
telgareithwait, are not all yy.04 releases LTS?01:12
rboxevery 2 years01:13
telgareiththat's dumb01:13
telgareithI would expect something else for non LTS releases, or change LTS release indication.01:14
mybalzitchcool, you're welcome to contribute for a while, get on the board, then come up with a coherent argument about why LTS releases should be more or less frequent01:14
rboxtelgareith: what do you mean "change LTS release indication"01:15
telgareithI've always assumed xx.04 meant a LTS release01:18
telgareithmicrosoft does it like "22H1 LTSB"01:19
rboxjust because you assumed something doesnt make it so01:19
rboxit doesnt matter what microsoft does01:19
mybalzitchI mean, LTS is in the release name01:20
mybalzitch20.04 LTS, that's LTS. 22.04 LTS, that's also LTS01:20
mybalzitch23.10 ... that's not LTS01:20
oerheksnext one is .. get used to it01:21
telgareithahh, linux people. same level of Caring about usability as ever.01:39
oerhekstelgareith, this is ubuntu support, drop that attitude.01:43
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xxymy Ubuntu $PATH be changed like this " $JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH:/snap/bin", so mostly command can't execute, how to restore it02:57
rboxxxy: what?02:59
antonchigurecho $PATH03:00
antonchigurand send output in this chat03:00
xxyantonchigur, the result of echo "$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH:/snap/bin03:01
antonchigurxxy: you are forget add /bin and /usr/bin03:01
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antonchigurxxy: try to change to it03:02
xxyantonchigur, i don't know how to change it , the command like "vim" "sudo" can't work well now03:03
antonchigurwhat bash are you use? zsh or bash?03:03
xxyantonchigur, bash03:04
antonchigurecho "$PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/snap/bin:/snap/bin" >> ~/.bashrc03:04
antonchigurtry something like this03:04
xxyantonchigur,  i can't switch into root , after executing you command ,the $PATH have no change03:10
antonchiguryou are execute that command under user account?03:10
antonchigurif its right, you are need type next command03:11
antonchigur. ~/.bashrc03:11
antonchigurthis command will reload your bash environment03:11
xxyantonchigur, https://paste.centos.org/view/857bafad03:14
xxyantonchigur, by the way , the ubuntu system is provided by VPS vendor,03:15
arraybolt3oof, VPS vendors are known for applying weird customizations to their Ubuntu images03:15
antonchigurits right03:16
antonchigurxxy: try to log out and log in in your VPS03:16
xxyantonchigur, ok , if it not work yet, then i re-install OS03:17
antonchigurok, good luck xxy03:17
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jwashHi everyone. So that I can lookup tutorials, what is the concept called to make a second network on an Ubuntu computer (2nd nic) so that i can transfer files with another computer on that secondary network, but still retain internet connectivity via the primary network?04:19
jwashlike a pure file transfer network04:19
jwashlike internet network is 192.168.x.x and file transfer is 10.10.x.x04:21
ravagejwash: set static IPs in that network. Do not use any gateway. That's it.04:25
jwashravage: direct connection, or can i use a switch?04:31
rboxsiwthc doesnt effect anything04:34
jwashcan i do the top configuration04:35
jwashby adding a second nic to each computer?04:35
jwashthe device at is a router/switch04:36
rboxyou can try it04:36
rboxnot gonna make your computer blow up04:36
jwashlol true04:37
italicizemWhat's a good way to keep 22.04 pretty fresh? Backports a good idea? Mostly thinking about desktop apps but maybe also things like sound libraries etc.05:42
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lotuspsychje!uptodate | italicizem05:54
ubottuitalicizem: To ensure you have all the latest known patches and security updates for your ubuntu installation, please update with the following command: `sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade`. See also !upgrades and !security; you may also need to run `apt full-upgrade`.05:54
lotuspsychjeitalicizem: there's also !HWE to have the latest drivers and kernels if you like05:55
lotuspsychjeand snaps have more recent apps too, so you dont need to have to backport05:55
italicizem@lotuspsychje thanks!05:57
ubottuThe Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack05:57
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en1gmadoes ubuntu touch (android devices) have an irc channel? i cant seem to find it08:54
Whiskey`what package provides the 'additional drivers' app?10:00
lotuspsychjeWhiskey`: software&sources10:00
lotuspsychjeWhiskey`: you can also check from commandline, ubuntu-drivers list10:01
ravagethe package ubuntu-drivers-common provides ubuntu-drivers . the gui part is in the package software-properties-gtk10:04
Whiskey`software-properties-gtk is what was missing, thank you.10:05
lotuspsychjecookie is for you ravage :p10:05
lotuspsychjeWhiskey`: you found a bug, or?10:06
Whiskey`for sure a 'or'10:06
ravage🍪 nom nom10:06
lotuspsychjeWhiskey`: sorry?10:07
Whiskey`no at all lotuspsychje10:07
Whiskey`i went for a tiny install and then the plan pivioted and i needed a gui so a lot of packages didnt install with ubuntu-desktop10:07
lotuspsychjeah i see10:08
Whiskey`and it just keeps going sideways10:08
Whiskey`if the wife wouldnt murder me for raiding the bank i would just buy a absolutely unreasonable system and be done with this10:09
lotuspsychjelets keep things ontopic Whiskey`10:09
Whiskey`ah right10:11
Whiskey`whats the diff from nvidia-x-driver and nvidia-x-server10:11
lotuspsychjeserver drivers are for ubuntu server10:11
Whiskey`isnt the only difference there, a gui/desktop?10:12
lotuspsychjeWhiskey`: can this help? https://askubuntu.com/questions/1262401/what-is-the-nvidia-server-driver10:13
Whiskey`likely will, reading.10:14
Whiskey`ok so more or less the difference is support timeline10:16
Whiskey`aaand wth. 'cant update while offline. the box is very much online.10:16
Whiskey`eh. "pk-client-error-quark cannot download whilst offline" has one solution on the forum and its nonsense. "disable networkmanager"10:29
gordonjcpFTGh/ YTU#10:38
PeGaSuShello guys. need some help here. I don't know what I have done to be facing this error: https://0bin.xyz/QTRVVB6IWKK6VLWHHFMWPNPVAA10:39
ravagetry: apt clean; rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*; apt update10:41
PeGaSuSravage: worked like a charm. thanks!10:54
leo__any body here11:17
leo__I am totally new to this11:17
kevrleo__: I am joking. What's up?11:17
leo__can u tell me where i am at?11:17
leo__hahah i am fine thanks XD11:18
leo__i dont even kow how this got installed lol11:18
leo__this chatting app11:18
kevryou must have started up a program which connected to this channel11:18
leo__hex chat11:18
kevrokay, so, hexchat11:18
kevryou started up hexchat and connected here11:18
leo__i dont recall installing it though hahah11:19
kevrit probably was installed by the default packages, because you likely did not choose a minimal install, it comes as part of common software one may wish to use11:19
leo__i was installing a Cinnamon desktop env on my Ubuntu11:19
leo__and maybe it came through that as a result?11:19
leo__i also got chess or something11:19
kevrare you sure that this wasn't on your system **before** installing Cinnamon?11:19
leo__yess i think so seems weird..11:20
leo__maybe i noticed it today11:20
kevryou think so, do you know?11:20
leo__ithink it came through installing cinammon11:21
kevrif it was a dependency, then uninstalling hexchat should complain about the other programs being affected. you could look through there, or through your apt log to see at which point hexchat was installed11:21
leo__cuz i saw some pigieon there11:21
kevrthat's also a chat application11:21
leo__btw we r in an app like discord11:21
leo__or this is some forum thing?11:21
kevrmay i ask11:21
kevrhow did you become connected to this channel? did you launch hexchat and it just automatically connected here?11:21
leo__yesss yesss u can ask lol11:21
kevror did you connect?11:21
leo__i opened hex chat and i pressed ok and ok so yea11:22
leo__i connected11:22
kevryou pressed ok to what?11:22
kevrok, and ok*11:22
leo__it automtaically filled in my linux pc name "leo"11:22
leo__to username places11:22
leo__and i was like yea press ok11:23
leo__is this a sockets program or something?11:23
leo__a big group chat?11:23
kevrthis is a general community support channel on IRC, the Internet Relay Chat protocol, which is hosted by Libera.chat in this case. This is a chatroom, yes. Whatever you installed or setup may just had connecting here as a default for users or something.11:23
leo__yess slol11:23
leo__but i never though communities like this exist today lol11:24
leo__m feeling like m in 90s11:24
kevrThis channel is specifically here for conversation about getting something to work, or fixed, on the Ubuntu linux distribution. However, normally, users are expected to at least try to resolve it themselves through available documentation before asking in here about it.11:24
kevralso, every single community that exists today in chat rooms still uses this same idea; the only difference is how it is presented to you, really, as a user11:24
leo__oh so its a helping community11:24
kevrdiscord, slack, whatever, they all have text going over the network11:25
leo__but they are overwhelmed with11:25
leo__emojis pics videos11:25
leo__ths really gives 90s feeling11:25
leo__i mean in a good way11:25
kevrthat's because of how their frontend decides to display stuff to the user11:25
leo__yessss i know lmao11:25
kevryou could take Discord data and present it in such a way that it looks exactly like this, if you wanted to11:25
leo__can we send friend requests or something?11:26
kevrand yes, IRC was one of the more well-known original chat protocols on the net, and it remains reminiscent of its original style in most clients.11:26
leo__btw i yesterday thought11:27
leo__about leraning sockets11:27
kevrNo. However, one part of etiquette in these chatrooms are staying on topic -- that is, this channel is for Ubuntu conversation, and so technically talking about IRC and what it is, is not completely on-topic here. There is much information around the internet you could use to learn about IRC; the information is plenty.11:27
leo__specificallysockets in Java11:27
leo__to build a simple chat group11:27
leo__over my own network11:28
leo__just for learning and fun11:28
kevrwhy not, go ahead11:28
kevrleo__: #ubuntu-offtopic seems to be a more suitable chatroom for this kind of talk, which is really just social conversation11:29
leo__oh sorry for that i really am haha Howcan i join that?11:30
leo__me so dumb and it feels like i am using internet for first time which i am not haha11:30
kevrYou can type /join #ubuntu-offtopic in your IRC Client (hexchat).11:30
kevrleo__: welcome to IRC11:30
leo__Thank u so much for the welcome and helping mate..U R the first person ever i have talked to here In IRC......!!11:31
kevrNo problem at all. I hope you can find some nice community and use through IRC :)11:32
eqwHello. Why there's no /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/block/loop.ko ?11:32
leo__haha thanks kevr11:32
tomreyneqw: there should be. which ubuntu release are you on, which linux-image-*  packages are installed?11:33
eqw5.15.0-71-generic or 4.4.0-134-generic neither have it11:34
tomreyneqw: which ubuntu release are you on?11:35
tomreynlsb_release -ds    should tell11:36
tomreynor    cat /etc/os-release11:36
eqw22.04.2 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish)11:36
eqw  `apt-file search loop.ko|grep /loop.ko` shows it only in linux-modules-5.15.0-*-kvm11:37
tomreynfirst of all you should install all the pending updates11:38
tomreyn4.4.0 is an outdated kernel image from a previous ubutnu release, jammy doesn't have this11:38
tomreyn5.15.0-71-generic probably was in jammy at some point, but it's been a while11:39
tomreynamd64 is at linux-image-5.15.0-91-generic11:39
eqwyes, 4.4.0 is another system, and it doesn't have loop.ko too which doesn't seem a mere coincidence11:39
eqwhttp://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux-signed/linux-image-5.15.0-91-generic_5.15.0-91.101_amd64.deb doesn't contain /lib anyway11:42
tomreyni think it would be in linux-modules-5.15.0-91-generic or linux-modules-extra-5.15.0-91-generic11:42
eqwhttp://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux/linux-modules-5.15.0-91-generic_5.15.0-91.101_amd64.deb has /lib but doesn't contain loop.ko11:44
eqwsame applies to http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux/linux-modules-extra-5.15.0-91-generic_5.15.0-91.101_amd64.deb11:45
jeremy31eqw: try> modinfo loop11:45
eqwfilename:       (builtin)11:46
eqwi wonder why i'm getting "failed to set up loop device: No such device or address" then11:46
tomreynmaybe it'll be better to start from the beginning, and tell us what you're trying to do and why, which commands you ran, why your system is not updated?11:49
eqwi'm trying to `mknod /dev/loop51 b 7 51 ; losetup /dev/loop51 /path/to/file`. My system is not updated because updates can break something.11:52
tomreyni'm looking at the losetup man page, which seems to suggest that losetup only accepts a single non option argument11:56
eqwlosetup [-o offset] [--sizelimit size] [--sector-size size] [-Pr] [--show] -f loopdev file11:57
tomreynright. maybe   losetup -f /dev/loop51 /path/to/file   is what you want?11:58
eqw"losetup: unexpected arguments" which seems strange12:00
eqwseems they changed the behaviour of losetup and didn't describe the change properly12:01
tomreyn--help say that what you tried to do should work12:02
eqwit worked in xenial12:04
tomreyndoes /dev/loop51 actually exist after the mknod command?12:05
tomreyndo you run this as root?12:05
tomreyndoes it have proper user / group ownerships + permissions?12:06
eqwyes it does exist. Yes I run it as root.12:07
tomreyni guess the issue is somehow related to your /path/to/file or outdated system then. i just tried this on an up to date amd64 jammy VM and it worked.12:08
tomreynthis is what i ran: sudo mknod /dev/loop51 b 7 51 && sudo losetup /dev/loop51 /usr/share/doc/bash/README.gz12:11
tomreynI got a warning:    losetup: /usr/share/doc/bash/README.gz: Warning: file does not fit into a 512-byte sector; the end of the file will be ignored.12:11
tomreynbut the command succeeded nevertheless12:12
eqwmy file is 10G so it's bigger than README.gz. That should not matter though12:13
eqwand it's readable, i've opened its beginning with hexedit12:13
=== david is now known as Guest9743
=== Guest9743 is now known as Lithmihl
kotgcGuest59Hello, anyone know how to fix an Ubuntu 22.04.3 black screen at boot?12:32
lotuspsychje!nomodeset | kotgcGuest59 you can try this12:32
ubottukotgcGuest59 you can try this: Systems with certain graphics chipsets may not boot properly out of the box. "Temporarily Add a Kernel Boot Parameter for Testing" as discussed at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters to add the "nomodeset" parameter there.12:32
lotuspsychjekotgcGuest59: after reaching to desktop, you will need to find the rootcause of your black screen12:33
kotgcGuest59ubottu thx, I've tried nomodeset, same issue. Hardware worked fine until I swapped a storage disk.12:33
kotgcGuest59lotuspsychje how do I find the root cause of the black screen?12:34
lotuspsychjekotgcGuest59: a good starting point would be sharing logs with the volunteers here, like dmesg or journal logs12:34
kotgcGuest59lotuspsychje here's the journal logs, but from LiveUSB, as I only have grub access at boot. https://dpaste.com/HWJDNDFK912:36
kotgcGuest59Boot log https://dpaste.com/EUB9D8LS312:36
kotgcGuest59Casper log https://dpaste.com/89E34CCJ412:36
kotgcGuest59Kern log https://dpaste.com/GNRPHAGNH12:37
lotuspsychjekotgcGuest59: those are just small parts of your logs, a full dmesg would be good12:37
kotgcGuest59sys log https://dpaste.com/G8UQ5Y72512:37
lotuspsychjekotgcGuest59: im seeing nouveau lines in there, are you booting to wayland or xorg?12:38
kotgcGuest59xorg log https://dpaste.com/BC9YYPH6T12:38
kotgcGuest59I can't get the full dmesg as the boot fails after 3 lines and goes to black screen.12:39
lotuspsychjekotgcGuest59: you didnt update to kernel 6.5 recently?12:39
kotgcGuest59I don't know what Wayland is? Weyland Industries - "building a better future"?12:40
kotgcGuest59lotuspsychje Ubuntu 22.04.3 was on the latest update.12:41
lotuspsychjekotgcGuest59: at login, the user can choose between xorg or wayland, default your desktop wants to pick wayland12:41
kotgcGuest59lotuspsychje ok, whatever the Ubuntu 22.04.3 default is.12:41
lotuspsychjeand nvidia doesnt like wayland12:41
kotgcGuest59Ok, however Ubuntu was fine until I changed a storage disk 3 to a LinuxMint OS. SSD3 booted LM nicely, passing a test after an electrical storm on 25th December 2023. However replacing the SSD3 with the original storage disk, the black screen issue appeared.12:43
lotuspsychjekotgcGuest59: we can only support ubuntu and its flavours here, no mint12:43
kotgcGuest59lotuspsychje sure, I'm not asking for LM support. This is an Ubuntu issue.12:43
kotgcGuest59The description of the cause of the issue is why LM is mentioned.12:44
lotuspsychjekotgcGuest59: see if you can reach into grub/recoverymode and fix broken packages from there (make sure your system is uptodate) and get in your desktop with failsafe graphics12:44
lotuspsychjekotgcGuest59: after that, logout to gdm and pick Xorg to boot in12:45
lotuspsychjeand doublecheck with graphics drivers are loaded, nouveau vs nvidia12:45
kotgcGuest59lotuspsychje wow, that sounds like a plan but is beyone my noob skills.12:45
lotuspsychjekotgcGuest59: enter grub is easy12:45
kotgcGuest59Yes, I can manage grub.12:45
kotgcGuest59...the following steps look tricky.12:46
lotuspsychjefrom grub, you can get into recoverymode, enable networking and drop to a rootshell12:46
lotuspsychjedo your updates from there12:46
lotuspsychjeor other tasks the volunteers here can help you with12:46
kotgcGuest59oh, there's no network in grub, as Ubuntu runs a network from a KVM. Curiously, the LiveUSB has network.12:46
kotgcGuest59I can run updates from LiveUSB in chroot.12:47
DiogoConstantinohi all!13:12
SteelRoseHi DiogoConstantino13:15
BluesKajHi all13:18
Guest39peepee poopoo?13:31
lotuspsychjestop that Guest3913:32
Guest39oh there is people here13:33
Guest39im sorry13:33
Guest39hey buddy13:33
lotuspsychjeGuest39: this channel is for ubuntu support issues only13:34
Guest39i use arch btw13:34
Guest39bye. the nurse is giving me a bath13:35
zetherootomreyn: it's happening again, and there's nothing interesting from dmesg or journal.14:04
zetheroooerheks: no updates available here for Transmission.14:06
zetherooWhat this "feels" like is that the WiFi driver (?) is crashing/stalling. It only happens when there is a high amount of data transfer in/out of ~20MB/s or more.14:07
anshparmarsudo apt install wine-development14:08
zetherooI say this because in System Monitor I can see CPU and RAM continuing on stable, while the Network traffic nosedives and stays at zero until the system unfreezes.14:09
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zetherooAlso, around the time of freezing up I see this from journalctl: wpa_supplicant[1757]: wlp3s0: WPA: Group rekeying completed with 1c:ed:6f:c7:10:60 [GTK=CCMP]14:18
zetherooAs if the WiFi is re-authenticating14:18
jeremy31zetheroo: URL from terminal for>  iwconfig|nc termbin.com 999914:23
jeremy31zetheroo: URL> cat /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/default-wifi-powersave-on.conf|nc termbin.com 999914:28
jeremy31zetheroo: run this>  sudo sed -i 's/wifi.powersave = 3/wifi.powersave = 2/' /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/default-wifi-powersave-on.conf14:35
zetheroojeremy31: Ah I see - 2 disables power-saving14:35
zetherooOK, I've also restarted NetworkManager. I'll try some stuff again and see how it goes.14:37
zetherooWifi just "crashed" again.14:48
zetherooThis is what it looks like in the System Monitor https://ibb.co/c6NyDpY14:55
zetherooand here it is happening multiple times https://ibb.co/NCkR6b114:56
zetherooIf I limit the download speed in Transmission to ~15MB/s the freezes don't happen.14:56
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zetheroohmm ... scratch that. here is it happening with 15MB/s https://ibb.co/KsXBfkh15:00
zetherooBut for some reason I don't actually feel the system freezing up15:00
zetherooThis is with Transmission creating the network traffic. I'm going to try with just copying data to/from my NAS over Files.15:01
zetherooI see this repeatedly in my system logs: wpa_supplicant[1757]: wlp3s0: WPA: Group rekeying completed with 1c:ed:6f:c7:10:60 [GTK=CCMP]15:14
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jeremy31zetheroo1: Something similar in my logs, every 10 minutes, likely normal.  Might be IP lease15:35
zetheroo1ok, and what about this? https://pastebin.com/9HYsfWxQ15:36
zetheroo1I wonder if the WiFi connection would be more stable using 2.4Ghz vs 5Ghz15:41
jeremy31zetheroo1: URL for> grep [[:alnum:]] /sys/module/iwlwifi/parameters/* | nc termbin.com 999915:44
jeremy31zetheroo1: Might be as good as it gets15:49
tomreynzetheroo1: which transmission version do you have there? apt list transmission15:54
zetheroo1tomreyn: transmission/jammy-updates,jammy-updates 3.00-2ubuntu2.1 all16:06
tomreynzetheroo1: okay, this seems ot be the latest for jammy16:10
tomreynzetheroo1: my guess is on some form of resource starvation, maybesome IRQ related issue, but those are difficult to diagnose (or maybe i just don't know enough about it). had you tried a bios upgrade?16:12
tomreynalso try the hwe kernel16:13
zetheroo1I haven't done a bios upgrade in a while.16:14
tomreynyou have JBET73WW (1.37 ) 08/14/201916:14
tomreynthats the latest available16:16
zetheroo1seems that's the latest version :)16:16
zetheroo1How about this HWE kernel. Is that something I need to add another repo for?16:16
tomreynno, you only need to sudo apt install linux-generic-hwe-20.0416:18
tomreynor was it 22.04?16:18
tomreyndepending on what you are running16:18
zetheroo1I have 22.0416:18
tomreynsudo apt install linux-generic-hwe-22.04    then16:18
zetheroo1ok, it's installed. Going to reboot now.16:21
zetherooOk, back after reboot. Going to run some more tests with the HWE kernel.16:33
tomreynzetheroo: did you verify you're running the newer kernel version now?16:39
zetherooLinux eb-T420 6.5.0-14-generic #14~22.04.1-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Mon Nov 20 18:15:30 UTC 2 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux16:41
oerheksand latest transmission update? transmission_3.00-2ubuntu2.116:42
tomreyn<zetheroo1> tomreyn: transmission/jammy-updates,jammy-updates 3.00-2ubuntu2.1 all16:42
oerheksoke, just checking after last night.16:43
tomreynhmm, actually it did not say it was installed16:43
tomreynzetheroo: what does this say?    apt list --installed transmission16:43
zetheroo'sudo apt info transmission' shows 'Version: 3.00-2ubuntu2.1'16:43
tomreynokay that seems to cnfirm you have the latest16:44
zetheroothere is goes again https://ibb.co/BKRkGLb16:47
zetherooI guess that's just the way it is for me :/16:47
tomreynand the entire system freezes when this happens?16:48
tomreynor is the only thing that happens that you get 0 throughput?16:48
tomreynon the wireless network link16:49
zetherooSometimes everything freezes up completely, sometimes it's a few apps that are unresponsive and others which are semi-responsive.16:49
zetherooand nothing interesting output to journalctl -f either16:49
zetheroocan it not write anything to the log because it's freezing up?16:50
tomreynit would write it later when recovering, if so16:50
zetheroohmm ok16:50
tomreyndo you have irqbalance installed?16:51
oerheksmaybe it is because you torrent wireless, i presume16:51
zetheroonot sure - I don't recall installing it16:51
zetherooseems it's already installed16:52
tomreynand this is running on the main operating system, not in a VM, right?16:53
zetheroono VMs running here16:53
tomreynmaybe try running iotop or iostat in a loop16:54
tomreynvmstat in a loo or sar may also hint on what's causing it16:55
zetheroowith 'watch'?16:55
tomreynwell, you'd want to be able to compare the latest to previous outputs16:55
tomreynif we assume it is somehow related to the wireless link, you could also have a look at    sudo ip -s link16:56
tomreynthere should not be lots of "errors" or "dropped" for the wireless on RX or TX16:57
zetheroolike this? https://pastebin.com/tMbNP2zF16:58
tomreynthat's fine16:58
tomreynalthough you sent more than you received, interesting16:59
zetherooI'm also uploading to my home server16:59
tomreynat the same time you are trying to do bittorrent? also through wireless?17:00
tomreynget a wire17:00
zetherooYes. But the feezing up happens also with just a single torrent being downloaded.17:01
zetherooYeah, I could plug in, but ... meh17:01
tomreyndo you know how the bittoreent protocol work?17:01
zetherooNot entirely, no17:01
zetheroobtw, I have the seeding massively limited, whereas the downloading isn't at all.17:02
tomreynyou connect to multiple peers to download from, at the same time. also other connect to you to download from you (i.e. you upload) the data you are offering.17:02
zetherooYeah, that much I know. :)17:04
tomreynkeeping connections open to many other ends can stress out the system, as can trying to both download and upload through a congested link17:04
zetherooI assume so. I just wish it were easier to see where the bottleneck is.17:04
tomreynwireless is a rather error-prone connectivity, data keeps failing to transfer and need sto be retransmitted all the time. ethernet i a lot more stable17:04
zetherooFor sure.17:05
GrandPa-GI am struggling getting write permissions on samba share for windows 11 desktop. I can read but not write. Here is smb.conf, mount and permissions. What am I doing wrong? https://dpaste.com/EVFW539PD17:05
rboxis it a share from samba or from widnows?17:07
rboxwhere is cifs/smbfs?17:07
GrandPa-Gthe share is on samba. It is actually on a Raspberry pi zero.17:08
rboxoh, you're trying to write from windows?17:08
GrandPa-Git is a mounted partition on the pi zero17:09
rboxif the permission are 777 on the driectory, does it work?17:09
GrandPa-Gshouldn't this change the directory  sudo chmod 777 /mnt/usb_share17:11
GrandPa-G? it gives me drwxr-xr-x 3 usb usb 4096 Dec 31  1969 usb_share17:11
rboxyou can't chmod on a vfat17:11
oerheksGrandPa-G, see force user = myuser > https://askubuntu.com/questions/1466607/how-do-i-get-write-access-to-samba-share-from-guest-account-without-setting-perm17:11
GrandPa-Goerheks, can I change something so I don't come in as guest? just take out guest ok?17:13
oerheksno, typo17:15
GrandPa-GFolks, I just added force user = and it works. Thanks17:15
oerheksis this a typo?writable = true17:15
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GrandPa-Gcut/paste kills you every time. Thanks for that.17:16
GrandPa-Goerheks, still needs the force=17:17
GrandPa-GFYI - I have a pi zero as gadget. Also, when I put something on its share, the pi zero makes the gadget appear as if it was newly plugged in. I have machine that will recognize that and process the file. It only does it when the flash drive looks like it just was plugged in.17:20
lunatiqHow to install TLS?18:05
rboxthat doestn really make any sense18:05
rboxwhat are you actually trying to do18:05
lunatiquse znc but get error in paralver they said its a tls issue on handshake from ubuntu18:05
lunatiqjust trying to use client to connect to my znc on ubuntu18:06
lunatiqWhat don't you understand?18:07
rbox"i get error" "they said"18:11
lunatiqdevelopers of paraler channel18:12
lunatiqDomainSSL error18:12
tomreynchances are that "paraler" and "paralver" refer to https://palaverapp.com/ an iOS IRC client, as I just learnt.18:24
Habbielunatiq, can you show us the error?18:26
tomreynlunatiq: if you are looking for help with configuring your znc running on ubuntu with an X.509 certificate for TLS, a better place to get help with this may be in #znc. we probably won't be able to help with configuring palaver.18:27
lubuntu_hi all19:13
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kostkonlubuntu_, hi19:27
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acidburn87hi any people for ipxe dev support here?21:06
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