=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [12:07] -queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- Packageset: Added picom-conf to lubuntu in noble [19:49] !standup [19:49] @tsimonq2 @lynorian @HMollerCl @aptghetto @teward001 @kc2bez @The_LoudSpeaker wxl[m] guiverc @N0um3n0 @leokolb @KGIII — It's 2100 UTC Thursday which means it's time for the Lubuntu Development standup meeting. Please announce yourself for roll call! Then, in order of announcement, post your items, and be sure to mention when you're done. [19:49] I'm mass pinging because this is important. You all know I rarely put my foot down unless I really absolutely need to. [19:49] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/mantic/+source/virtualbox-hwe/+bug/2017101 [19:49] -ubottu:#lubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2017101 in virtualbox-hwe (Ubuntu Focal) "[SRU] Virtualbox 7.0.12 and 6.1.48" [Undecided, In Progress] [19:50] We need testing on that, yesterday. I'm working at it, arraybolt3 is working at it, but the more people the better. [19:50] I am stopping just short of telling everyone to clear their schedule, because I really don't do that to volunteers, but if anyone has any free time, *any* testing help is appreciated. [19:50] I have Mantic under control. If someone wants to pick up Lunar that would be appreciated. [19:51] also Jammy requires twice the work of Lunar because it needs both the GA and HWE kernels tested. [19:51] so if someone wants to do half of that, also helpful. [19:51] Just finishing up with the GA kernel with Jammy now [19:52] tsimonq2: to be vlear you followed the test plan bdmurray shared in the bug right? [19:52] *clear [19:52] Correct. [19:52] perfect [19:52] [telegram] @guiverc ^^^ [19:52] I'm at the tail end of Mantic now [19:54] shoooooot hit a regression [19:54] man I hope this is transient [19:54] what kind of regression >_M [19:54] *>_< [19:55] major graphical issues in a Mantic VM after using auto resize [19:55] Is it a *regression*? [19:55] Problems =/ regressions [19:55] no clue yet [19:55] Sounds good, thanks [19:55] it may have just been a transient issue [19:55] * tsimonq2 knows we're all crossing our fingers that it is........... [19:56] To catch anyone up who hasn't been following, VirtualBox is now unusable on Jammy with an HWE kernel. [19:56] This is with the 6.5 update. [19:56] nope, not transient [19:56] F$%^ [19:56] !language | tsimonq2 [19:56] tsimonq2: Please see my private message [19:57] https://imgur.com/a/vAp64hq [19:57] so... yeah. [19:58] anyway, carrying on as if it wasn't an issue so I can test for a real regression soonish [19:58] I didn't get to a Linux guest yet but I did get to Windows, and that does seem fine. [19:58] yeah Windows worked well [19:58] but a Mantic guest did that mess [20:00] might not be VBox's fault actually [20:00] enabling 3d accel fixed it :P [20:29] [telegram] I don't have any machines with virtual box on them [20:40] doing the regression test finally, removing the VirtualBox Guest Additions from my existing VM turned out to be far easier said than done [20:41] so I'm having to make a whole new VM >_< [20:41] I'm not going to manage to do Lunar today I don't think, the Linux half of the testing has been a huge time sink [20:41] which is funny, I expected Windows to give me a harder time [20:41] this btw is why I **hate** VirtualBox [21:01] WOOHOO it's not a regression! [21:01] 🎉 [21:01] I can reproduce the screen corruption with VBox 7.0.10 (the earlier version in Mantic). [21:06] Alright, Release 1/4 conquered! [21:07] Trying Lunar now. [21:07] I can'tguarantee I'll finish today, but I'm gonna try :) [22:34] Lunar Windows testing passed. [22:37] I'm going to try to cram in the Linux part but I think I'm likely to miss it. [22:37] if I do miss it today, I'll finish tomorrow night. [22:47] yeah I'm definitely going to miss it, the installations are just taking too long and I have to be gone by 5:17 PM CST. However, things are looking hopeful! [22:47] * arraybolt3 kicks myself for having had two major boffos during the installation of Mantic that, if avoided, might have given me enough time to finish [22:48] (actually three major boffos, one with the hardware install, two with VM installs) [23:02] TIL Ubuntu Desktop 23.04 installs updates at OS install time by doing a separate apt installation on almost every single individual package rather than updating them all at once, making the update take waaaaaaaaay longer than it should have to. [23:03] it literally took longer to install Lunar than it took to install and test Windows. So. I'm going to sign off for the day, and pick up tomorrow night.