're using a dongle that is probably Bluetooth 2.0 or something (?)00:38
xu-irc0wthis is what i'm using00:40
xanguaWhat Xubuntu release?00:43
xu-irc0wwhere would i find that info?00:52
xubuntu42dpls how can I add my self as sudoer in my Xubuntu?16:00
=== xubuntu42d is now known as Muhammad
xu-irc0wok for some reason i can't fathom, both my long range bluetooth dongles won't work on linux19:35
xu-irc0wthe audio is very choppy, and it won't even pair to my new shokz headset19:36
xu-irc0wthe onboard works fine19:36
xu-irc0wbut without the dongles, my bluetooth audio range is limited to only half the apartment19:36
diogenes_Vx15 xu-irc0w when did you buy those dongles?19:41
xu-irc0wthe new one i bought yesterday19:41
xu-irc0wthe old one i bought about four months back at least19:41
xu-irc0wboth have the same problem19:41
diogenes_Vx15xu-irc0w, that's expected for the newest hardware, you don't just go and buy anything brand new made exclusively for windows and expect it to work flawlessly on Linux, if you wanted to have a good Linux experience you should have done a little research before buying. It's very little you can do now only hope for the best in the future, you might also try a newer kernel and see if you are lucky.19:45
xu-irc0wso you're telling me i should have bought a bluetooth dongle on ebay19:46
xu-irc0winstead of amazon19:46
xu-irc0wwell i have a ninja kernel installed on the laptop already, installing it on the desktop isn't such a bad idea19:46
diogenes_Vx15xu-irc0w, doesn't matter where you buy the dongle from, the only thing that matters is whether that thing is supported on Linux.19:47
diogenes_Vx15so if you have ninja kernel then plug those dongles there and see if they work.19:47
xu-irc0wis there a place where i can check for compatibility?  amazon is trash when it comes to searching for linux specific hardware.19:47
xu-irc0wthe behavior is a little screwy on the ninja kernel19:50
xu-irc0wbut it did pair19:50
xu-irc0wthe new dongle dropped the connection once i left the room19:56
xu-irc0wthe old one seems to work on the ninja kernel just fine19:56
diogenes_Vx15so it's not that hopeless then.19:57
xu-irc0wthe bose headset works flawlessly on the ninja kernel19:58
xu-irc0wlooks like i should install that by default from now on19:59
xu-irc0wtrying to find the one i used for the laptop19:59
xu-irc0winstalling now20:01
xu-irc0wit was the xanmod kernel20:01
xu-irc0wevery linux install really is a frankenstein isn't it?20:01
xu-irc0wit should automatically boot to the ninja kernel right?  or do i have to select it every time the computer starts?20:02
xu-irc0wlooks like it defaults to the newer kernel20:05

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