[03:20] If I'm having some trouble with setting up xubuntu could I ask a question here? [03:25] xu-help14w: Yup - ask :) [03:26] I am trying to set up xubuntu in a UTM VM and it works up until the installation finishes and it says to reboot -- then gets stuck on the ubuntu splash screen forever [03:37] xu-help14w: Remove install medium, hit spacebar [03:38] Im not using an install medium -- directly downloaded the iso then used it in UTM. Do I need to use a bootable medium? [03:41] xu-help14w: In the past after installation it showed a msg to remove the install medium (e.g. ISO mounted as CD) and hit spacebar to restart. In my experience this hasn't been visible lately but doing so still worked. (Not removing the ISO works too) [03:42] xu-help14w: (maybe 't was instead) [03:42] I tried enter and it just kicked me back to the try or install screen [03:43] xu-help14w: Then you're probably booting from the ISO again. Power off, remove ISO, restart. [03:43] Okay that makes sense. Let me try that. [03:45] Should I eject the ISO before restarting or after? [03:46] xu-help14w: Power off, remove ISO, restart. I don't have access to UTM. (I assume you mean the Mac thing.) === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [09:56] HELLO [09:57] :b [12:56] buon pomeriggio [12:56] un saluto ai chatters [14:09] wie kann ich speile istlarieren === lbeaufils57 is now known as lbeaufils5 [19:42] I need help with installing xubuntu [19:45] xu-help30w, details? [19:45] Whenever I try to boot into xubuntu it just puts me in the grub [19:46] xu-help30w, so you already installed it? [19:46] yes [19:47] ok post a picture of what you see when booting? [19:51] How do I post a picture of me stuck in the grub on this websites [19:52] xu-help72w, take a pic with your phone and post to imgur.com [19:52] and share the url. [19:55] https://imgur.com/THBhdXD [19:57] xu-help72w, what Xubuntu version is that and how did you write it to USB drive? === NotEickmeyer is now known as Eickmeyer