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juliank@pilot in09:43
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Focal-Mantic | Patch Pilots: juliank
juliank(oh I forgot)09:43
adrienI'm disabling TLS 1.0 and 1.1 by default in rabbitmq and I can drop a file in /etc/rabbitmq-server/conf.d ; 20-tls.conf is common but if I use that, it's probably going to conflict with configuration by users; I can also use 25-tls.conf probably because the goal is to overwrite existing configurations but in the even someone wants TLS 1.0/1.1, it might be difficult to guess there is a new file; I can14:26
adrienalso use something lower than 20-tls.conf which would change effective defaults but wouldn't help migrate old configurations which e.g. enable 1.1 and 1.2 (because 10 years ago that made sense)14:26
adrienthere is already documentation on TLS 1.0 and 1.1 being disabled so it can be expanded as the package coverage is expanded14:27
adrienOTOH this file shouldn't change often so conflicts should be minimal14:51
schopinadrien: is there a question in there somewhere? :P14:53
adrienschopin: the implicit question: "help me solve my existential dread" :P15:13
adrienregarding the best place to put that change in, I now believe it's 20-tls.conf since it should conflict once which is good to raise awareness and that file shouldn't be modified again any time soon so it won't be a bother for users who upgrade15:15
schopinadrien: I'd use the common file. If there's a conflict then the user will see it at upgrade time.15:15
schopin(or it will just be ignored, depending on defaults)15:15
adrien(that we can't do much)15:15
adrienbut I think I need to improve the comment in the file and have something standard that can be used for every software15:16
adrienI'm going to author my shortest specification so far15:17
rbasakIs it possible to have the config file not specify anything at all, and fall back to a system default that we maintain?15:31
rbasakOr is that exactly what you're trying to do? :)15:43
adrienat the moment the file isn't installed by the package and the goal is to change the default15:51
rbasakCould the default of the binary itself be changed instead of using the config file mechanism?16:08
rbasakLeaving the config file mechanism for users16:08
adrienI think it's a possibility; I haven't explored it so far but it should be possible (I didn't try to do the change in the erlang package because rabbitmq is the only erlang package in main)16:13
adrienI'll have a look next week16:13
Trevinhosergiodj: I've prepared a fixed gdm, should be uploaded soon16:16
sergiodjTrevinho: thanks!16:16

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