
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
Guest98Hi, Where can I get the live version?05:55
guivercGuest98, all Lubuntu ISOs released after 2018-May have been live (ie. all LXQt releases & re-spins of 18.04 we no longer support)05:58
guiverc(in 2018-April, or 18.04, we provided an alternate ISO for low-RAM machines that was NOT live; as the live required RAM which meant the intaller wouldn't run, non-live allowed lower RAM installs)06:00
dragon_is snap updates in terminal still done? I get conflicting information. I just did a "snap refresh" in terminal, and it did upgrade something there.17:21
dragon_it was firefox, previously I have had discord snaps too17:21
dragon_I have to shut down my computer, but I will be back in a couple of hours 17:33
=== warmana1 is now known as warmana

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