
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
bhechingerSo, in other news I have abandoned you for NixOS. :-D12:03
bhechingerOk, this is weird as hell. On the AudioFire4 front left/right work on the headphones (and nothing else of course)12:30
bhechingeron the Saffire Pro24 rear left/right work on the headphones (and nothing else of course)12:31
bhechingerHow the hell do I fix this?12:31
bhechingerNothing in FFADO Mixer jumps out at me12:32
bhechingerWell ok then12:54
EickmeyerPar for the course, man.14:40
Eickmeyerbhechinger: For your firewire stuff, #opensourcemusicians . Maybe #lau . Honestly, I have no clue. This channel isn't active with many people who know anything about FFADO or Firewire, and Firewire audio is in general going the way of the dodo.14:41
EickmeyerEverything is starting to move to multichannel PCIe Optical or USB.14:42
bhechingerYeah, it's a shame, but it is what it is. Thanks for the channel recommendations. I have a lot of work to do to get this as clean as Ubuntu Studio has it. :-D14:42
EickmeyerAlso glad you found the Matrix rooms. Eventually going back to a Matrix-first setup as the Matrix channels are on an official Ubuntu server.14:43
bhechingerI'm not a fan of USB for audio, but I might just have to bite the bullet and get used to it.14:43
bhechingeris the bridge now stable or is it still wonky?14:44
EickmeyerNot bridged yet. The old bridge was run by a 3rd party, this will be first party.14:44
bhechingerAh, ok, cool.14:44
bhechingerAny tips on what to search for about multichannel PCIe Optical?14:45
EickmeyerWell, you have to have a sound card that supports it.14:45
EickmeyerThey're kinda spendy right now.14:45
bhechingerOh, so continuing to battle firewire it is. :-D14:45
EickmeyerPipewire is doing some good stuff with the USB latency, so 24.04 will be better if that's your concern.14:46
bhechingerI've actually switched to pipewire on my desktop, but I have no clue what I'm doing. :-D14:47
bhechingerNixOS. Sorry. :-D14:48
EickmeyerOh, ok. Ubuntu Studio 23.10 has pipewire set up with the jack pieces done for you and is ready to go out of the box, zero configuration. You can adjust the latency and everything with a configuration app.14:49
EickmeyerHow that works with FFADO is untested, however, but Pipewire and FFADO should work out of the box as well, at least that's what they tell me.14:49
Eickmeyer(the pipewire devs)14:50
bhechingerYeah, there is a nixos module called musnix which sets up pipewire for you (and does the lowlatency kernel, etc). The docs are, well... light, so I'm not sure what exactly I should be doing. It does setup FFADO as well, so I've got that out of the box which is nice.14:51
bhechingerbut I don't know how to do the "old jack stuff" I was doing before.14:51
bhechingerand audio is weird14:51
bhechingerboth firewire devices working at once is neat as hell too. :-D14:52
bhechingerAny experience with a MAYA33 eX? Looks like it would do everything I need and get some stuff off my desk.14:53
bhechingerwell, linux support is unknown14:56
bhechingermaybe worth the risk at 133 pounds, but getting stuff shipper here from overseas sucks. :-D14:57
EickmeyerYeah, no experience with the MAYAA eX.15:01
EickmeyerI'm a USB/live audio guy.15:02
bhechingerI'm a glutton for punishment it seems. 🤣15:20
EickmeyerI just don't like stuff that's overly complicated. Making things as simple as possible is the goal.15:27
bhechingerYeah, I was just looking for better latency all those years ago and FW was the right choice at the time.15:52
bhechingerI kinda with I had gone all in on the PCIe option at the time, but live and learn.15:53
EickmeyerYeah, stuff keeps getting better and better, so even USB isn't something to sleep on as technology evolves.16:25
bhechingerEickmeyer: here's one you may (or may not) know. qjackctl finds pipewire's jack just fine. RaySession does not.16:49
bhechingerAny ideas?16:49
Eickmeyerbhechinger: Are you on Ubuntu Studio or are you on NixOS?17:20
EickmeyerYeah, can't help you there. It works fine on Ubuntu Studio.17:20
bhechingerHmm, looks like RaySession should be pipewire aware?17:21
bhechingerMaybe the one packaged here is too old?17:21
EickmeyerThat or configurations for pipewire-jack are set up wrong.17:21
bhechingerdo you have the configuration you're using on US?17:24
bhechingerupgrading raysession didn't help17:24
EickmeyerIt's part of the ubuntustudio-default-settings source package, so https://launchpad.net/ubuntustudio-default-settings17:24
bhechingerwhere in that package is it? I'm not finding it17:27
EickmeyerIt's actually set by a command, so usr/sbin/ubuntustudio-pwjack-config17:28
bhechingerfound it17:29
bhechingerHmmm, doesn't look like it's doing anything fancy.17:35
Eickmeyer Did you run it with the "enable" argument?17:38
EickmeyerLISTEN.... I'm trying to repair a mic clip.17:45
arraybolt3ah, and lol17:46
bhechingerooooohhhh, wireplumber can tell you the pci id!21:11
bhechingeroerheks:  oh, btw, you are wrong about the device thing. I have 4 fw devices even though only two of them have anything plugged in.21:11

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