
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
seb128goood morning desktopers!09:25
seb128ricotz, hey, how are you doing?09:51
seb128ricotz, where is the libreoffice snap being built from nowadays? the store seems to have a newer revision than what is built on https://launchpad.net/~desktop-snappers/+snap/libreoffice-snap09:52
ricotzseb128, hey, I am good :), how are you?09:53
ricotzseb128, the libreoffice snap is located at https://launchpad.net/~libreoffice/df-libreoffice/+snap/libreoffice-fresh09:53
seb128I'm alright!09:53
ricotzthe snapcraft bug is https://github.com/canonical/craft-cli/issues/22109:54
-ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Issue 221 in canonical/craft-cli "Bad handling of non-utf8 text in _PipeReaderThread" [Open]09:54
ricotzthe translation error in libreoffice which triggered the bug is hopefully gone with 24.2~rc209:55
seb128ricotz, I will nag snapcraft people about bumping the priority there09:58
seb128ricotz, when did the snap vcs change?09:58
seb128it used to be https://github.com/ubuntu/libreoffice/tree/fresh no?09:59
seb128which https://launchpad.net/~desktop-snappers/+snap/libreoffice-snap uses 09:59
ricotzseb128, ah I am pushing those changes to github as well09:59
seb128and that snap build is still configured to autopublish to candidate10:00
ricotzyes, candidate is gine10:00
seb128ricotz, it's a bit confusing to have 2 Vcs-es10:00
seb128what you mean fine?.10:00
ricotz"autopublish to candidate" is fine10:00
seb128we have https://launchpad.net/~desktop-snappers/+snap/libreoffice-snap and https://launchpad.net/~libreoffice/df-libreoffice/+snap/libreoffice-fresh which are both configured to autopublish to candidate but building from different Vcs-es10:01
seb128that doesn't seem like a deterministic setup10:01
ricotzhttps://launchpad.net/~desktop-snappers/+snap/libreoffice-snap is disabled10:02
seb128oh, ok10:02
seb128I wonder if I should just delete this one to avoid confusion10:02
ricotzmeaning it won't build without requesting it10:02
ricotzthat sounds reasonable10:03
seb128so next question is https://launchpad.net/~libreoffice/df-libreoffice/+snap/libreoffice-fresh10:03
seb128why is that building from https://code.launchpad.net/~libreoffice/+git/libreoffice-snap and not https://code.launchpad.net/~desktop-snappers/df-libreoffice/+git/libreoffice-snap ?10:04
seb128the later being a mirror of github10:04
ricotzseb128, the libreffice owned repo was there before, and doesn't require a force import to get the snap building10:07
ricotzand it feels less invasive to force push to the launchpad repo than the github one10:08
seb128why do we need to force push?10:08
ricotzI have no local setup to build a snap10:08
seb128sorry I'm just trying to remove the confusion10:08
seb128so it feels like we should standardize on one vcs and delete the other one10:09
seb128I'm just trying to figure out which one makes sense to use10:09
ricotzso I tend to correct previous commits to avoid a mess up repo "history"10:10
seb128I see10:10
ricotzI can see the github repo get more attention and possible patches, so having this seems helpful10:10
seb128I started by trying to check what was going on with https://github.com/ubuntu/libreoffice/issues/33 which Ken pinged me about10:10
-ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Issue 33 in ubuntu/libreoffice "LO Snap in Snap Store doesn't actually use LZO compression" [Open]10:10
seb128and then we ended up noticing that the snap was not currently built from github10:11
seb128but https://git.launchpad.net/~libreoffice/+git/libreoffice-snap/tree/snapcraft.yaml also has 'compression: lzo'10:11
ricotzI see, and yes it is build on launchpad10:11
seb128I mean not built from the github vcs10:12
ricotzah ok10:12
seb128we build all our desktop snaps on launchpad10:12
ricotzok, I thought there is some github actions setup available as well10:12
seb128they are, but we standardize on the 'set up a git code import on launchpad and build from there'10:13
seb128at least for desktop snaps10:13
seb128it gives us build records/log and proper ubuntu team owning for those builds10:13
ricotzseb128, so regarding the compression issue, I guess the corresponding build log is not available anymore10:23
ricotzseb128, there are logs from 7.5.x build at https://launchpad.net/~libreoffice/+snap/libreoffice-still10:25
seb128ricotz, thanks, I'm asking to store people/on one of our channels, I'm not even sure how to check that lzo is enabled, but it seems a snapcraft or store issue to me10:57
KGB-Xgnome-control-center ubuntu/latest 0bfd1be Jeremy Bícha debian/control * Don't recommend libnss-myhostname since we use systemd-resolved * https://deb.li/34BBM11:46
lissyxseb128, bandali, I'm not sure I will be able to attend today in fact, I've been up & down in the past days and I might be too exhausted12:42
seb128lissyx, ah, good that you mention it, it's also going to be difficult for me today, I wanted to warn you guys about that, let's postpone12:43
seb128lissyx, btw we have a desktop matrix channel now, https://matrix.to/#/#ubuntu-desktop-dev:matrix.org , you might want to try join, would make easier to have conversations since in practice people often are disconnected on IRC for $reasons12:44
seb128ricotz, ^ you might be also interested12:44
lissyxseb128, weird I dont see the channel12:45
seb128I don't understand matrix :/12:46
seb128lissyx, what about https://matrix.to/#/#ubuntu-desktop-dev:matrix.org ?12:47
lissyxI see some ubuntu channels when filtering on matrix.org12:48
lissyxincluding ubuntuunity and ubuntu-pt12:48
lissyxbut not ubuntu-desktop-dev12:48
seb128that's another matrix instance12:48
seb128unsure how the federation is working between servers12:48
lissyxis the channel public?12:49
ricotzseb128, the link worked for me12:56
ricotzso the room is actually #desktop-dev:ubuntu.com12:57
seb128lissyx, ricotz, sorry, seems someone renamed the channel earlier this week and I didn't have my notes updated13:03
seb128ricotz, I got a confirmation that the snapcraft team has the parsing bug on their backlog for this Canonical-pulse so they are going to work on it soon enough (pulses are 2 weeks and that one started on Monday)15:04
ricotzseb128, great, thanks!15:05
ricotzsuch a "crash" in quite critical15:06
fossfreedom_hi desktopers. In your planning for GNOME 46 noble uplift, I'm aware that gnome-session v46 breaks our budgie-desktop.  The fix will be budgie-session that is currently in the Debian NEW queue.  I'm ever hopeful that it will be accepted and make its way to ubuntu before ubuntu's GNOME 46 transition & the freeze date.  If it gets held up in that queue, what's the best way to stop the v46 version of gnome-session  15:29
fossfreedom_breaking budgie?  Re-patch in the bits that breaks budgie ("--builtin" removal)? Or get sponsorship here to upload budgie-session?  15:29
jbichafossfreedom_: could you be more specific about why you believe gnome-session 46 will break Budgie?15:30
jbichaFor instance, Ubuntu Desktop 24.04 LTS will continue to fully support the Ubuntu on Xorg session15:31
fossfreedom_v46 drops the support for "--builtin" in favour for a systemd only approach.  We depend on that flag to launch budgie-desktop15:31
jbichaok, so https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-session/-/commit/76534bcc5e4e15:32
-ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Commit 76534bc in GNOME/gnome-session "Drop consolekit backend and hard depend on systemd"15:32
bandalinice one gnome15:34
bandalilissyx, seb128, ack re postponing today's15:35
seb128fossfreedom_, you can always upload budgie-session to the Ubuntu NEW queue if it's still stuck in Debian15:36
fossfreedom_ah - ok.  just need a friendly sponsor.15:37
jbichayes, uploading to Ubuntu directly when Debian takes too long is what you did for magpie last cycle and it works well15:37
KGB-Xgnome-control-center Sebastien Bacher 455931 * commented merge request !33 * https://deb.li/3Fksn15:42
KGB-Xgnome-control-center Sebastien Bacher 455932 * commented merge request !34 * https://deb.li/ATzs15:43
KGB-Xgnome-control-center ubuntu/latest 2ba5fae Jeremy Bícha debian/patches/ubuntu/info-overview-Show-updates-in-software-propeties-instead-.patch * Show Software Updates in the Software Updater app instead of the config app * https://deb.li/34dv015:47
KGB-Xgnome-control-center ubuntu/latest 2d90c50 Jeremy Bícha debian/patches/ubuntu/Allow-tweaking-some-settings-for-Ubuntu-Dock.patch * Update Ubuntu Desktop patch to use Home folder label instead of Personal folder * https://deb.li/ijTt215:47
KGB-Xgnome-control-center Marco Trevisan 455943 * commented merge request !35 * https://deb.li/wUOM16:04
ricotzseb128, the libreoffice snap already finished building, so there is new snap to investigate "the lzo issue"  - https://launchpad.net/~libreoffice/df-libreoffice/+snap/libreoffice-fresh/+build/235880916:14
seb128ricotz, after talking to Ken we believe that they just changed the default and such it's not reflecting in the info but it is using lzo17:09
seb128$ sudo file /var/lib/snapd/snaps/libreoffice_302.snap 17:10
seb128/var/lib/snapd/snaps/libreoffice_302.snap: Squashfs filesystem, little endian, version 4.0, lzo compressed, 1135050607 bytes, 31950 inodes, blocksize: 131072 bytes, created: Wed Nov 22 08:11:59 202317:10
ricotzseb128, ack17:12
ricotz$ file libreoffice_24.2.0.2_amd64.snap 17:12
ricotzlibreoffice_24.2.0.2_amd64.snap: Squashfs filesystem, little endian, version 4.0, lzo compressed, 1152306450 bytes, 31949 inodes, blocksize: 131072 bytes, created: Wed Jan 17 13:41:08 202417:12
KGB-Xgnome-initial-setup signed tags 5db697e Jeremy Bicha upstream/46_alpha * Upstream version 46~alpha * https://deb.li/3pk717:59
KGB-Xgnome-initial-setup upstream/latest 89d033a Jeremy Bicha * pushed 29 commits (first 5 follow) * https://deb.li/3OSqd17:59
KGB-Xgnome-initial-setup upstream/latest e7e8472 Марко Костић po/sr.po * Update Serbian translation * https://deb.li/ztZF17:59
KGB-Xgnome-initial-setup upstream/latest dcd515c Ngọc Quân Trần po/vi.po * Update Vietnamese translation * https://deb.li/3vYo117:59
KGB-Xgnome-initial-setup upstream/latest 828e749 Bruce Cowan po/en_GB.po * Update British English translation * https://deb.li/heWh17:59
KGB-Xgnome-initial-setup upstream/latest 34aa4e2 Dylan McCall gnome-initial-setup/gis-driver.c * driver: Dismiss close-request for main window * https://deb.li/3Si8c18:00
KGB-Xgnome-initial-setup upstream/latest 1db957a Will Thompson gnome-initial-setup/gis-driver.c * Merge branch 'dylanmccall/prevent-window-close' into 'master' * https://deb.li/osLC18:00
KGB-Xgnome-initial-setup pristine-tar 910d39b Jeremy Bicha gnome-initial-setup_46~alpha.orig.tar.xz.delta gnome-initial-setup_46~alpha.orig.tar.xz.id * pristine-tar data for gnome-initial-setup_46~alpha.orig.tar.xz * https://deb.li/ig76G18:00
KGB-Xgnome-initial-setup ubuntu/latest eb6f2c2 Jeremy Bicha * pushed 45 commits (first 5 follow) * https://deb.li/ik8nD21:32
KGB-Xgnome-initial-setup ubuntu/latest 7383e1d Will Thompson .gitlab-ci.yml * ci: Work around nested podman permissions issue * https://deb.li/tZ1021:32
KGB-Xgnome-initial-setup ubuntu/latest f1a918d Marge Bot (10 files in 4 dirs) * Merge branch 'mcatanzaro/optional-webkitgtk' into 'master' * https://deb.li/3rVO221:32
KGB-Xgnome-initial-setup ubuntu/latest 2343637 Will Thompson NEWS meson.build * Prepare 46.alpha release * https://deb.li/yJTi21:32
KGB-Xgnome-initial-setup ubuntu/latest 89d033a Jeremy Bicha (32 files in 7 dirs) * New upstream version 46~alpha * https://deb.li/3MMPh21:32
KGB-Xgnome-initial-setup ubuntu/latest 6cf74ca Jeremy Bicha (32 files in 7 dirs) * Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/46_alpha' * https://deb.li/IMVn21:32

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