
KGB-Xnautilus pipeline Jeremy Bicha 624682 * pending (extract-source: pending; autopkgtest: created; lintian: created; reprotest: created; test-crossbuild-arm64: created; test-build-all: created; test-build-any: created; piuparts: created; blhc: created; build source: created; build i386: created; build: created)00:08
KGB-Xnautilus pipeline Jeremy Bicha 624682 * running (extract-source: running; autopkgtest: created; lintian: created; reprotest: created; test-crossbuild-arm64: created; test-build-all: created; test-build-any: created; piuparts: created; blhc: created; build source: created; build i386: created; build: created)00:09
KGB-Xnautilus pipeline Jeremy Bicha 624682 * [5 minutes and 38 seconds] failed (test-build-any: skipped; test-build-all: skipped; build i386: failed; test-crossbuild-arm64: skipped; blhc: skipped; piuparts: skipped; reprotest: skipped; lintian: skipped; build: failed; autopkgtest: skipped; build source: success; extract-source: success)00:14
KGB-Xnautilus pipeline Jeremy Bicha 624692 * pending (extract-source: pending; piuparts: created; blhc: created; autopkgtest: created; lintian: created; reprotest: created; test-build-all: created; test-build-any: created; build source: created; build i386: created; test-crossbuild-arm64: created; build: created)01:41
KGB-Xnautilus pipeline Jeremy Bicha 624692 * running (extract-source: running; piuparts: created; blhc: created; autopkgtest: created; lintian: created; reprotest: created; test-build-all: created; test-build-any: created; build source: created; build i386: created; test-crossbuild-arm64: created; build: created)01:41
KGB-Xnautilus pipeline Jeremy Bicha 624692 * [16 minutes and 55 seconds] failed (reprotest: failed; piuparts: success; test-build-any: success; test-build-all: success; autopkgtest: success; test-crossbuild-arm64: failed; lintian: success; blhc: success; build i386: success; build: success; build source: success; extract-source: success)01:58
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
=== mateus-morais2 is now known as mateus-morais
seb128goood morning desktopers!08:52
KGB-Xnautilus pipeline Jeremy Bicha 624880 * pending (blhc: created; autopkgtest: created; lintian: created; test-crossbuild-arm64: created; test-build-all: created; test-build-any: created; extract-source: pending; build source: created; build i386: created; piuparts: created; build: created)10:48
KGB-Xnautilus pipeline Jeremy Bicha 624880 * running (extract-source: running; blhc: created; autopkgtest: created; lintian: created; test-crossbuild-arm64: created; test-build-all: created; test-build-any: created; build source: created; build i386: created; piuparts: created; build: created)10:48
KGB-Xnautilus pipeline Jeremy Bicha 624880 * [10 minutes and 26 seconds] failed (piuparts: success; test-build-any: success; autopkgtest: success; lintian: success; test-crossbuild-arm64: failed; test-build-all: failed; blhc: success; build i386: success; build: success; build source: success; extract-source: success)10:59
KGB-Xnautilus pipeline Jeremy Bicha 624880 * [10 minutes and 26 seconds] running (test-build-all: pending; piuparts: success; test-build-any: success; autopkgtest: success; lintian: success; test-crossbuild-arm64: failed; blhc: success; build i386: success; build: success; build source: success; extract-source: success)10:59
KGB-Xnautilus pipeline Jeremy Bicha 624880 * [13 minutes and 5 seconds] success (test-build-all: success; piuparts: success; test-build-any: success; autopkgtest: success; lintian: success; test-crossbuild-arm64: failed; blhc: success; build i386: success; build: success; build source: success; extract-source: success)11:02
KGB-Xnautilus Jeremy Bicha 454527 * commented merge request !18 * https://deb.li/ryMv11:48
KGB-Xgdm signed tags 6bc965e Marco Trevisan ubuntu/45.0.1-1ubuntu2 * gdm3 Debian release 45.0.1-1ubuntu2 * https://deb.li/3kJvs16:13
KGB-Xgdm ubuntu/latest 6ee4cf6 Marco Trevisan (Treviño) debian/patches/ series gdm-pam-extensions-Install-gdm-custom-json-pam-extension..patch * debian/patches: Cherry-pick fix to install GDM's custom JSON proto header * https://deb.li/iWMtU16:13
KGB-Xgdm ubuntu/latest 1c3aace Marco Trevisan (Treviño) debian/changelog * Update changelog * https://deb.li/pVrF16:13
KGB-Xgdm ubuntu/latest 849ca58 Marco Trevisan (Treviño) debian/changelog * Upload to noble * https://deb.li/3jxT116:13
Trevinhoseb128, jbicha: could you sponsor that? ^^^16:14
Trevinhoas it's blocking SSSD16:14
bandalilissyx, seb128, hiya, i'd be happy to meet as early as 8am US/Eastern time (UTC-5), but it sounds like it was agreed that our usual meeting time should be fine and 30m be enough? which works for me as well16:19
lissyxlet's not change things16:19
bandali(also sorry i didn't see your messages until a bit later in the day, by which point you were no longer logged in)16:19
KGB-Xxdg-desktop-portal-gnome pipeline Simon McVittie 624992 * pending (blhc: created; autopkgtest: created; lintian: created; reprotest: created; test-crossbuild-arm64: created; test-build-all: created; test-build-any: created; build source: created; build i386: created; extract-source: pending; piuparts: created; build: created)16:26
KGB-Xxdg-desktop-portal-gnome pipeline Simon McVittie 624992 * running (extract-source: running; blhc: created; autopkgtest: created; lintian: created; reprotest: created; test-crossbuild-arm64: created; test-build-all: created; test-build-any: created; build source: created; build i386: created; piuparts: created; build: created)16:26
KGB-Xxdg-desktop-portal-gnome pipeline Simon McVittie 624992 * [8 minutes and 15 seconds] success (test-crossbuild-arm64: success; test-build-any: success; reprotest: success; piuparts: success; test-build-all: success; autopkgtest: success; lintian: success; blhc: success; build i386: success; build: success; build source: success; extract-source: success)16:34
seb128Trevinho, if jbicha doesn't get to it today I will upload by Monday17:52
KGB-Xxdg-desktop-portal-gnome pipeline Simon McVittie 625019 * pending (reprotest: created; test-crossbuild-arm64: created; test-build-all: created; test-build-any: created; build source: created; build i386: created; extract-source: pending; piuparts: created; blhc: created; autopkgtest: created; lintian: created; build: created)18:03
KGB-Xxdg-desktop-portal-gnome pipeline Simon McVittie 625019 * running (extract-source: running; reprotest: created; test-crossbuild-arm64: created; test-build-all: created; test-build-any: created; build source: created; build i386: created; piuparts: created; blhc: created; autopkgtest: created; lintian: created; build: created)18:03
KGB-Xxdg-desktop-portal-gnome pipeline Simon McVittie 625021 * pending (piuparts: created; reprotest: created; test-crossbuild-arm64: created; test-build-all: created; test-build-any: created; build source: created; build i386: created; extract-source: pending; blhc: created; autopkgtest: created; lintian: created; build: created)18:06
KGB-Xxdg-desktop-portal-gnome pipeline Simon McVittie 625021 * running (extract-source: running; piuparts: created; reprotest: created; test-crossbuild-arm64: created; test-build-all: created; test-build-any: created; build source: created; build i386: created; blhc: created; autopkgtest: created; lintian: created; build: created)18:07
KGB-Xxdg-desktop-portal-gnome pipeline Simon McVittie 625019 * [6 minutes and 34 seconds] success (piuparts: success; reprotest: success; test-crossbuild-arm64: success; test-build-any: success; autopkgtest: success; lintian: success; test-build-all: success; blhc: success; build source: success; build i386: success; build: success; extract-source: success)18:10
KGB-Xxdg-desktop-portal-gnome pipeline Simon McVittie 625021 * [7 minutes and 50 seconds] success (reprotest: success; test-crossbuild-arm64: success; piuparts: success; test-build-any: success; autopkgtest: success; lintian: success; blhc: success; test-build-all: success; build source: success; build: success; build i386: success; extract-source: success)18:14
KGB-Xxdg-desktop-portal-gnome pipeline Simon McVittie 625067 * pending (extract-source: pending; piuparts: created; blhc: created; autopkgtest: created; lintian: created; reprotest: created; test-crossbuild-arm64: created; test-build-all: created; test-build-any: created; build source: created; build i386: created; build: created)19:24
KGB-Xxdg-desktop-portal-gnome pipeline Simon McVittie 625067 * running (extract-source: running; piuparts: created; blhc: created; autopkgtest: created; lintian: created; reprotest: created; test-crossbuild-arm64: created; test-build-all: created; test-build-any: created; build source: created; build i386: created; build: created)19:31
KGB-Xxdg-desktop-portal-gnome pipeline Simon McVittie 625067 * [14 minutes and 46 seconds] success (piuparts: success; autopkgtest: success; lintian: success; blhc: success; test-crossbuild-arm64: success; test-build-any: success; test-build-all: success; reprotest: success; build i386: success; build: success; build source: success; extract-source: success)20:40
KGB-Xgnome-control-center signed tags ae86ef1 Jeremy Bicha ubuntu/1%46_alpha-2ubuntu1 * gnome-control-center Debian release 1:46~alpha-2ubuntu1 * https://deb.li/69C022:17
KGB-Xgnome-control-center ubuntu/latest 64bdbf6 Jeremy Bicha * pushed 430 commits (first 5 follow) * https://deb.li/ixkX222:18
KGB-Xgnome-control-center ubuntu/latest a3d448f Jeremy Bícha (526 files in 65 dirs) * Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/46_alpha' * https://deb.li/4flj22:18
KGB-Xgnome-control-center ubuntu/latest 307b758 Jeremy Bícha debian/changelog * New upstream release * https://deb.li/3jTAR22:18
KGB-Xgnome-control-center ubuntu/latest 36b0f83 Jeremy Bícha debian/ control rules control.in * Stop using debian/control.in and dh_gnome_clean * https://deb.li/Y9ID22:18
KGB-Xgnome-control-center ubuntu/latest b8b72e1 Jeremy Bícha debian/ control rules * Build-Depend on libsoup3 and json-glib instead of snapd-glib * https://deb.li/3AUiz22:18
KGB-Xgnome-control-center ubuntu/latest b7cecd7 Jeremy Bícha debian/patches/ debian/Debian-s-adduser-doesn-t-allow-uppercase-letters-by-defau.patch debian/Expose-touchpad-settings-if-synaptics-is-in-use.patch debian/Ignore-result-of-test-network-panel.patch keyboard-Allow-disabling-alternate-characters-key.patch * Refresh patches * https://deb.l22:18
KGB-Xnautilus Nathan Teodosio 454699 * commented merge request !18 * https://deb.li/3rT8V23:26

Generated by irclog2html.py 2.7 by Marius Gedminas - find it at mg.pov.lt!