[05:01] !ping [05:01] pong! [16:19] [telegram] https://lxqt-project.org/release/2024/01/14/obconf-qt-0-16-4/ [19:19] Just successfully migrated to the new update installer in Lubuntu. [19:20] It's currently installing a batch of updates. I intend on doing some more work on this today hopefully. [19:20] Detecting when a reboot is required is another vital feature we're missing right now. [19:20] \o/ [19:49] @lynorian: FYI: new version of htop: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/htop/3.3.0-1 [20:07] https://twitter.com/LubuntuOfficial/status/1746623289554805066 [23:07] Beware testers: Qt 5.15.12 is landing in Noble right now. [23:09] !ping [23:09] pong!