
=== keypushe- is now known as keypusher
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
amlaebHello, I am having troubles with Xubuntu 22.04. It works fine except it freezes when idling for more than a couple minutes. The display stays on, I can move the mouse and when I hoover over buttons it shows their tooltips, but the system is unresponsive to clicks and keyboard presses.10:24
tomreynamlaeb: i don't know what causes this (others here may have better suggestions), but i would start by checking system logs:   journalctl -b -p3 | nc termbin.com 9999    would upload all errors which occurred during the current kernel runtime (i.e. since reboot). replace "-b" by "-b -1" to get the same for the previous kernel runtime (i.e. before reboot).11:08
amlaebtomreyn Thank you for the reply, https://termbin.com/75ua11:39
tomreynamlaeb: hmm, that's less than i expected, but it may provide some hints: the nvidia gpu driver reports an I2C (bus) timeout, which *could* mean "something wrong with graphics" at this time.11:54
tomreynamlaeb: is this from the current kernel runtime or the previous one? and on which one did the issue occur (i.e. have you rebooted since it happened)?11:54
brunodecarvalhoola boa noite20:33
brunodecarvalho_ola boa noite22:09

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