=== pushkarnk1 is now known as pushkarnk === pushkarnk1 is now known as pushkarnk [15:29] Hiho party people [15:29] #startmeeting Weekly Main Inclusion Requests status [15:29] Meeting started at 15:29:54 UTC. The chair is cpaelzer. Information about MeetBot at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology [15:29] Available commands: action, commands, idea, info, link, nick [15:29] Ping for MIR meeting - didrocks joalif slyon sarnold cpaelzer jamespage ( eslerm dviererbe ) [15:30] I know I'm early, but wanted to get the ping out in time [15:30] o/ [15:30] hello o/ [15:30] #topic current component mismatches [15:30] Mission: Identify required actions and spread the load among the teams [15:30] #link https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches-proposed.svg [15:30] #link https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches.svg [15:31] wow [15:31] the new nvidia driver is wanted a lot [15:31] I'm not in the mood to count the lines [15:31] but those are normal, no new MIR needed and the team handles them well [15:31] no action needed [15:31] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-cssselect/+bug/2048760 is open [15:31] -ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Launchpad bug 2048760 in python-cssselect (Ubuntu) "[MIR] python-cssselect" [Undecided, Confirmed] [15:32] I guess we will see that later as it seems ready for review [15:32] yes [15:32] o/ [15:32] (just curious, how would I run mismatch on an arbitrary universe package to see its MIR requirements) [15:32] dkim-perl is known and still worked on by mirespace [15:32] good morning [15:33] eslerm: https://github.com/canonical/ubuntu-mir?tab=readme-ov-file#tools [15:33] thanks! [15:33] IIRC I wrote my own as it wasn't doing recursive needs [15:33] not sure anymore, it was long long ago [15:33] it is the right start [15:33] the rest in mismatches is also known [15:33] python-infelct [15:34] the same cssselect [15:34] and known logcheck->esmtp [15:34] going on in the agenda ... [15:34] #topic New MIRs [15:34] Mission: ensure to assign all incoming reviews for fast processing [15:34] #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/?field.searchtext=&orderby=-date_last_updated&field.status%3Alist=NEW&field.status%3Alist=CONFIRMED&assignee_option=none&field.assignee=&field.subscriber=ubuntu-mir [15:34] as assumed [15:34] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-cssselect/+bug/2048760 [15:34] -ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Launchpad bug 2048760 in python-cssselect (Ubuntu) "[MIR] python-cssselect" [Undecided, Confirmed] [15:34] and also [15:34] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libnet-idn-encode-perl/+bug/2038929 [15:34] -ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Launchpad bug 2038929 in libnet-idn-encode-perl (Ubuntu) "[MIR] libnet-idn-encode-perl (as libmail-dmarc-perl dependency)" [Undecided, New] [15:34] let me read the discussion ont he latter [15:35] I assume the latter could be WONTFIX, as mirespace changed the reverse-dependency, so that it is no longer needed [15:35] yeah that is how I read the comments too [15:36] The former looks for a reviewer [15:36] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-cssselect/+bug/2048760 [15:37] -ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Launchpad bug 2048760 in python-cssselect (Ubuntu) "[MIR] python-cssselect" [Undecided, Confirmed] [15:37] we have slyon and me and it is slyon's case ... avoiding self-review I think I have to take this one [15:37] While I have more sprint things to prep that should squeeze in well (hope dies last) [15:38] #topic Incomplete bugs / questions [15:38] The MIR templated used here ^ is a bit outdated. mkukri is willing to update it if needed. But overall the package seems to be in good shape, so we should be fine reviewing as-is, IMO [15:38] Mission: Identify required actions and spread the load among the teams [15:38] #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/?field.searchtext=&orderby=-date_last_updated&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITH_RESPONSE&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITHOUT_RESPONSE&field.subscriber=ubuntu-mir [15:38] cpaelzer: joalif was also waving above [15:38] oh, blind me [15:38] indeed [15:38] I was about to write the same :p [15:38] * cpaelzer opens eyes [15:38] I can take one [15:38] I've seen the security folks and slyon - sorry joalif [15:38] no worries [15:38] squeezing it in between a sprint, might not be the best idea [15:38] i was abit late to the party [15:39] passed cssselect to you then joalif [15:39] ok [15:39] thx joalif! [15:39] I'll need to thank you in my sprint presentation somehow now ... [15:39] :) [15:39] comments on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dbus-broker/+bug/2015538 [15:39] -ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Launchpad bug 2015538 in dbus-broker (Ubuntu) "[MIR] dbus-broker" [Undecided, Incomplete] [15:40] i unfortunately didnt have time to impove python3-cssselect today, but will have it done by next week [15:40] That is a Debian maintainer and upstream systemd contributor offering to help [15:40] I asked SEG and there wasn't extra capacity to take dbus-brokers wrapper [15:40] But it will still be O-release [15:40] mkukri: please coordinate with joalif about that (maybe it's not needed) [15:40] eslerm: interesting, what was the answer? [15:41] it is kind of a very soon or in 24.10 atm right? [15:41] it was a favor request, they mentioned that they were tight on people but someone *might* be interested to take it on [15:41] adding the wrapper likely needs to go on a roadmap [15:41] yeah, and it's a large enough change that even if it were done today, I think there'd be serious questions about switching to it now [15:42] by not finding time we are also becoming one of the few that have not yet switched :-/ [15:42] fedora changed ages ago, arch did announce the same last week [15:42] err .. the first "large change" is switching dbus implementations; the second "it were done today" was the (presumably) smallish wrapper [15:42] Security eyeballed how much work the wrapper would take during the review. There's a little bit of process state handling, but not much [15:42] maybe the link is worth adding to second the rationale? [15:43] I can [15:43] I'll add it [15:44] dbus-broker was mostly driven by desktop. I wonder if seb128 is interested in merging v35 (even though it's in universe)? Just to keep it up to date [15:44] I still doubt this can happen without Desktop finding and dedicating resources to it [15:45] adding the wrapper is another story then [15:45] ack [15:45] in the context of the MIR meeting this is interesting but not blocking us [15:45] would one ping Seb and others to ensure they reconsider it again as it is kind of the last chance to do so? [15:46] I can [15:46] thx [15:46] #topic Process/Documentation improvements [15:46] Mission: Review pending process/documentation pull-requests or issues [15:46] #link https://github.com/canonical/ubuntu-mir/pulls [15:46] #link https://github.com/canonical/ubuntu-mir/issues [15:46] no new entries [15:46] some wnated to discuss offline about base-sets [15:46] any major change already on that front? [15:47] some in Foundations MM [15:47] not a major roadmap item atm, but there is related work to do [15:47] verdict was that the Foundations toolchain squad does not have capacity to work on it this cycle, but security might start working on some relevant tooling [15:47] ok [15:47] thanks for the update [15:47] #topic MIR related Security Review Queue [15:47] Mission: Check on progress, do deadlines seem doable? [15:47] Some clients can only work with one, some with the other escaping - the URLs point to the same place. [15:47] #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-security/+bugs?field.searchtext=%5BMIR%5D&assignee_option=choose&field.assignee=ubuntu-security&field.bug_reporter=&field.bug_commenter=&field.subscriber=ubuntu-mir [15:47] #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-security/+bugs?field.searchtext=[MIR]&assignee_option=choose&field.assignee=ubuntu-security&field.bug_reporter=&field.bug_commenter=&field.subscriber=ubuntu-mir [15:47] Internal link [15:48] - ensure your teams items are prioritized among each other as you'd expect [15:48] - ensure community requests do not get stomped by teams calling for favors too much [15:48] #link https://warthogs.atlassian.net/jira/software/c/projects/SEC/boards/594 [15:48] There seem to be 6 in TODO+Backlog [15:48] given that we are closing in towards FF and with a bit more distance towards release [15:48] could security do a spike to get those handled? [15:49] I'm training the certs/fips folks for MIRs after this meeting (libgssglue) and setting up similar meeting for fdk-aac-free [15:49] well, that is great to hear [15:49] the perl ones are more or less done, it would be nice if another perl one was ready [15:49] libmysofa is still in upstream's hands iiuc [15:49] libmail-mime-perl is in TODO [15:49] openscap is a backlog security task (not for MIR) [15:49] I'm not aware of roc-toolkit yet [15:49] * eslerm looks [15:50] arr, that was one that was switched away [15:50] you might want to remove the card in your jira though [15:50] eslerm: I finished roc-toolkit MIR review today. It's ready for security review [15:50] \o/ [15:50] I'll try to assign it this week [15:50] I'll ping mirespace if there are any more perl MIRs waiting to get them to us asap for you to be able to use them for training [15:51] thank you [15:51] Andrei has worked up a perl fuzzing process for those [15:52] ok, I pinged mirespace about it [15:52] perl turns out not to be great for training though :) [15:52] cpaelzer: They all are submitted [15:52] ah [15:52] well, great [15:52] afte rso many months of yet another no one thought of that to be possible :-) [15:52] hehe... well, let's see how libcryptX evolves :( [15:52] mirespace: woo :) nice work working those through :) [15:53] mirespace: libcryptx was the bad one enmbedding another version of a lib right? [15:53] thanks sarnold! :$ [15:53] yes, that one [15:53] *sigh* [15:53] why can't things ever be easy [15:54] mirespace: hmm, reading the comment [15:54] it seems you wait for us on this [15:54] but by being assigned to you it won't show up in any query [15:54] let me löink it here [15:54] for us to have a look now [15:54] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libcryptx-perl/+bug/2046154 [15:54] -ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Launchpad bug 2046154 in libcryptx-perl (Ubuntu) "[MIR] libcryptx-perl (libmail-dkim-perl dependency)" [Undecided, New] [15:54] I'd appreciate we all could have a look to conclude on ways forward [15:55] option #1 sounds even worse :-/ [15:56] for #2 - sad that even that ed25519 uses the embedded tomcrypt [15:56] I'll bring this LP up during the fips/certs mir training [15:56] maybe adrien does have an opinion on that? [15:57] I see how #3 is the easiest, but OTOH the one taking way the function users want from this whole stack of tools [15:57] slyon: I'll ask [15:57] I'm working on trying to separate ed255519 from dkim itself at putting it like recommend... there is a sodium based perl lib that that handles also ed255519, but is pretty abandoned [15:58] I think I miss #4 - make this an optional dependency, so that some encryptions work out of the bux and others are a suggest to a universe package [15:58] (sorry, I put a extra that ) [15:58] really I'd love to see adriens and eslerm (after bringing it up) thoughts on this [15:58] I'd love to know if they're abandoned because they are working fine and don't need maintaining, or if they're so busted that the authors gave up :( [15:58] after all they might say "ok, while not great - using it as is is the least bad option" [15:59] I mean I found that the embedded lib is more up to date than the lib itself [15:59] ha [15:59] time is running out [15:59] (sorry, I need to drop ... thank you all) [15:59] bye mirespace :) thanks [15:59] looking forwadr to seeing your comment on the case later on [15:59] we all need to drop ... [16:00] #topic Any other business? [16:00] noen here [16:00] last minute urgent things? [16:00] nope [16:00] not from me [16:00] none from me [16:00] thanks all o/ [16:00] nice, over and out [16:00] thanks cpaelzer, all! [16:00] thanks cpaelzer, all :) [16:00] #endmeeting [16:00] Meeting ended at 16:00:25 UTC. Minutes at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2024/ubuntu-meeting.2024-01-16-15.29.moin.txt [16:00] thanks cpaelzer, all :) [19:58] o/ [19:58] o/ [20:00] o/ [20:02] o/ [20:03] ah, according to the agenda it seems like I'm the chair today [20:03] sorry for being a bit late [20:04] #startmeeting Ubuntu Technical Board [20:04] Meeting started at 20:04:01 UTC. The chair is seb128. Information about MeetBot at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology [20:04] Available commands: action, commands, idea, info, link, nick [20:04] #topic Apologies [20:05] amurray is the only one who refused the calendar event but he seems around? [20:05] no email on the list from what I can see [20:05] #topic Action review [20:05] vorlon mentioned in a private channel that he would be afk [20:05] ok [20:05] ACTION: seb128/amurray/sil2100 to help drafting the snap-store Ubuntu-specific tracks usage [20:06] amurray is ooo on my calendar [20:06] right, I said that :) [20:06] i'm here ;) [20:07] so on the tracks usage, I replied to a comment [20:07] unsure what is missing for us to be able to move forward from where we are [20:07] amurray, any opinion on what should be the next steps there? [20:08] yeah I am also a bit unsure - I wonder if we need a google meet session or similar to review the remaining comments as a group? [20:09] or we need to engage the store team to figure out if they can support the requirements [20:10] ok, let's carry over and I will take an action item to set up a meeting specifically to discuss that topic [20:10] including other stakeholders if needed [20:10] #action: seb128/amurray/sil2100 to help drafting the snap-store Ubuntu-specific tracks usage [20:11] thanks [20:11] #action: seb128 to organize a meeting to unblock the draft of the tracks usage section [20:11] Apologies, I got totally distracted [20:11] ACTION: rbasak to draft a proposal of the DMB-proposed inactivity expiration policy for TB ratification [20:11] sil2100, hey! [20:11] Carry over please [20:11] #action rbasak to draft a proposal of the DMB-proposed inactivity expiration policy for TB ratification [20:11] ACTION: rbasak to draft a proposal of the DMB-proposed inactivity expiration policy for TB ratification [20:12] ACTION: rbasak to follow up on finding consensus on question of test plans for third party apps [20:12] Also carry over sorry [20:12] #action rbasak to follow up on finding consensus on question of test plans for third party apps [20:12] ACTION: rbasak to follow up on finding consensus on question of test plans for third party apps [20:12] ACTION: rbasak to open wider discussion on third-party repo policy [20:12] Same [20:12] #action rbasak to open wider discussion on third-party repo policy [20:12] ACTION: rbasak to open wider discussion on third-party repo policy [20:12] ACTION: seb128 to continue working with SRU, AA, Release, Backporters and Security teams to document their membership process and link to it from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TechnicalBoard#Team_Delegations [20:12] carrying over that one also [20:12] #action seb128 to continue working with SRU, AA, Release, Backporters and Security teams to document their membership process and link to it from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TechnicalBoard#Team_Delegations [20:12] ACTION: seb128 to continue working with SRU, AA, Release, Backporters and Security teams to document their membership process and link to it from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TechnicalBoard#Team_Delegations [20:13] #action vorlon to write up draft guidelines for packages in the archive that download from the Internet [20:13] ACTION: vorlon to write up draft guidelines for packages in the archive that download from the Internet [20:13] I'm carrying that one over since I didn't see an update and Steve is not here [20:13] ACTION: seb128 to follow-up with ubuntu cinnamon on 24.04 request [20:14] I didn't see a reply, I need to nudge them so I'm carrying it over [20:14] #action seb128 to follow-up with ubuntu cinnamon on 24.04 request [20:14] ACTION: seb128 to follow-up with ubuntu cinnamon on 24.04 request [20:14] ACTION: sil2100 to send confirmation of successful LTS status for Ubuntu Studio 24.04 [20:15] that's done, https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/technical-board/2024-January/002846.html [20:15] Done! [20:15] Indeed [20:15] good to have one item done :) [20:15] ACTION: amurray to send confirmation of successful LTS status for Edubuntu 24.04 [20:16] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/technical-board/2024-January/002845.html [20:16] done [20:16] ;) I think amurray did his as well! [20:16] indeed! [20:16] yep [20:16] ACTION: seb128 to follow-up with ubuntu budgie on 24.04 request [20:16] I didn't get a reply here either so need to nudge them [20:16] #action seb128 to follow-up with ubuntu budgie on 24.04 request [20:16] ACTION: seb128 to follow-up with ubuntu budgie on 24.04 request [20:16] ACTION: amurray to follow-up with ubuntu kylin on 24.04 request [20:17] that happened as well I think? [20:17] sorry I think I need to carry this over [20:17] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/technical-board/2024-January/002844.html ? [20:17] or was there another follow up needed? [20:17] gah yes I forgot [20:18] I overlooked that in my backlog, I will add my vote after the meeting [20:18] I think I did vote, right? [20:18] yes, and Steve [20:19] I'm going to send my +1 in a bit [20:19] amurray, I'm giving you an action item to send the confirmation of the vote result then if that's ok? [20:19] yes thats fine [20:19] #action amurray to send confirmation of successful LTS status for Ubuntu Kylin 24.04 [20:19] ACTION: amurray to send confirmation of successful LTS status for Ubuntu Kylin 24.04 [20:20] #topic Scan the mailing list archive for anything we missed (standing item) [20:20] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/technical-board/2024-January/date.html [20:20] o/ :) [20:20] we have a request from Lubuntu to be LTS [20:21] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/technical-board/2024-January/002849.html [20:22] Since I finished mine, maybe I could get assigned to it then [20:22] sil2100, what would be the action item? [20:22] the request seems reasonable so maybe we just need to vote? [20:22] We can, but I didn't read it! Yet [20:23] sil2100, but thanks, let me add an action to review and call for a vote? [20:23] #action sil2100 to review the lubuntu LTS participation request and follow up as appropriate (question or call for vote) [20:23] ACTION: sil2100 to review the lubuntu LTS participation request and follow up as appropriate (question or call for vote) [20:23] I'm happy to answer any questions here or at a later point about Lubuntu's application. :) [20:23] sil2100, ^ sounds fine? [20:24] Looks fine o/ Are you and amurray ready to vote as is? [20:24] yes [20:24] I want to read the emails again since I only glanced over them but it feels like it is ready [20:25] let's just do a call for vote on the list rather than trying to do it here today [20:25] did any of you had questions here today for tsimonq2 since he joined the meeting for us? [20:25] I'm leaving it up to you. I'd like someone to do a proper review of it - if someone already did it, I'm fine with voting [20:26] no need to rush I would say [20:26] no, his email is very detailed and covers everything I would have wanted to know [20:26] you have an action item [20:26] we can call for vote on the list once you have reviewed it [20:26] no question from me either [20:26] Ok o/ [20:27] tsimonq2, no question it seems but thanks for taking the time to join the meeting in case we had some [20:27] #topic Check up on community bugs and techboard bugs [20:27] Hey, one more thing on this topic, briefly... [20:27] tsimonq2, sure? [20:28] (no activity on the community bugs and techboard bugs) [20:28] Actually, two, sorry. I noted lack of cooperation generally speaking on that email, and I've seen a drastic change for the better. I still have some (genuine) questions around the SRU Team given recent events, but I'm planning a postmorteum on virtualbox anyway. [20:29] Also, I appointed Aaron and Dan as assistant release managers, there's no direct action required from the TB, but a "hey we see this" would be great. :) [20:29] Well I asked and was told that no response was expected? [20:30] Yes :) I'm glad you saw it, just making a general point to it. [20:30] Anyway, those are the points I have, happy to answer any questions. [20:30] I'm not aware the SRU team situation you are referencing to but it doesn't seem to be a TB topic at this point? [20:31] aware of* [20:31] I'm not sure either. [20:32] My general point is, asking for requalification is a two-way agreement. We are happy to provide support for Lubuntu, the only reason I brought it up is to ensure we have support on the other side to be able to move the needle forward. [20:32] tsimonq2, and I've seen the email about the assistant release managers :-) [20:32] seb128: thanks :) [20:32] ok, so seems there is no question/action there but thanks for mentioning those! [20:32] Yes of course :) [20:32] #topic Select a chair for the next meeting (next from https://launchpad.net/~techboard/+members) [20:33] I wonder if there's an opportunity to be talking more via the flavour syncs or something similar [20:33] I promise I'll be here in time for the next one so you can keep me as chair ;) [20:33] next in the list is Steve and Lukasz as backup [20:33] Because I'm seeing noises, but without specifics, I'm not in a position to be able to help at all. [20:33] vorlon, hey, and thanks! [20:35] rbasak, yes, the flavor syncs is a good venue for project discussions with flavor [20:35] flavors [20:35] As far as I'm aware, the TB has an open invite to the Flavor Syncs. If you talk to the Community Team (specifically ilvipero_), he should be able to get you an invite. [20:35] #topic AOB [20:35] Please do arrange for the SRU team and/or TB to be invited if there's a specific agenda item you have in mind that you'd like to discuss [20:36] Absolutely, just finishing with my notes on this one. Thanks :) [20:36] I usually try to join at least the European tz compatible meeting and I think sil2100 has been to some of those as well [20:37] I'm not aware of having been invited recently [20:37] That sounds like a mistake to me :) [20:37] I think it's an open venue, ask Mauro to be added to the calendar invite if you wish to join [20:38] I usually join as a desktop representative, afaik we didn't have any formal request to have TB members there before [20:38] but I think we should at least review the invite list according to the topics on the agenda [20:39] that's not a meeting the TB own though, but I will still try to ensure we invite the right people [20:39] Just pinged the appropriate people to get you all invites. :) === NotEickmeyer is now known as Eickmeyer [20:39] :) [20:39] My IRC client with issues. :) [20:39] Thanks! [20:39] ok, I think that should be enough for that topic then [20:40] another other topic? [20:40] giving 3 min and if not then it's a wrap [20:41] rbasak: I understand it's an action item, but an additional poke on the DMB inactivity stuff :) [20:41] nothing from me [20:41] I did get frightened for a minute at Aaron's MOTU meeting. [20:41] * tsimonq2 is good [20:42] tsimonq2: I've not been focused on that because it's usually worked out recently [20:42] If people start getting near the threshold then I'll definitely prioritise that [20:42] Okay :) [20:43] alright, seems we are done then [20:43] Also it was very close to the New Year and I'd expect some disruption/unavailability around then. [20:43] Very true. [20:43] thanks everyone!! [20:43] let's wrap? [20:43] The plans won't change that since it's only sustained absence that would be actionable [20:44] I'm okay wrapping, I believe we're on the same page. [20:44] ok, it's a wrap then, thanks everyone! [20:44] Yeah, I need to apologize for missing out many DMB meetings lately [20:45] #endmeeting [20:45] Meeting ended at 20:45:05 UTC. Minutes at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2024/ubuntu-meeting.2024-01-16-20.04.moin.txt [20:45] It's been so many Mondays that I just haven't been around [20:45] o/ [20:45] o/ [20:45] sorry for being half around in that DMB meeting, I was sick on that day but still joined to be able to have quorum but I didn't manage to stick around all the time [20:46] seb128: You came in clutch, so you're more than forgiven from all sides, I'm sure. :D [20:46] :-) [20:46] Agreed :) [20:47] seb128: And never apologize for being sick. I've had to say that to subordinates I've had in the past. [20:48] (not that you're subordinate to me, but the point still stands)