
semitones_rexarraybolt3: is lubuntu+1 liveISO supposed to have paplay installed, or aplay, or both?01:43
semitones_rexmine has aplay, but it plays garbled playback01:43
arraybolt3a play should be there, not sure about paplay01:46
arraybolt3What are you trying to play?01:46
arraybolt3aplay only supports .WAV files as far as I know.01:46
arraybolt3Also how does it behave if you try playing some audio from YouTube or Pixabay or some such?01:47
semitones_rexah ok. Youtube works as expected, so does VLC. I did 'aplay /usr/share/sounds/freedesktop/stereo/complete.oga'01:48
arraybolt3oh yeah that won't work01:49
arraybolt3try `aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav`01:50
arraybolt3That should sound normal.01:50
semitones_rexyup that works, sounds great.01:51
semitones_rexthanks :)01:53
arraybolt3Happy to help!01:55
semarraybolt3: this is a problem... Xscreensaver crashed the system, and I was taking my notes in noblenote02:01
arraybolt3Crashed the system? How badly?02:01
arraybolt3X server crash? Kernel panic?02:01
semThe mouse moved slowly and then stopped moving. I see the desktop but it's unresponsive02:02
semThis happened when I checked "ok" for "Warning: the Xscreensaver daemon doesn't seem to be running on display ":0". Launch it now?"02:03
semI don't seem to be able to access a virtual terminal with ctrl-alt-f1, etc02:04
semDo you have any suggestions for how to recover any of this? The contents of noblenote are all I care about02:07
semI could also just reboot and write what I can remember02:08
arraybolt3sem: sounds like you ran out of RAM02:09
semoom-killer strikes again02:09
arraybolt3All those symptoms are characteristic of "thrashing".02:09
semI have 6 GB ram02:09
arraybolt3Best hope is to wait and hope something kicks in and kills whatever is overloading things, otherwise force-reboot.02:10
arraybolt3How many apps and browser tabs were you using?02:10
arraybolt3Slow mouse movement transitioning to stop, and inability to switch to TTY, is what thrashing generally does.02:11
semNoble note, quassel, file manager, terminal, firmware-updater (hung) 1 tab in Firefox, configuration center, and xscreensaver 02:11
semThanks for teaching me some new vocab02:11
semI also tried to start discover twice and that didn't work, but I didn't see it in top 02:12
semVLC was giving me some errors about private memory, but I was closing it each time02:12
semOh, also open in notifications bar: nm-applet, clipper, redshift, pavucontrol...02:13
arraybolt3Doesn't sound like that much, that's weird.02:22
semWould you recommend I file this "thrashing" bug against xscreensaver since that was the trigger? Or xorg-nouveau since it seems to be display related02:26
arraybolt3I don't think it was either really.02:35
arraybolt3Without seeing what program was eating RAM, there's no way to know.02:35
arraybolt3The program that tipped it into thrashing could be entirely unrelated.02:36
arraybolt3if for instance the X server suddenly ate up almost all your RAM, you might not thrash yet, but then open another app (like the screensaver) and boom, thrashing02:36
semarraybolt3, sounds like i could try to reproduce it, maybe while writing a log to a USB drive so there's something persistent02:38
arraybolt3Do that, and also open htop and sort by memory used to see if you can spot the top offender.02:39
arraybolt3(to be clear, open htop, then try to trigger the bug)02:39
semi'm going to give it some time to see if something in the system recovers enough to kill whatever is misbehaving so I can get my notes back02:46
lotuspsychjeon my NUC i have this xscreensaver bug it consumes 99% cpu02:47
lotuspsychjebut didnt test it on noble yet02:47
lotuspsychjei got xscreensaver running on my new 24.04 laptop on ubuntu-desktop without issues on wayland02:48
semi use xscreensaver extensively on lubuntu 20.04, but I think it is X1102:48
lotuspsychjenever had a crash on lubuntu before02:49
lotuspsychjei would go the arraybolt3 road, memory and cpu going high on xscreensaver and killing your desk?02:49
semthis was in the liveISO environment. What you describe sounds likely to me02:49
lotuspsychjebut on the other hand, my nuc is an i7 with intel 650 uhd, should be able to handle a matrix screensaver like a charm02:50
lotuspsychjeso im not sure how this works yet02:50
semwhat does 'nuc' mean in this context? My pc is an antique at this point :) built in 200702:51
lotuspsychjebug #186215002:51
-ubottu:#ubuntu-next- Bug 1862150 in xscreensaver (Ubuntu) "Xscreensaver produces high cpu and fan on 18.04" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186215002:51
lotuspsychjeintel NUC02:51
lotuspsychjewhat are your specs like sem02:52
semAMD athlon 64 x2, 6 gb ram02:53
lotuspsychjei ran xscreensaver for long on an amd 320002:54
lotuspsychjewith 2gb02:54
semyeah, xscreensaver seems to have no problem on my 20.04 install on the same machine. The main difference is that install uses the nvidia drivers; this one is using nouveau02:56
lotuspsychjeso we can assume this is machine related02:56
lotuspsychjebut we have to prove, why it happens on decent hardware?02:56
semyeah; i guess we have to first see if it is indeed the same bug02:57
semit probably is though02:58
lotuspsychjeproblem with xscreensaver is the moment you move, cpu load goes down and you cant see it anymore02:58
lotuspsychjeso you need to log cpu02:58
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