[22:15] How do I report a minor bug in Ubuntu? [22:25] here I guess? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs [22:36] Thanks [22:50] Well that's a Lunchpad account created. [22:51] i think there was the command "ubuntu-bug" also [22:52] That didn't work because it wants a package name and xcalc isn't a package. [22:53] so file against x11-apps ? [22:54] judging by the search result i just had from apt-cache [22:54] Thanks [22:54] I don't know apt-cache [22:54] so after an apt update, "apt-cache search x" lets you search for programs with keywords if you don't know the package name yet [22:59] Agh! Trying to report one bug reveals an unrelated one. [22:59] it does o0 [22:59] Though in fairness it's partly a limitation of the laptop I'm using (doesn't have a middle mouse button on the trackpad) [23:00] ...and I don't see an option to simulate a middle mouse button by clicking L and R at the same time. [23:00] ...which means I can't paste the error message into the Further information box [23:00] shift+insert [23:01] or just ctrl+v like usual depending [23:01] It pastes /something/ but not the text [23:01] unless it's white-on-white. [23:02] I'll just retype it. [23:02] ball: What are you seeing? [23:03] ball: I'd say your chances of getting a bug fixed in xcalc by reporting it in ubuntu are smaller than the precision representable in xcalc [23:04] :D [23:04] I submitted it. [23:04] i see you and i raise you "any bug at all" [23:04] ball: Link? [23:05] Can't paste the link ;-) [23:05] Oh hang on, this is from an X app rather than terminal, so https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/x11-apps/+bug/2049321 [23:05] -lubotu:#ubuntu-uk- Launchpad bug 2049321 in x11-apps (Ubuntu) "xcalc needs a font" [Undecided, New] [23:07] I done made me a bug report. [23:07] oh, hmm, that probably is an ubuntu packaging error; I mean it's probably a missing dependency on a font package [23:26] If I make one, does that mean I have to fix someone else's? ;-) [23:45] ball: Can I suggest installing xfonts-100dpi or xfonts-75dpi [23:46] I can try it... [23:48] you may need to restart X [23:48] Hmm... back shortly... [23:51] That did it. [23:52] excellent [23:52] ball: Please add a comment to your bug that it fixed it, and so it's probably a missing dependency [23:52] did you do some kind of minimalist install that avoided some package deps, or is it really just a mistake on the part of the install? [23:52] daftykins: I'm wondering if they don't bother with the bitmap fonts? [23:53] hmm beyond my experience level honestly [23:53] I probably did choose "minimal" so that I could add just the packages that I need. [23:54] Odd that it would include xcalc but not the fonts it needs though. [23:54] i'd probably test in a VM going both routes, i would have thought even the minimal option has the complete Xorg [23:55] I don't think I have anything that can run Linux VMs. [23:55] daftykins: Those bits are pretty prehistoric now [23:55] ja [23:56] ball: do you like it for being leaner and quicker to start? i think i read ages ago the bundled calculator got snap-ified [23:56] i don't use desktop ubuntu so have no idea [23:57] daftykins: I can't compare it with the full version because I haven't tried that in recent years. [23:58] are we talking the calculator app or the full OS install now? 'cause testing in a VM would verify the latter [23:58] I don't think I have anything that can run Linux VMs. [23:59] (the full OS)