[01:01] Hello :) I am currently clicking on everything in the noble lubuntu live ISO so I can do a report later [01:01] this right now is the quassel test [01:10] semitones_rex: thanks for testing! :) [01:20] np! I may run the report by this channel before hitting send [01:20] (My motivation is kind of greedy -- I want to help my system get hardware support in 24.04) [01:28] that's not greedy, that's wise :P === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [12:59] bdmurray: please could you retry all autopkg tests, that failed (triggered by perl) on unknown versions? [13:03] there are more, triggered by other packages [15:22] doko: I did yesterday and a bunch are running now with liblocale-gettext-perl/1.07-6build1 . Did I miss some? [19:30] Oh, because not all of the failures were in update-excuses yet! Running retry-autopkgtest-regressions again