
EickmeyerHey all! Edubuntu is nearly over the hurdle of having daily Raspberry Pi images being built. That said, I've volunteered with tsimonq2 to get working on Raspberry Pi images for Lubuntu. 14:27
EickmeyerOne caveat though: for first user configuration, since these are preinstalled images, Ubuntu Desktop and Edubuntu are utilizing the oem-config functionality of Ubiquity. How do we proceed with that for Lubuntu?14:27
arraybolt3I think we will probably need to get OEM Lubuntu installation going for that.15:04
arraybolt3Which Calamares supports, we just need to figure out how to configure it for that use case.15:04
arraybolt3That was something I intended to look into after getting the updater polished.15:05
tsimonq2BRING OUT THE LIST!15:53
tsimonq2*thunder in the background*15:53
Eickmeyer*monty python holy grail intensifies*15:53
arraybolt3tsimonq2: bring our infra back up first *ducks16:08
arraybolt3seriously though, I'm too uncomfortable with doing packaging until at least git.lubuntu.me is back operational, the risk of overwriting each other's changes and failing to push things is too great. So I'm going to stick to code development and research until then (depending on how much time I find).16:09
arraybolt3the updater is really good in its current state though (and once the apt-get update additional feature is pushed it will be even nicer). There be some good stuff in my local branch that I'm excited to get out there.16:10
tsimonq2arraybolt3: What I meant to say before is that we do have full mirrors on GitHub for a reason. :)18:13
tsimonq2arraybolt3: Every important repository in Gitea has an exact copy on GitHub18:13
arraybolt3right but we can't push to those right?18:13
arraybolt3What if I change things one way and you change things another way on the same package?18:13
tsimonq2We can, they'll just be overwritten when Gitea comes back up. Which was my suggestion about just keeping the commits locally and pushing to Gitea when it's back :)18:14
arraybolt3then I guess careful coordination it is18:14
arraybolt3have you touched htop or obconf-qt yet?18:14
tsimonq2IIRC we don't have a packaging copy for htop, and Backports is essentially an NCR of what's in Sid/Noble18:15
tsimonq2Haven't looked at obconf-qt or calamares yet18:15
arraybolt3packaging copy? As in, you have uploaded it to Noble (or someone has) and we don't have that on our machines/Git yet?18:15
arraybolt3(just trying to make sure I understand)18:16
arraybolt3I'm happy to tackle obconf-qt, and possibly try Cala if I get a chance18:16
tsimonq2Meaning, we don't track htop in Git on our end :) same with Vim18:19
tsimonq2arraybolt3: sounds good :) I have a bunch of writing to do today, let me know if I can help, otherwise tomorrow I'll circle back.18:19
arraybolt3kk :)18:20
tsimonq2That being said, the first thing on my list will be verifying the lubuntu-update-notifier SRU for Lunar.18:20

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