
JanCor you can do all of them so people can choose  ;)00:00
dtypethanks for ideas here folks.00:07
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blackguy5my dad used to call me nigger01:05
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bray90820In 23.10 why is the mouse pointer bigger in some apps04:32
bray90820IE MakeMKV and KVIRC04:32
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vtolmi enorme castillo07:23
BlueSmokeHi, If I press the i or L keys they work, I can also shift uper or lower with right shift key,  The left shift key works with other keys, but not i or L and a few others can anyone point me in the right direction to fix this?08:01
BlueSmokeI'm using Ubuntu 20.0408:01
BlueSmokeIf it helps it acts the same on en and us settings08:04
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Bashing-omBlueSmoke: Default config. ' cat /etc/default/keyboard ' >> XKBMODEL="pc105" ?08:11
BlueSmokeIn /etc/default/keyboard     it says XKBLAYOUT=gb,us08:15
BlueSmokeif thats what you were asking08:16
BlueSmokeIt's a laptop with shared num pad08:18
Bashing-omBlueSmoke: I expected the keyboard layout (such as pc105) to also be configured.08:19
BlueSmokewhat I posted is all thats in there08:19
Bashing-omBlueSmoke: Will take one more knowledgeable than I to determine what the layout should be - past my bed time and I am headed that way.08:28
BlueSmokeThanks for looking at It anyway good night08:28
thisisjaymehtaI have similar but different issue like BlueSmoke.08:34
thisisjaymehtain my case function key not works, I tried many different keyboard layouts in settings08:35
thisisjaymehtaI am using "helloganss" keyboard and it only support win and mac. But I am trying to make all keys work on ubuntu.08:36
BlueSmokeI looked at posts all ove the place but there are many different so it confuses the search thats why I thought I'd ask here hoping someone could put me on the right parth08:36
BlueSmokeMine when I hold left shif the afected key do nothing08:38
BlueSmokemine includes some Fkeys also but not many08:39
tsurugihallo people11:03
alcostaHI everybody!I had a problem booting Ubuntu 20.04 for the first time from the iso standard image file.11:14
alcostaI was unable to boot and start a session from my computer.11:16
alcostaI have a nvidia GeForce GT710 graphic board, for which, normally, on other ubuntu 20.04 installations, i have a nvidia-driver-470.11:18
alcostaTrying to start a new ubuntu 20.04 installation, the system is unable to recognize a display monitor ASUS 28" (ultra high resolution of 3840x... dots).11:20
alcostaThe monitor, after a stARTING11:20
alcostaThe monitor, after a splash screen indicating ubuntu and ASRock (my mother board) hibernates and power off, so that nothing is more visible on the totally black display!.11:23
alcostaPlease, is there somebody reading what i'm saying?11:23
alcostaNo! Nobody is reading what i'm saying! Next time! Thanks! :)11:32
dob1_hi, I cannot use virtualbox anymore "If your system is using EFI Secure Boot you may need to sign the kernel modules (vboxdrv, vboxnetflt, vboxnetadp, vboxpci)"12:00
dob1_it was working I suppose until the last kernel update12:00
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Parisi know it so much.13:14
Guest1905c moi13:14
Ludo0404noah ça va ?13:14
mrtlsnc est qui Paris ?13:14
Guest1905votre bb13:14
Guest1905jtm noah13:17
Guest1905cc mv13:24
noahtbycc bb13:25
pragmaticenigmaGuest1905, noahtby, Ludo0404 : Do you have an Ubuntu support question?13:25
Neil_McCauleyeim Thema.13:35
Neil_McCauley<Neil_McCauley> Linux Ubuntu does not boot anymore in normal mode, only in failsafe mode. Did an sudo fsck /dev/sda5 check, which fixed some errors but still no boot in normal mode. Any help?13:35
lotuspsychjeNeil_McCauley: see if you can go update and/or fix broken packages in recoverymode13:40
pragmaticenigmaNeil_McCauley: Define what "some errors" means? 1 or 2, several lines, a whole screens worth, it scrolled by as it worked?13:41
BluesKajHi all13:58
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Neil_McCauleyRunning additional passes to resolve blocks claimed by more than one inode...14:02
Neil_McCauleyPass 1B: Rescanning for multiply-claimed blocks14:02
Neil_McCauleyMultiply-claimed block(s) in inode 10633565: 43385905 43402767--43402770 1808--180914:02
Neil_McCauleyMultiply-claimed block(s) in inode 10633616: 43385905 43402767--43402770 1808--180914:02
Neil_McCauleyPass 1C: Scanning directories for inodes with multiply-claimed blocks14:02
Neil_McCauleyPass 1D: Reconciling multiply-claimed blocks14:02
lotuspsychje!paste | Neil_McCauley14:03
ubottuNeil_McCauley: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:03
Neil_McCauleyOK, sorry. This is the url: https://dpaste.com/2F5A3SLUF14:06
pragmaticenigmaNeil_McCauley: Does windows boot normally or does that also have issues?14:10
Neil_McCauleyNo, windows has no issues booting. This booting issue in Ubuntu occured after an kernel update/upgrade.14:12
Neil_McCauleyUbuntu general does not boot only recovery does.14:15
* glumbletross flexes his muscles14:29
lotuspsychjeNeil_McCauley: there are a few known bugs around kernel 6.5 booting14:32
lotuspsychjeNeil_McCauley: bug #2047590 is one for example14:33
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Bug 2047590 in linux (Ubuntu) "6.5.0-14 kernel will not boot" [Undecided, Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/204759014:33
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Neil_McCauleylotusspychje: that is a pitty.14:51
glumbletrossUbuntu Rocks your Socks14:52
pragmaticenigmaglumbletross: Do you have an Ubuntu support question?14:53
glumbletross@pragmaticenigma, yes, why is my system encryption keys keep crashing right after login?14:55
glumbletrosskernel 6.5.0-14-generic x86-6414:58
glumbletrossi sent reports but no response15:09
lotuspsychjeglumbletross: do you mean you filed a bug?15:10
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glumbletrossyes I clicked send report15:10
leftyfbglumbletross: that doesn't file a bug15:29
leftyfb!bug | glumbletross15:29
ubottuglumbletross: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.15:29
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strkis there a way to search for source packages ?16:42
strkwith apt16:42
strkbased on https://packages.ubuntu.com/jammy/libs/libgeos3.10.2 I go: `apt source libgeos3.10.2` but I get: E: Unable to find a source package for libgeos3.10.216:43
strkI do have `deb-src http://no.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu jammy main` in /etc/apt/source.list16:44
leftyfbstrk: libgeos3.10.2 is part of the universe repository16:45
strkah, why, if I may ask ?16:47
* strk is a geos maintainer16:47
leftyfbyou could contact ubuntu-devel-discuss@lists.ubuntu.com to find out16:48
pragmaticenigmastrk: Universe is where community maintained packages are stored. Main is for Canonical-supported16:48
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strkhow can I completely update the source code in a source package ?17:27
pragmaticenigmastrk: Think you'd have to reach out to the mail list email that lefty mentioned earlier for that answer.17:30
armadefuegoAnyone out there that can give me suggestions on what to look at with a problem that my mouse won't select windows? ( i can use the keyboard to change windows)17:38
leftyfbarmadefuego: can you take a screenshot or picture?17:40
leftyfbof the screen where you're trying to "select windows"17:40
strkhow do I search for a package by partial name ? is there any such service for source pakcage on commandline ?17:40
armadefuegoAlso can't use the dash, or the _chrome_ on the window via the mouse.17:40
leftyfbarmadefuego: are you sure the mouse button works?17:41
armadefuego@strk: i use dpkg -l | grep {name}17:41
strkarmadefuego: that one only searches in the installed packages, I'm talking about searching in all packages17:41
pragmaticenigmaarmadefuego: doesn't that only search already installed packages?17:41
armadefuego@leftyb: all 3 of them! ( i have 3 mice on the machine)17:41
strklike: apt search # but for source packages17:41
webchat95I have just installed ubuntu 22.04 and now my speaker is not working the audio is coming from my headphone but not from speakers17:42
armadefuegofor all packages i just use the ubuntu site.17:42
pragmaticenigmawebchat95: unplug headphones17:42
webchat95: ) now also not coming17:43
armadefuego@webchat95: can i assume that the headphone is disconnected when you test the speakers?17:43
webchat95armadefuego yes17:43
pragmaticenigmaarmadefuego: if you're receiving help, it's best to refrain from helping others. it makes it really hard to know when you are replying to someone helping you, or if you're helping someone else17:44
armadefuego@webchat95 is the setup in settings appropriate for your speakers? ( there may be options that the soundcard doesn't support to your speakers.17:45
leftyfbarmadefuego: try 1 mouse at a time17:46
webchat95armadefuego in settings the output device is showing17:46
strkdebhelper is already the newest version (12.10ubuntu1). # this prevents me to build backports requiring version 13, how do I go about that ?17:47
armadefuego1Disconnecting the mouse ( and a screen) crashed my GUI!17:53
leftyfbarmadefuego1: what release of ubuntu is this? It doesn't sound stock17:54
armadefuego123.10. Pretty much stock.17:57
armadefuego1node and chrome are the only _unubuntu repos in my apt sources ( from what i can see)17:59
leftyfbarmadefuego1: you mean beyond the stock sources.list right?18:01
pragmaticenigmaarmadefuego1: after rebooting are you still experiencing the issue?18:05
armadefuego1restarting the GUI makes the issue disappear for a while.18:06
pragmaticenigmaarmadefuego1: with all three mice attached to the system?18:07
armadefuego1(switching GUI consoles (<CTL><ALT><F1>    === <CTL><ALT><F2>) makes the mouse behave normally, for a bit)18:08
pragmaticenigmaarmadefuego1: why three mice?18:08
leftyfbarmadefuego1: only plug in 1 mouse at a time and see if the issue still happens18:09
armadefuego1the mice, when experiencing the issue, all work _normally_ within the window. But not in the window decorations ( menu bars)18:09
armadefuego1it seems its the window manager, not the window, in X terms anyway.18:11
pragmaticenigmaI'm going to go with this being self inflicted armadefuego1 ... as it appears there's no attempt at resolving the issue, just more anecdotal commentary that doesn't really get to the root of the problem of what probably is an edge case which is most computers are not operated with more than one mouse at a time.18:12
pragmaticenigmawithout you explaining why three mice, and actually following the suggestions of reducing the count to 1 and see if the problem occurs18:12
armadefuego1Sorry. I am just looking for what i need to include in a bug issue.18:12
pragmaticenigmait's not a bug18:13
pragmaticenigmayou have an edge case, and at the moment is going to get flagged with "won't fix" because of using three mice without explination why there is need for such an arrangement, and whether or not the problem happens with only one mouse attached18:13
armadefuego1So which file do i look at to see that the _crash_ wasn't a crash?18:14
pragmaticenigmaarmadefuego1: done helping you... since it appears you're not really experiencing a problem. just wasting people's time18:14
leftyfbarmadefuego1: let us know when you would like our help by providing answers to the questions that have been asked18:14
armadefuego1I am sorry i missed a question18:18
armadefuego13 mice: Track ball, trackpad, standard mouse.18:18
armadefuego1the _trackball_ is the additional, i think.18:19
leftyfbunplug all but 118:19
armadefuego1I did that, and i go the _oh! snap_ screen.18:20
leftyfbarmadefuego1: unplug all but 1 and reboot18:20
armadefuego1Ok. I will try that for a day, or so.18:21
armadefuego1xinput --list18:22
armadefuego1⎡ Virtual core pointer                    id=2[master pointer  (3)]18:22
armadefuego1⎜   ↳ Virtual core XTEST pointer              id=4[slave  pointer  (2)]18:22
armadefuego1⎜   ↳ Logitech Wireless Keyboard PID:4023     id=8[slave  pointer  (2)]18:22
armadefuego1⎜   ↳ Logitech Wireless Mouse                 id=9[slave  pointer  (2)]18:22
armadefuego1⎜   ↳ ImPS/2 Logitech Wheel Mouse             id=12[slave  pointer  (2)]18:22
pragmaticenigmaI have never heard of an "Oh Snap" screen in ubuntu... only the "Aw, Snap" in Chrome... me thinks this is a developer and is playing with WebRTC controls18:23
pragmaticenigmalocking up the control of the mouse18:24
leftyfbthey left18:24
pragmaticenigmai know... that's why I mentioned it18:24
armadefuegorebooted with the one mouse.18:27
armadefuegoThanks for the suggestion18:27
pragmaticenigmaarmadefuego: Something of interest. There is no "Oh Snap" error message that I am aware of in Ubuntu. Only time I have seen such an error screen is from Google Chrome. Seeing that you have node.js repository, I'm going to assume you are a developer. Are you working on some sort of hardware WebRTC project with Google Chrome involving pointing devices?18:29
armadefuegoI use 2 mice because the regular mouse is _familiar_. the trackpad is good for drawing. the trackball saves my wrist.18:31
leftyfbyou can only use 1 at a time18:32
armadefuegoI am no longer an active developer. but i keep my hands dirty, sometimes.18:32
armadefuegowell, sometimes i 2-hand mouse ;)18:33
leftyfbsorry, but I doubt that18:34
armadefuego(the regular mouse has 5 buttons, the trackpad only 3!18:34
armadefuegook. sorry. 50 years of using mice i can. ( gamers use a keyboard, and a mouse at the same time, for certain games to control movement.18:35
armadefuegoi guess its all what you are used to.18:35
strkhow do I downgrade a package ?18:51
strkI built a custom one with a newer version and now I'd like to move back18:52
strkoh, appending =<oldversion> works18:52
tomreynstrk: this will last until the next time you install upgrades19:57
tomreynapt pinning is an apt mechanism which can prevent upgrades. obviously, doing so also introduces security risks / prevents patching of vulnerabilities19:58
dob1_hi, why with kernel 6.5.0-14-generic gcc-12 was not installed ?20:14
pragmaticenigmadob1_: You'll have to explain why you expect a kernel update to also install a compiler update20:16
dob1_pragmaticenigma: the problem: I was installing virtualbox (the one from virtualbox repository), the build of the module fails because gcc-12 was not installed and gcc-12 is the compiler defined by the kernel20:17
ravagethat is a question you have to ask the virtualbox repository maintainer then20:19
dob1_they say this20:19
pragmaticenigmadob1_: There is a virtual box package in Ubuntu's support repositories. It is highly recommended that you use that one, as it is built and conforms to the available packages for Ubuntu.20:23
pragmaticenigma*Ubuntu's supported repositories20:23
dob1_pragmaticenigma: sorry but imho this is not the point20:25
pragmaticenigma!latest | dob1_20:26
ubottudob1_: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.20:26
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pragmaticenigmadob1_: It is every bit the point. You came here expecting something to work, where you made the choice to use an unsupported package repository. In doing so, there's no help here for your situation. The suggestion of using the package already offered in the repository is because it is supported here, and we can help with issues you may have in using it.20:28
pragmaticenigmadob1_: Also worth noting, the repository from Oracle for VirtualBox is well known for breaking Ubuntu installs. I've had several of my past installations break because of it. Oracle commonly provides packages for other supporting libraries that break other funcationality in Ubuntu20:29
dob1_what I am saying is, if in Makefile or whatever build is defined, is setup to "give me the default gcc for this kernel" and this gcc is not installed imho is a distribution problem20:30
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dob1_not a package/repository problem20:30
dob1_is not that virtualbox package defined gcc-12 hardcoded to use it while building the module20:30
pragmaticenigmaYou are using an unsupported repository with a dependency requirement that is not met by Ubuntu's default and supported repository. That is not a supportable scenario here20:30
dob1_ok got it, I will not insist, thanks anyway20:32
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jwashdob1_ I use oracle's repo for Virtualbox. Use a binary, they install fine.20:41
jwashyou don't need to compile it20:42
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pragmaticenigma!ppa | just a FYI jwash20:54
ubottujust a FYI jwash: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge20:54
jwashpragmaticenigma i don't need that info20:57
pragmaticenigmajwash: as the info stated... PPA are unsupported... this channel works to only suggest supported options for users. that's why that is included in that message.20:58
jwashso what20:58
jwashi just commented about my experience20:58
jwashget over yourself20:58
pragmaticenigmabecause then someone goes off and installs PPAs thinking becuase it was suggested or mentioned here it's a supported action. Then their install is broken and they're told "Sorry, we don't support that here" and left to pound sand. Leaving a poor experience for that person.20:59
jwashi never said install a ppa, i said use a binary from the repo21:01
jwashi said "I use oracle's repo for Virtualbox. Use a binary, they install fine."21:02
jwashnot that i use a PPA21:02
jwashi just get the DEB and install it21:02
arraybolt3dob1_, jwash, pragmaticenigma: For the record this happens even with the official VirtualBox from the Jammy repository.21:10
arraybolt3(the GCC-12 error)21:10
arraybolt3if the HWE kernel is installed in the guest.21:10
arraybolt3at least that happens when installing guest additions21:10
arraybolt3however Virtual21:11
arraybolt3Box itself installs on a host just fine.21:11
jwashit never affects me, i use the binary21:11
UndrWater_new to ubuntu server: when upgrading php, is there an automated way to update modified php files, such as .ini and www?21:34
pragmaticenigmaUndrWater_: Explain upgrading php? Like from a system update using apt?21:35
UndrWater_pragmaticenigma: moving from php8.1 to php8.2 for example21:37
UndrWater_perhaps migrating was a more accurate term21:37
pragmaticenigmaUndrWater_: it might be, as upgrade would be something handled by the package manager, which would take care of config files for you, or alert you to changes made from the package copy compared to your local copy21:38
leftyfbUndrWater_: not as part of the package upgrade/install. It would be done after the package upgraded/installed.21:38
mtchaving trouble with my login after an upgrade... I get a black screen with a cursor instead of a login screen... I tried to boot to an old kernel with grub, but still getting the same problem... I think it is graphical driver problem.. I am using the open source amd drivers... how can I troubleshoot or reinstall them?21:39
bray90820Why do some apps in ubuntu 23.10 have a bigger mouse curser than the rest of the OS22:33
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