
=== home is now known as augusto_22
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
aienaI am trying to get tightvnc to work with kubuntu but failing. Does anyone have experience setting it up?01:52
aienaInitially I got a grey screen with a mouse.01:53
aienathen I reran the vnserver command with ' vncserver :1 -geometry 1920x1080 -depth 24 -dpi 96 -localhost' then in KRDC it appears to connect and show KDE with a rapidly spinning settings logo and then the screen becaomes a bunch of grey dots01:54
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vincejvif i install kde on my ubuntu install, should i still consider it a ubuntu distro? or converted to kubuntu?04:43
arraybolt3vincejv: If you install KDE on your Ubuntu Desktop install, you will end up with a badly broken GNOME session. I would recommend against doing that.04:45
vincejvaight, too late tho, ive installed it a month ago04:47
arraybolt3oh, and it works? Nice.04:47
vincejvwoth wayland lol04:47
vincejvkde wayland04:47
arraybolt3Installing KDE on a different flavor of Ubuntu won't really give you a "converted" install, but more of a "hybrid" install (or a "mutant" one if things go awry). Your KDE session would be Kubuntu, your GNOME session Ubuntu Desktop, and other sessions the other flavors, but all in the same install of Ubuntu.04:47
arraybolt3It doesn't always work to do things like that, but at least one Lubuntu tester I work with frequently is well-known for making hybrid installs like this and he seems to be able to do it just fine :P I'm too scared to try XD04:48
vincejvwith latest kernel, living on the edge04:48
vincejvill probably use bcachefs soon lol since its released on 6.7 linux04:49
vincejvtruly on the edge04:49
arraybolt3Last time I tried a combined GNOME+KDE installation, things went so wrong :P nice going making it actually work04:50
arraybolt3anyway, I should stop going off-topic04:50
vincejvthe unstable part really is kde+wayland but the hybrid setup works okay, ive also removed gnome and it's applications04:50
vincejvitll prolly break during distro-upgrade04:51
LordDragonhey all05:19
LordDragonim using wayland and have installed the nvidia proprietary drivers but for some reason when i check glxinfo and such, it shows opengl as using Mesa and alot of my games wont load05:23
LordDragoni can see in "Additional Drivers" that proprietary is enabled and active05:23
LordDragoni even switched to nouvea and back again to reinstall them but same resul;t05:24
LordDragonalso when i open the Nvidia GPU tool, most of the sections are missing05:24
LordDragonhas anyone ever heard of this problem? not sure what else i can check/do05:24
user|61How to update drivers on Kubuntu07:17
skramerThere is a regression with 6.5 kernels that prevents to start VirtualBox VMs. Does anybody know a solution?07:52
skramerMeanwhile, I keep running the 6.2 kernel07:52
=== TomTom_ is now known as TomTom
=== skramer_ is now known as skramer
StyXmanI'm (re)trying plasma wayland after a long time and I just noticed the session starts w/o the ssh-agent. how can I add it?09:38
StyXmanthis? https://forums.opensuse.org/t/plasma-wayland-etc-questions/145796/209:41
=== porta_mentale is now known as p4aoo
BluesKajHi all13:27
=== wodencafe2 is now known as wodencafe
x__I have this issue where the keyboard layout in Kubuntu seems to be stuck on US layout, setting up a GB layout in setting -> input  -> keyboard does nothing14:09
x__anyone ever come across this one?14:09
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x__My keyboard layout not changing to GB from US seems like an real old bug thats been closed a miloion times in Cinnamon, Kubuntu and ubuntu itself16:01
x__I have this issue where the keyboard layout in Kubuntu seems to be stuck on US layout, setting up a GB layout in setting -> input  -> keyboard does nothing19:58
x__I asked this question eralier on and got no response, am I in the correct place or is this just a hard or uncommon thing to fix20:04
x__thank god for this channel, the most useful channel on earth20:19
arraybolt3x__: sometimes it takes a while for someone who can help to see20:19
arraybolt3this is the correct place20:19
x__thankyou! there is people here, that is re-assuring20:19
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=== pat is now known as itzsavag3
marvilaIs there anyone really here?22:43

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