
Bashing-om!test Guest4101:27
Bashing-om!test | Guest4101:28
ubottuGuest41: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3...01:28
Guest26Great, I'm on the Desktop Live USB.01:28
Guest26Ubuntu booting into black screen, so I'm running this live usb.01:28
Guest26Here's my system report https://termbin.com/chtv01:29
Guest26I ran chroot, but removing nvidia said no nvidia to remove. Nvidia install said latest package is already installed.01:30
HornySlayer9001my ubuntu froze01:31
HornySlayer9001pls halp01:31
HornySlayer9001i dont want01:32
HornySlayer9001i have unsaved work01:32
Bashing-omGuest26: Grub boot menu > advanced options > revovery kernel --- what results ?01:37
Guest26HornySlayer9001if you can't get the terminal, doesn't seem to be any other option?01:40
Guest26Bashing-omsame black screen.01:40
Guest26I assume /dev/sda2 is where the root is? https://dpaste.com/4GTDGG7N601:41
Guest26I tried this, I must be doing something wrong? https://dpaste.com/88WYRPWTU01:44
Bashing-omGuest26: Likely - does ' sudo fdisk -lu ' confirm ( asterisc under the boot field) ?01:44
Guest26Bashing-om sudo fdisk -lu https://dpaste.com/F9JV3262501:45
sarnoldHornySlayer9001: ssh in to your computer and see if you can recover things that way?01:45
sarnoldGuest26: mount points have to exist before you use them01:46
Guest26sarnold I did mount and then unmount like this. Is this wrong? https://dpaste.com/88WYRPWTU01:47
sarnoldGuest26: when you unmounted /mnt that caused the /mnt/dev directory to cease existing01:49
sarnoldGuest26: I don't know what exactly you're trying to do, but mkdir /dev/mnt ; mount --make-private --rbind /dev /mnt/dev  should let your mount command succeed01:49
Guest26sarnold I'm trying to repair Ubuntu's boot from black screen to normal. These are the instructions I've researched: https://dpaste.com/3FUPLHR4401:50
sarnoldthen add in a few more mkdir commands to create /mnt/dev /mnt/proc /mnt/sys /mnt/run01:51
Guest26sarnold ok, I made those 4 directories, however new error: https://dpaste.com/DX79WPW5W01:57
sarnoldGuest26: that might be /usr/bin/bash now01:58
Guest26sarnold that failed too https://dpaste.com/3EXRGRHGL01:59
sarnoldGuest26: ah dang. what supplies the /mnt/bin/ or /mnt/usr/bin/ in your examples?02:00
Guest26sarnold sorry, I'm unsure and a bit lost?02:04
sarnoldGuest26: hmm, maybe I steered you wrong with those mkdir commands; normally you've got a first mount command to get your main filesystem mounted to /mnt, and I assumed perhaps the other mountpoints underneath were just missing, but maybe that first mount is the one that's missing?02:07
Guest26I'll delete those directories02:08
Guest26Removing directories says: Operation not permitted.02:09
sarnoldumount them first02:11
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arraybolt3kotgc: test successful03:40
arraybolt3btw you can also do this:03:40
kotgcGreat! This Live USB only has Internet for a limited time for some reason.03:41
arraybolt3Might be glitchy firmware or a card that is supported better by a proprietary driver?03:41
kotgcarraybolt3 Ethernet cable to router.03:41
arraybolt3nevermind then, weird03:42
kotgcUbuntu runs network via a KVM, so I'm surprised Live USB has network.03:42
kotgcAnyway, Ubuntu's booting to a blackscreen, so I've tried https://dpaste.com/56HK7LTQ7, but issue remains.03:43
kotgcRemoving Nvidia command said no nvidia to remove. Nvidia install said latest package is already installed.03:44
kotgcI tried this, as I think the root is on /dev/sda2? https://dpaste.com/5HVEXJTZR03:48
kotgcHere's the system report https://termbin.com/chtv04:25
kotgchow to find ubuntu root system? Search results go on about Windows?04:26
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KangaroooI got updates and restart did, then in notification was some notification - some language pack not fully something something, i clicked and wanted report bug but it closed. How to remake to popup that language thing?04:43
Kangaroooit was asking for password, i wanted to enter later, and i got error, that password was not provided04:43
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kotgcKangarooo uninstall the package and reinstall it.05:01
Kangaroookotgc: i did updates and then that came, so i dont know what language package it is. Oh, now after restart it came back again. Full text- System notificaton helper. Language support is incomplete, additional pakcages are required. Now when i didnt enter password in some 10 or 20 seconds then got error05:36
KangaroooThis operation cannot continue since proper authorization was not provided.05:37
kotgcKangarooo good, that's the prompt you were looking for right?05:38
KangaroooYes @kotgc it should not have timeout or should come back to notification if not entered in time and have countdown time.05:39
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stennoshould i buy an apple vision pro08:46
stennooops sorry08:46
stennowrong channel08:46
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salveHi all11:18
ph88How can i change the standard terminal? I already tried this command sudo update-alternatives --config x-terminal-emulator12:09
ph88the right terminal won't be used when i launch a launcher file with Terminal=true12:09
Paristhere is maybe an option in your term prefs to set it as default, like for browser.12:22
Parismaybe in the settings, not sure tho.12:23
tomreynph88: tough one. i don't know whether these statements are correct, but https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=2107886#p2107886 seems to say xdg tooling lacks a setting for this, so, at this time, what to launch for Terminal=true depends on whatever launches the process, which would be the graphical desktop, which would be gnome in your case (if you're on default Ubuntu).12:24
tomreynbut the default terminal emulator does not appear to be configurable in gnome either.12:24
tomreynhmm, although there is a setting:     org.gnome.desktop.default-applications.terminal exec 'x-terminal-emulator'12:27
tomreynand (assuming this gnome setting is taken into account when 'launching' .desktop files) x-terminal-emulator should apply the alternatives configuration12:28
ph88DEPRECATED: This key is deprecated and ignored. The default terminal is handled in GIO.12:31
ph88what is GIO ?12:31
tomreynit comes with a man page12:32
ph88what comes with man page ?12:32
ph88not sure what GIO has to do with this12:33
tomreyni don't see it stated anywhere, but i guess GIO just stands for Gnome input/output library or something close to that12:36
ph88And i should set org.gnome.desktop.default-applications.terminal through that somehow ?12:38
tomreyni think the deprecation notice on the screenshot you posted hints that it is not gsettings which defines what gnome will default to for the terminal emulator, but something somehow configured in gio (if such exists).12:40
tomreynthat's all i know12:40
tomreynhttps://askubuntu.com/questions/111592/how-do-i-set-the-default-terminal-in-gnome looks informative12:42
tomreyn"dpkg -S xdg-terminal-exec" returns an empty result set for me (but i'm running debian right now).12:44
tomreynph88: so you can try the symlink suggestion provided there. i would just pick the users' (not system wide) bin directory what's in PATH (I have ~/.local/bin):    echo $PATH | sed 's/:/\n/g' | grep bin12:49
tomreynso assuming I wanted to use the lilyterm terminal emulator I'd     ln -s /usr/bin/lilyterm ~/.local/bin/xdg-terminal-exec12:51
tomreyn!info libglib2.0-bin jammy12:54
ubottulibglib2.0-bin (2.72.4-0ubuntu2.2, jammy): Programs for the GLib library. In component main, is optional. Built by glib2.0. Size 79 kB / 342 kB12:54
tomreynso jammy's gio also has the terminal emulators to look for hardcoded, but differently: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/glib/-/blob/2.72.4/gio/gdesktopappinfo.c?ref_type=tags#L2356-268812:57
tomreyni don't even know which ubuntu release you're using, though12:57
tomreyncorrect link for jammy: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/glib/-/blob/2.72.4/gio/gdesktopappinfo.c?ref_type=tags#L2653-268813:01
tomreyn(this is upstream code - could be modified in ubuntu)13:02
ph88hey tomreyn thanks for the help. By the way i'm on 23.10 Mantic Minotaur13:11
tomreynph88: do you know how to look up the code for it then?13:12
tomreyn!info libglib2.0-bin mantic13:12
ubottulibglib2.0-bin (2.78.0-2, mantic): Programs for the GLib library. In component main, is optional. Built by glib2.0. Size 94 kB / 344 kB13:12
ph88the code looks very different but xdg-terminal-exec is first so i think your suggestion should work13:15
tomreynexactly. :) same upstream code as we looked at originally.13:15
tomreynhttps://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/glib/-/commit/eb2d1d8fc894ae7ebba24019f670e32fc48c031e is the commit which changed the branching there13:16
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Commit eb2d1d8 in GNOME/glib "gio: Refactor the known terminals search"13:16
ph88i made the symlink, it didn't work .. would i need to login again ?13:17
tomreynhmm, likely so13:17
tomreynbut i haven't tried it myself13:17
ph88ok brb then i will reboot pc13:18
ph88tomreyn, rebooted .. still at old terminal :(13:21
tomreyndang. and if you run xdg-terminal-exec manually, do you get the right terminal emulator?13:22
tomreynso maybe ubuntu's code differs there13:22
ph88where would the right code be ?13:23
tomreynsomewhere over here, i guess https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/glib2.013:24
BluesKajHi all13:27
tomreynph88: looks like the same code - *IF* i chose the right branch: https://git.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/glib2.0/tree/gio/gdesktopappinfo.c?h=applied/ubuntu/mantic#n270213:28
tomreyni never really know how to tell *reliably* which repository and branch a given distro's binary package was built from13:29
aturkedjiev50whats up13:36
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asdfthis is my hexchat13:36
asdfik you see this13:36
asdfdont run13:36
ph88tomreyn, perhaps it's something in the launcher code13:51
tomreynph88: what other than gio would be "the launcher"?13:52
ph88i don't know :(13:53
tomreyni mean, it seems that gdesktopappinfo.c is what gnome-shell uses to interpret .desktop files and decide how to launch them. so this does seem to be the relevant part. there *could* be other code overriding that, sure.13:53
kotgcHello, anyone know how to fix Ubuntu booting to black screen please?13:56
tomreynkotgc: we'll need more information to help there.13:58
kotgctomreyn I removed SSD 3 of 4 which is an empty disk and connected a LinuxMint SSD to test if the LinuxMint SSD was fried or not. The LinuxMint SSD ran perfectly.13:59
tomreynkotgc: which ubuntu is this, what may have introduced this issue - did you make changes, install third party software, install updates or upgrades, or is this a fresh install?13:59
kotgcI then shutdown, disconnected the LinuxMint SSD and reconnected SSD 3 of 4.13:59
kotgctomreyn can I share the forum post about it, as I have made some log outputs?14:00
tomreynkotgc: so if you reverse these changes, does it boot fine again?14:00
tomreynkotgc: sure, if it's just one url14:00
kotgcNo, Ubuntu boots 3 lines of dmesg, then black screen. When I say black screen, not like power off, but there's power but no output.14:01
kotgctomreyn https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=249424714:01
tomreynkotgc: this sounds like you replaced disks while the system was running? at least you do explicitly mention that you shutdown at some point but not at another where you replaced disks.14:05
tomreynthat's just a side note, but don't do this unless you know all parts of your system which are relevant for this are fine with you doing so.14:06
kotgctomreyn yes, I shutdown each time changing SSDs.14:07
kotgcI thought the system would be fine, but apparently not.14:07
kotgcI have 4 more disks to test, as a storm on 25th December 2023 fried a computer's MOBO, RAM or CPU. So I'm testing disks now.14:08
kotgcComputer wasn't behind a surge protector.14:09
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tomreynkotgc: i'm still reading your post, got distracted. you tried recovery mode and got a black screen as well?14:12
kotgctomreyn yes, so I'm on LiveUSB right now.14:12
tomreynkotgc: for future reference, don't run startx with sudo14:13
kotgctomreyn ok, I won't remember that, I'll try to note it somewhere.14:13
tomreynkotgc: how were you able to run commands when you say you're stuck with a black screen?14:13
kotgctomreyn grub menu, e to edit boot and LiveUSB.14:14
kotgcUbuntu boots with 3 lines of dmesg and black screen.14:14
tomreynkotgc: i think i will need to read the entire thread first, didn't realize you got this going for days already. if i have anything to add i'll post on the forum.14:16
kotgctomreyn ok, thank you.14:16
kotgcI'm out of ideas.14:16
tomreynyou'Re writing that "Ubuntu recovery mode just boots to a black screen and in command prompt, ping fails." - so this seems to say you CAN run commands from the recovery shell?14:22
kotgctomreyn sorry, that would be from grub I'd say? I was a bit overwhelmed at the start. I might have to go back and clarify my misunderstandings.14:24
kotgcwhich post# please?14:25
tomreynkotgc: try this: remove the live usb stick, boot normally from the internal disk, trying to boot the ubuntu installation, bring up the grub menu, select the "recovery" option. tell me whether you reach the text menu where you can select some options.14:26
tomreynplease use a different computer or mobile device to remain on the chat14:26
kotgctomreyn yes, I do reach the option for recovery and other options. That's where I ran the command line (not from grub).14:27
tomreynkotgc: select the "network" option14:29
tomreynthen the "root" option14:29
kotgctomreyn ok, I updated post #1, line 5.14:29
kotgctomreyn ok, shutting down, might have problems with phone irc.14:30
kotgctomreyn yes, recovery mode -> network -> root -> circles back to recovery mode.14:39
tomreynkotgc: you mean you end up on the text menu again?14:40
kotgctomreyn yes14:40
tomreynthat would be expected for the "network" option, but when you chose the "root" option, it should ask you a question below the menu14:41
tomreyndoes it not do so?14:41
tomreynmore precisely, after selecting the "root" option it should print "press enter for meintenance" below the menu14:42
kotgctomreyn options are Yes or No. I select Yes which IIRC boots to root or something?14:42
tomreynkotgc: where / when do you see options "Yes or No"?14:42
kotgcI think we're in different locations. I have been in the edit area too.14:42
tomreynare you on the grub menu by chance?14:43
kotgcRight now I'm back in LiveUSB.14:43
tomreyncan you not access this chat from a different device then?14:43
tomreynso that we can chat while you boot from the installed system14:43
kotgcthe phone is tricky. I can try again.14:44
tomreynwhat makes it tricky?14:44
tomreynwhich chat client are you using on the phone?14:45
tomreynthis seems to work14:45
kotgcOk, phone IRC is working...I was shopping around for IRC apps, but the website was problematic, but I might have figured it out now.14:46
tomreynhttps://web.libera.chat/?nick=kotgphone#ubuntu is a shortcut if you need it14:46
kotgcShall I go back to the grub?14:46
tomreynyes, to grub, boot the recovery option and tell me what you get14:47
tomreyni'm trying to get you here https://hackernoon.imgix.net/hn-images/1*qm3DD1pRygY9oaPY9jIFoQ.png14:48
tomreynso from grub, you select "Advanced options for Ubuntu", then the first one which says "... (recovery mode)"14:49
tomreynwhich should then bring you to a colored text menu which says "Recovery Menu (...)" on top14:50
tomreyn<tomreyn> so from grub, you select "Advanced options for Ubuntu", then the first one which says "... (recovery mode)"14:51
tomreyn<tomreyn> which should then bring you to a colored text menu which says "Recovery Menu (...)" on top14:51
kotgcFromPhoneI see 8 recovery mode options in a text menu14:51
tomreyndoes it say "GNU GRUB" on top of this screen?14:52
kotgcFromPhoneNo, the pink screen shows…14:52
tomreynor does it say "Recovery Menu (...)" on top of this screen?14:52
tomreynkotgcFromPhone: ?14:53
kotgcFromPhoneresume, clean, dpkg, fsck, grub, network, root and system-summary.14:53
tomreynokay. select the "network" option14:53
tomreynnow select the "root" option14:54
kotgcFromPhoneContinuing will remount your / filesystem…14:54
kotgcFromPhoneOnly Yes or No14:54
tomreynhmm, i'm not familiar with this message, but select "Yes"14:55
kotgcFromPhoneSo I’m back in the text menu14:55
tomreynselect the "root" option14:55
tomreynand i just understood why you got this question14:56
tomreyndoes it say "Press Enter for maintenance" below the menu now?14:56
tomreynso press enter14:57
kotgcFromPhoneI’m at command prompt now14:57
tomreynnow type this and press enter: ping -c1
kotgcFromPhoneNetwork is unreachable14:58
tomreynlooks like it14:58
PriceyI have a /48 at my openwrt router. It delegates from a /64 to everything on the lan. On an Ubuntu box, I create an lxd network with a different /64 via lxc network set ipv6.address. How do I get other machines on the lan to know where that second /64 is? I can set a static route on the router/gateway which seems to work well enough, but isn't that traffic then heading through it? When it could be across15:13
Priceythe link direct to the ubuntu box?15:13
leftyfbwhen you say a /48 and a /64, I assume you're referring to ipv615:15
leftyfbPricey: but to answer your question, you want to create a bridge15:16
PriceyAnd I'm assuming you don't mean an lxd network of type bridge.15:17
leftyfbno, a network bridge separate from lxd, that your lxd containers will utilize though15:17
ravagelxd can use an existing bridge interface15:18
ravageyou can select that during "lxd init"15:18
leftyfbonly do that if you want all containers to utilize that bridge by default15:19
leftyfbthe setting up during init15:19
leftyfbregardless. Pricey:  https://thenewstack.io/how-to-create-a-bridged-network-for-lxd-containers/15:19
leftyfbthough you'll have to translate this into ipv615:19
leftyfbwhich I don't have any experience with15:19
PriceyI'm certain there's a better way of doing this in the ipv6 world.15:22
leftyfbI don't think so15:23
leftyfbPricey: but you can always try asking in #networking15:23
facefaceI'm running Distro: Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish) on 3 server boxes. I read about 'synchronising' apt via UbuntuOne... is that still the right way to do it?15:23
PriceyWith a static route added to my gateway, everything works just fine. No need to add a different network interface on the ubuntu server to bridge the lxd network.15:24
facefacehi Pricey15:24
PriceyI might do.15:24
leftyfbPricey: Then what are you asking for help with exactly if you have it working?15:24
facefaceI can't run 'ubuntu-software' on that machine :-/15:25
leftyfbfaceface: why not?15:25
PriceyBecause I'm certain there's a better ipv6'y way to do this than a static route on the gateway. My understanding of this method is that everything on my lan is sending the traffic to the gateway, which then forwards it to the ubuntu box on the lan. I'm trying to figure out how to get stuff on the lan to know there's something link local it can send traffic to instead.15:25
faceface$ ubuntu-software15:25
facefaceubuntu-software: command not found15:25
leftyfbfaceface: open it from the icon15:26
facefaceapt search ubuntu-software # No Joy15:26
facefaceleftyfb: these are servers where I'm sshed -X'ed in15:26
facefaceNot sure if there is a better way to sync across boxes...15:26
facefacebut the suggestion of ubuntuOne in that thread looks good to me (if I can start the gui...15:27
leftyfbfaceface: then there should be no expectation of graphical tools15:27
facefaceleftyfb: indeed, but here we are ;-)15:27
leftyfbfaceface: are these 3x servers publicly facing?15:29
facefaceI can just list packages on each mahcine and somehow sync, but the ubuntu one seems neat15:29
facefaceleftyfb: yup15:29
leftyfbfaceface: if you were to ask me, remove any sort of graphical environment and use a proper sysadmin tool like ansible, chef or salt to manage them15:30
facefacethat's reasonable15:30
Priceyleftyfb: Aha! I think that what I wanted was radvd... but advertising routes not prefixes. After setting that up I seem to have a nice route on the clients in my lan direct to the machine.15:44
PriceyNo changes to actual networking interfaces reuqired.15:44
PriceyI don't think my openwrt is set up to follow RA's for obvious reasons, so will just need to add a route on that and I think I'll be sorted.15:46
leftyfbPricey: I prefer to have critical infrastructure configs under revision control15:46
PriceyConfiguring my ubuntu host from ansible which should count?15:46
leftyfbPricey: right. I'm referring to you wanting the config on the router. I guess it's made easier, though less secure being openwrt15:49
PriceyI have no idea what you're talking about now :-)15:50
leftyfbPricey: your choices are to add the routes to the client, in which case keeping the configs under revision control is fine. Or setting the static routes on your router, in which case you'll have to enable ssh on the router to allow for keeping it's configs under revision control15:52
PriceyRight, my point is that I've just achieved neither of those :-)15:54
PriceyI have worked out I can use radvd on my server to advertise to clients. Nothing on the router or the clients.15:54
howudodatI am trying to setup a nfs4 server integrated into AD, should I ask here or #ubuntu-server?16:22
GrandPa-GI created a partition with a command similar to dd if=/dev/zero of=usbcontainer.img bs=1M count=4096 then I sudo mkdosfs /home/ap/usbcontainer.img to make dos partition. I want to delete the partition and start over. I don't see how with fdisk16:45
facefaceGrandPa-G: partd?16:49
GrandPa-GI will give that a try shortly. I must mention this is for a Pi zero lite, command line only16:51
plujonGreetings.  I'm on Ubuntu 22, and I just updated several packages on my system because the Software Updater popped up as I was working, and I hit <Enter> trying to complete a task, which started the update process.  I want to disable the Software Updater popups, but I'm unclear on terminology.17:08
tomreyn!yy.mm| plujon17:09
ubottuplujon: Ubuntu version numbers are: YY.MM (YY=release year,MM=release month). Each year sees two releases, so just specifying YY is imprecise. See also https://www.ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle17:09
plujon22.04 LTS17:09
plujonIs it possible to disable the periodic Software Updater window from popping up using some command line incantation?17:10
tomreynthe pop-up should have a "settings" button on the bottom left17:11
tomreynyou can bring this up by selecting the "Software & Updates" (blue icon) from activities17:12
plujontomreyn: Thanks, I've clicked on that.  I guess I should just set Automatic check for updates to "Never"..?17:12
tomreyni guess it's worth a try. but then you won't get any updates, which is a security risk for any system accessing the internet17:13
plujonIs there some other way to avoid the pop ups?17:13
tomreynyes, you could use what the server variant uses for upgrading17:14
tomreynit's an apt package you can install17:14
plujonDoes that also set motd?17:14
tomreyni'm not actually sure, i think the process which updates motd is separate17:15
tomreynyou should have configuration snippets for both in /etc/apt/conf.d/17:15
tomreynso there is /etc/apt/conf.d/50unattended-upgrades17:16
tomreynalso 99update-notifier, which i think triggers the desktop pop-up17:17
plujon/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades # exists17:18
plujonI periodically do: apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade17:18
tomreynunattaneded-upgrades is a lot better than this17:21
tomreynif you want the updated motd but not the ads then you can try this: https://canonical-ubuntu-pro-client.readthedocs-hosted.com/en/v29/howtoguides/disable_enable_apt_news.html17:23
tomreyn(i just tried this on 22.04 and while the command exited with status code 0, the actual setting did not change)17:24
tomreynoh, it works, i should have run it with sudo17:25
tomreynthere is also /etc/update-motd.d/17:26
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ddksjis there a network installer or something? i don't want a 4 gb iso19:02
oerheksuse server, next 24.04 will have minimal iso again https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-mini-iso/daily-live/current/19:04
arraybolt3oerheks, ddksj: note that the new mini.iso *does* download a 4gb or so ISO.19:24
leftyfbis it an iso or an image? (cloud?)19:26
leftyfbpretty pointless to boot to a 100MB iso just for it to pull down a 4G iso and perform the same installation from said iso19:26
ddksjthe installer fails for the third time a row20:31
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ioriaddksj, doyou want my suggestion ?20:38
ioriaddksj, install 20.04 mini.iso (legacy); then try to upgrade (if you want): http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/focal/main/installer-amd64/current/legacy-images/netboot/20:39
ioriaddksj, cabled connection, no uefi20:41
plujonGreetings; I'm trying out docker today, and I notice that while `docker` runs, `docker compose` does not exist.  Is this normal?20:44
leftyfbplujon: sudo apt install docker-compose20:45
plujonleftyfb: Ah.  I notice there's docker-compose-v2 as well.  I'll do some reading.  Thanks.20:49
Whiskey`ok this smooth brained ape needs some help with a fresh install. X is failing but is not writing the error to the log file.20:49
Whiskey`where to start to get a proper error output?20:50
Whiskey`thats the end of the log file, and no EE's are found20:52
oerheksXorg has configured a multihead system ... fresh install?20:59
Whiskey`and... changing the primary to the onboard gpu at least let it start21:02
Whiskey`but no mouse or kbd working hmmm21:03
Whiskey`well its progress21:04
Whiskey`ok thats stupid. after changing the primary gpu and reconfiguing x, it works21:10
Whiskey`sorta confused about why the log file sys it exited with errors but did not contain those errors21:10
ddksjhow do you create fstab in ubuntu?21:43
Whiskey`it should be automatic21:53
leftyfbddksj: install ubuntu. That creates /etc/fstab by default21:55
causativemy lock screen says "click or press a key to unlock" but actually only a *click* will unlock. I can type my password normally after I click the mouse to unlock. Fixable?21:56
Whiskey`what happens if you press some key first21:56
causativeit doesn't get past the "click or press a key to unlock" screen unless I specifically click21:57
Whiskey`even if you press enter?21:57
causativeyes even if I press enter21:57
oerheksspace should work21:58
causativeit doesn't21:58
Whiskey`sounds like the kbd is not sending strokes, or at least not being received by the lock screen21:58
causativealso I don't even get the "click or press a key to unlock" screen unless the screen times out and locks that way, if I specifically select "lock screen" from the top right menu it will go to a lock screen showing the time *without* that message, and from that particular lock screen the kbd does work21:59
causativebut I just tested by setting screen timeout to 1min and waiting, and when locked that way, no key gets past it. not esc, enter, space, any qwerty key, none of the function keys do anything until I click the mouse22:02
floorcrawlerhad issue with qemu not able to make a usb passthrough "usb-host not a valid device".  Decided to compile qemu with --enable-libusb as suggested but the issue persists..22:02
floorcrawlerUbuntu 2222:02
floorcrawlernevermind, i forgot to run the new binary22:04
tomreyncausative: which ubuntu version are you running there? which display manager? i just tried locking the screen on 22.04 and then pressing a key. doing so brings up the password entry screen, and pressing enter unlocks the screen.22:30
tomreynthis is on wayland22:30
causative22.04 on Xorg22:30
causativebut as I said, just locking the screen from the menu does not cause this bug22:31
causativeonly if it locks from screen timeout22:31
tomreyni see. i did not read you writing that it does not happen if you manually lock the screen.22:32
tomreyncausative: i don't see a difference. maybe this is Xorg related, have you tried wayland?22:36
causativeI am using xorg because wayland did not have a good way for me to remote desktop into it from my phone22:37
causativenot gonna switch because I care much more about being able to do that, than I care about having to click the mouse when I sit down22:37
tomreynhmm, it also works on xorg for me22:40
tomreynmaybe something is special about your setup22:40
causativewell, I have the assistive kbd setting turned on, maybe that's interfering somehow, although it does not appear on the lock screen22:42
tomreyndo you have any gnome-shell extensions which could affect it?22:43
causativeyeah I had that one to allow rdp from the lock screen22:44
tomreynmaybe try without that one then22:45
tomreynjust to see whether it's causing it22:45
causativethat must have been it, thanks!22:50
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kotgcHello, anyone know how to fix Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS black screen?23:58

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