
sudipcan someone with super powers please trigger an autopkgtest from a ppa with the url: https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/request.cgi?release=noble&package=offlineimap3&arch=amd64&trigger=offlineimap3%2F0.0~git20231218.d29a4dc%2Bdfsg-4&ppa=sudipmuk%2Fofflineimap3-test&all-proposed=114:19
* sudip has tested locally with autopkgtest but will like to confirm14:19
xypronsudip: test request submitted14:40
sudipthanks xypron14:45
xypronsudip: any other architectures to test?14:46
sudipxypron: no, thanks. amd64 should be enough14:46
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