
=== jp is now known as jp__
mybalzitchthey may not support the current gtk theme properly00:22
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aienaIn ubuntu when I run journalctl and type G it no longer jumps to the last line04:04
aienawhy is this happening on ubuntu 22.0404:04
aienahmm actually it looks like it'04:08
aienas just some processing lag04:08
kotgcHello, I would like some help with how to mount with the correct command and location please?04:09
rboxmount what04:10
kotgcMy disk to be backed up is /dev/sda. I just reconnected a storage disk to store the backup in /dev/sdb. I'm running on the LiveUSB /dev/sdc.04:11
kotgcSo, unsure if I need to mount /dev/sda or /dev/sda1 or /dev/sda2 to backup the whold Ubuntu 22.04.3 OS (or whatever's needed for a recovery).04:12
aienakotgc, that rsync command loks like it is syncing the live OS's root to the backup disk04:13
kotgcI'm unsure where to mount to, as I've been mounting /dev/sda2 to /mnt, but now I think I need all of /dev/sda...and how to I mount 2 disks to /mnt or to whatever location is needed?04:13
aienawhich is pointless04:13
aienaso what you need to do make 2 dirs /mnt/srcdisk and /mnt/backupdisk04:13
kotgcaiena I'm not sure, I just copied the command from https://ostechnix.com/backup-entire-linux-system-using-rsync/#google_vignette:04:13
kotgcThat would be my next step to figure out the rsync command.04:14
aienahmm copying something without understanding it is silly04:14
kotgcI haven't crossed that bridge yet...need to figure out the mount I think?04:14
aienawhy dont you take two folders and test what that rsync command is doing first04:14
aienathen when your confident about it backup your real disks04:15
kotgcaiena copying is fine, it's applying by hitting Enter that is silly...I'm about to work on that command with a bit of lateral thinking.04:15
aienathis is simply because root and home maybe be on one partition or 2 partitions inth source disk also you may have more mount points elswhere04:15
kotgcrsync is step2 in my process.04:15
kotgcmount is step1.04:15
aienamount isn't even step 104:15
kotgcok, what is step 1?04:16
aienastep 1 is mount the partitions and see what they contain04:16
aienathen make a plan04:16
aienathen unmount and remount what is needed to correct locations04:16
aienathen rsync from source to destination04:16
aienaSo quenstion 104:16
kotgcaiena ok, I've kind of done that already. /dev/sda2 is the root and /dev/sda1 is the efi, as per fdisk -l in the dpaste.04:16
aienado you have a separate /home?04:17
aienano it looks like /home and root are 104:17
kotgcaiena I'm not clear what you mean about a separate /home?04:17
aienayou only have /dev/sda1 and /dev/sda204:17
kotgcdev/sda is a default Ubuntu 22.04.3 install.04:17
aienaso I assume that /dev/sda2 has everything include your user account data04:18
aienayes that makes sense04:18
kotgcaiena yes, and /dev/sda1 is the efi thingy.04:18
aienaunles you do manual partitioning ubuntu puts everything in 1 partition (except the efi one of course)04:18
kotgcok, it's all default.04:18
aienafrom your output it seems you chose the utomatic install04:18
aienayes correct04:18
aienaok so for now you do umount /mnt04:19
aienathis will unmount /dev/sdb104:19
aienais sdb1 empty or does it have data?04:19
aienathe backup drive04:19
kotgcdev/sb1 has the efi thingy04:19
aienafrom your output /dev/sdb1   2048 234440703 234438656 111.8G Linux filesystem04:20
aienaso it looks like just one partition is there no efi partition which should be formatted as FA3T204:21
aienahave you already unountd /dev/sdb1 or is it still mounted?04:21
kotgcdev/sdb1 is the SSD120 to receive the backup of dev/sda04:21
aienaok fine now next question04:22
kotgcI just booted the LiveUSB and pasted the code here https://dpaste.com/GE9TWVSTR04:22
aienado you want your backup ssd to also be bootable in the event of a disaster04:22
kotgcok, so nothing mounted or unmounted, just default.04:22
aienaor is it just for data only and you dont care about reinstalling the OS04:22
kotgcaiena I just need access to the backup if /dev/sda is destroyed in the next project of trying to fix /dev/sda.04:23
kotgcignore above *if04:23
aienain that case it's better to backup both the efi partition and the root partition04:23
aienaso that would mean even before mounting the first step would be to repartition the backup disk04:24
aienain your live boot there is a program called gparted most likely04:24
kotgcaiena ok, one more thing, how can I check I connected the correct storage disk? I don't want to overwrite some data I had on one of the storage disks?04:26
aienamultiple ways04:27
aienayou can type the command04:27
aienait will list available drives and partition ignore the /dev/loop ones04:27
aienaall the loop ones ignore if present04:28
aienayou may see things like sda sdb nvme04:28
aienathose are physical drives/ssd's04:28
aienayou will also see the total size of each04:28
kotgchttps://dpaste.com/G3V46K35V doesn't show me if there's data on it though?04:28
aienaso sdb1 is showing 110gb04:29
aienaerr sdb04:29
kotgcI thought I might be able to navigate through its directories?04:29
aienaand sda is showing 223GB04:29
kotgcYes, /dev/sdb is 120GB SSD.04:29
kotgcSo, probably no data.04:29
aienaso from the disk size are you able to confirm sdb is backup and sda is inside based on total size04:30
aienaok this will not tell you if you have data or no data04:30
kotgcI'm not confident that shows there's no data though?04:30
aienabut it will help you get an idea of which is what04:30
aienafor example /dev/sdc is 14GB so it definetly looks like a pen drive or your live boot04:30
kotgcdev/sdb is the storage disk. dev/sda is the OS to be backed up.04:30
aienayes ok so that is clear04:30
aienanow for your second question04:31
aienafrom lsblk output you can see that /dev/sdb1 is mounted in /mnt location04:31
aienaso now type04:31
aienals -la /mnt04:31
kotgcQ2: any data on /dev/sdb.04:31
aienasee if you get any output04:31
aienaok it looks like it is empty04:32
aienaalso can you paste the output of04:33
kotgc1 of the 3 storage disks has about 80GB, so this dev/sdb must be empty.04:33
aienamount |grep /mnt04:33
aienajust to determine the filesystem04:34
aienaok so it looks like a linux file system too04:34
aienaok now step 304:34
aienaOh no I have to go I am sorry04:35
aienastep 3 is to mount /dev/sda1 to a folder in  some other path and then type du -h /newpath04:36
aienato see how space is utilised of sda and if it will fit in sdb04:37
kotgclooking up command for moun04:38
kotgcDone with command:~$ sudo mount /dev/sda1 Documents/04:39
plujonThe past 2 days, my computer has not awakened from suspend when I pressed a key.04:41
plujonI had to hard reboot it both times.04:42
plujonIs there something I can do to enable extra logging before suspending to figure out the cause?04:43
aiena sudo umount /dev/sda1 Documents/ &&  sudo mount /dev/sda2 Documents/  && sudo du -h Documents/04:43
aienawhat is the output04:43
kotgcaiena https://dpaste.com/F6N89U38604:44
aienaif it is more than external disk all data will not fit in external backup disk04:44
aienaactually drive was busy04:45
aienaso do04:45
aienacd .. && sudo umount /dev/sda1 &&  sudo mount /dev/sda2 Documents/  && sudo du -h Documents/04:46
kotgcmaybe because I already mount it? https://dpaste.com/2W74U8YCW04:46
aienano you moutned efi partition my bad so i wanted to see rgualr partition usage04:46
aienatry above cmd04:46
aienawill be afk for 40 mins or so04:47
kotgcaiena https://dpaste.com/7MJ7MTM6T04:47
=== newbie is now known as newbie-guy
BlueSmokeHi, Using ububtu20.04 on a laptop!  Left shift Key not working with i or L and a few others. Right shift works as normal05:22
BlueSmokecan anyone point me in the right direction to work out whats wrong?05:22
BlueSmokeIf it helps it acts the same if I change en or us05:22
rboxthats funny, i had the exact same problem with a work laptop05:23
rboxthey just gave me a new one05:23
BlueSmokemaybe it was something in an upgrade It was working before05:23
BlueSmokedon't think I have changed anything05:24
BlueSmokeIn  /etc/default/keyboard05:26
BlueSmokeit says05:26
BlueSmokeNot sure if thats normal05:27
Bashing-omBlueSmoke: Not normal - have a read ' man 5 keyboard '// is the comma present in the config file ?05:39
BlueSmokeyes thats exactly whats in there05:39
BlueSmokejust the 3 lines05:40
Bashing-omBlueSmoke: Is your keyboard a US ascii 105 keys board ? // a comma in the file does not look to be posit.05:41
BlueSmokeits a uk layout laptop with shared num pad05:43
BlueSmokeopps  its i and k and some others L does work05:45
Bashing-omBlueSmoke: I do not know enough about a keyboard layout to have an exact opinion. but see too: man xkeyboard-config / Can get "complex". However, one can reset the mapping.05:59
BlueSmokeThanks! It's a start as looking for posts was confusing with so many different problems listed, I didn't know what one was the same as mine06:01
BlueSmokeI saw stuff about remappin and all that but I did't want to complicate it it worked as standard before so I wanted to try to keep it to standard if possible06:04
Bashing-omBlueSmoke: If you run out of patience, an no other offers a solution >> ' sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration ' will allow you to choose what layout to reset.06:05
BlueSmokegreat thanks I was worried about messing with it too much in case it became unusable so that will help if I mess it up thanks06:06
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
Bashing-omBlueSmoke: I stand corrected - I have in my notes: XKBVARIANT="," // Maybe a fix for your currrent file ?06:17
BlueSmokeI was trying to take out the , and save but it says its read only06:18
Bashing-omBlueSmoke: "ls -al /etc/default/keyboard" >> "-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 150 Aug 26  2022 /etc/default/keyboard " // root owned filke - will require "sudo" access to edit.06:21
BlueSmokeI tried cd /etc/default06:23
BlueSmokels and kebored was there I tried sudo edit and it came up I removed the , but didnt know how to save it06:23
BlueSmokethats what I tried beore your lat post06:24
Bashing-omBlueSmoke: I excpect the editor here to be "nano" --  save == Ctrl + O. exit nano by pressing Ctrl + X.06:26
Bashing-omBlueSmoke: Lower case o and x :(06:28
BlueSmokeI must be doing somting wron its not letting me type in it06:31
BlueSmokeit has a warning that a swap file owns it06:32
BlueSmokeapparently its vim06:36
BlueSmokeand not responding much probably just dont know what I'm doing06:36
Bashing-omBlueSmoke: Sorry again - never had the need to want to use vim :(06:38
BlueSmokeE325: ATTENTION06:39
BlueSmokeFound a swap file by the name "/etc/default/.keyboard.swp"06:39
BlueSmoke          owned by: root   dated: Wed Jan 17 06:13:07 202406:39
BlueSmoke         file name: /etc/default/keyboard06:39
BlueSmoke          modified: YES06:39
BlueSmokeI tried touch before it didnt do anything06:39
BlueSmokethought that was an editor too06:39
=== TheCaptain4 is now known as TheCaptain
BlueSmokecan I edit from the gui edit06:40
Bashing-omBlueSmoke: If you type /etc/default/keyboard and hit the enter key, does that work ?06:41
Bashing-omBlueSmoke: I wont be much help on your GUI as I have only used xfce for years.06:43
BlueSmokefrom just pasting that into the terminal06:44
BlueSmokeetc/default/keyboard: Permission denied06:45
Bashing-omBlueSmoke: lemme see what DDG says about saving in vim.06:49
BlueSmokeok I did it by typing nano  but it said vim has it open I think it crashed but I edited it anyway and on reading it back its changed06:49
BlueSmokeI added the ","06:49
BlueSmokeso now I would have to make it restart the keybord thing it said in one of the links you sent06:51
Bashing-omBlueSmoke: Yeah - restart so the change takes effect - easiest is to just reboot.06:53
BlueSmokeudevadm trigger --subsystem-match=input --action=change06:53
BlueSmoke In order to activate the changes on the console, run setupcon(1).06:53
BlueSmokedo I do them both06:53
Bashing-omreboot should be fine.06:54
BlueSmokefrom  that man 5 keyboard06:54
BlueSmokeif I crash the browser it should reconect on restor ok I'll restart06:55
=== bk is now known as Guest1121
BlueSmokeIt didnt fix it let me check in it kept the changes07:00
BlueSmokeyes the BlueSmoke,@ is there now but still iff i type kkkk its working and shift k gives nothing and right shift gives KKKK07:02
BlueSmoke"," is there now I meant07:05
Bashing-omBlueSmoke: Back where we were last night - out of my knowledge range :(07:06
BlueSmokeunfortunatly I was hoping a new crowd of ppl might be on07:07
BlueSmokewhats about that restore one you said about it wont help find out what it is but might fix it07:08
BlueSmokeor try it without the , or the ","07:10
BlueSmokenot sure whats in there as standard07:10
Bashing-omBlueSmoke: Keep youe witts about you and run ' sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration ' .07:11
BlueSmokeok I'll give it a go07:13
Bashing-omBlueSmoke: Keep notes on what you choose :)07:14
BlueSmokeis there some otion to reset it to default ?07:15
Bashing-omBlueSmoke: Best I recall - a menu to change/reset the layout you want.07:18
BlueSmokeso far its asking me what keyboard its just in an older laptop not listed07:20
BlueSmokeis there a way to save the jurent settings first in case I want to revert it back07:20
Bashing-omBlueSmoke: Not that I am aware of :(07:23
BlueSmokemight just put it to generic 105 pc kb07:24
BlueSmokeor theres a 101 not sure I want to count all the key lol07:25
Bashing-omBlueSmoke: Like I said last night - I do not know how to determine the keyboard :(07:26
BlueSmokeWell you are the only on that has answered so Its cool we got this far and tried one option07:27
Bashing-omBlueSmoke: localectl status !07:29
BlueSmoke   System Locale: LANG=en_GB.UTF-807:30
BlueSmoke                  LANGUAGE=en_GB:en07:30
BlueSmoke       VC Keymap: uk07:30
BlueSmoke      X11 Layout: gb,us07:30
BlueSmoke     X11 Variant: ,07:30
BlueSmokemight try removing that , fist07:32
BlueSmokeok I'll reset07:34
cbusis there any way to disable the update notifications for ubuntu pro in the "Software Updater"?07:37
BlueSmokeno different07:40
BlueSmokelooks likw only 87 keys if I counted right but then it might count the alternatives on the num pad and stuff07:42
Bashing-omBlueSmoke: My layout "X11 Model: pc105" 105 keys including the number pad.07:46
BlueSmokeSo far te same07:56
Bashing-omBlueSmoke: Any joy ' setxkbmap -query ' to know the keyboard ? mine >> model:      pc105 .08:02
BlueSmokeI changed it to 105 now still not working08:02
BlueSmokeits strange it dont give any output for that k key when left shift is held08:05
Bashing-omBlueSmoke: Yeah - A real wierd one.08:13
BlueSmokeits the i k and a few others inc some Fkeys08:14
ayushI am running ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS with kernel version 6.5, wifi adapter name: realtek 8822be wifi not working, when i restart my laptop wifi works for a minute but after that it automatically gets disconnected and there is no option to connect again pls help08:17
olspookishmagusis there any other way than the fully manual way to install this driver to ubuntu?08:26
BluewolfGood day. I'm using Ubuntu 22.04, with a dual boot with Win10. Upon boot-up, after the boot menu, loading into linux, my system gets stuck with a few errors. It takes a couple restarts before getting to the log in screen and then everything's fine. Is there a command I can run to show what the problem is from the terminal?08:32
osseIs there a significance to the mic icon being orange instead of the same color as the rest? https://imgur.com/a/9HTzAI408:33
Bashing-omBluewolf: Might try 'journalctl -b -0 ' shows messages from the current boot, ' journalctl -b -1 ' from the previous boot.08:36
ayushI am running ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS with kernel version 6.5, wifi adapter name: realtek 8822be wifi not working, when i restart my laptop wifi works for a minute but after that it automatically gets disconnected and there is no option to connect again pls help08:38
Bashing-omBluewolf: journalctl -b |grep failed #<-  to see what failed while booting up.08:38
Bluewolf<Bashing-om> Thanks. Let me run them. If I paste the output, would you mind going through it?08:40
Bashing-omBluewolf: It is 2:42 in the AM here --- long past bed time for me --- I am struggling to stay awake -- about to go away - sure others here can lend assistance.08:44
Bluewolf<Bashing-om> Understandable, thank you thus far. Have a good morning.08:45
Bashing-omBluewolf: :D Gone08:46
BluewolfThis is the output to my question above, what is the problem and how would I go about fixing it? https://dpaste.com/E8A39AYDS  -  https://dpaste.com/AC9ETSKYJ08:48
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morpheuzIm currently running neon stable (plasma 5). but i need to switch hardware. Should i keep my old install(just swap it into the new machine) or should i switch to (plasma 6) release candidate? Or is it better to make a fresh install of current stable neon(plasma)?10:36
ravageWe only support official flavors of Ubuntu here 10:38
morpheuzravage i know, but my question is more of a general linux question. When switching hardware, should i keep my old install or always make a fresh install? the flavor of ubuntu/linux doesn't matter that much imo.10:39
ravageYou should install a fresh version of a version that is supported here10:40
ravageIf you plan to get support for it here 10:40
=== phireant8692 is now known as phireant869
BlackNoirHi can anyone help me fix brightness issue? I cannot make the brightness up my screen is too dimmed. I'm using 23.10 version11:20
ravageit may be related to your nickname. sorry. bad joke. moving on.11:21
BlackNoirIt only became like this after there's a little update with the system.11:22
BlackNoirthe issue is I can do the minimum brightness but when I'm trying to increase the brightness it's like it only increase by 1-10% brightness11:23
BluewolfAnyone able to take a look at these errors upon boot, tell me what the issue is and how to fix it? https://dpaste.com/E8A39AYDS  -  https://dpaste.com/AC9ETSKYJ11:56
lotuspsychjeBluewolf: there are a few current bugs booting on kernel 6.5, could you try a previous kernel version as a test?11:59
=== phireant8695 is now known as phireant869
Bluewolf<lotuspsychje> I don't know how to go about doing that. Why does it not boot up but after a hard reset it loads up fine?12:00
lotuspsychjeBluewolf: hold shift to enter grub at post boot, then pick a previous kernel from there12:01
Bluewolf<lotuspsychje> Okay thanks. Is that the only likely error to cause failed boot up that's on that list?12:04
lotuspsychjeBluewolf: im not sure whats your issue yet, at this stage we are still testing12:05
Bluewolf<lotuspsychje> Okay. I'm currently on the machine in question and its quite a pain to get back in after rebooting.12:06
lotuspsychjeBluewolf: you should always be able to enter grub or recoverymode12:07
lotuspsychjefrom there you can run some admin tasks12:07
BluewolfI have a dual boot and the option to load into recovery mode is there. I'm just really out of touch with doing it all :(12:08
lotuspsychje!recovery | Bluewolf12:19
ubottuBluewolf: If your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode12:19
BluewolfThanks friend :y:12:20
lotuspsychjeBluewolf: from there you can pick 2 roads, boot a previous kernel or drop to a recovermode menu to do some admin tasks12:22
Bluewolf<lotuspsychje> What do these admin task entail?12:22
lotuspsychjeBluewolf: you can drop to a rootshell, enable networking, load failsafe graphics etc12:24
Bluewolf<lotuspsychje> Alright. Will start with grub, then recovery mode.12:25
lotuspsychjeBluewolf: for your case, i would try to boot a previous kernel as a test first12:27
BluewolfYes, sorry that's what I meant by grub.12:28
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BluesKajHi all13:54
=== abr is now known as teichmolch
telgareithIs there a version of Ubuntu that has openZFS 2.2.2? Instead of the majorly flawed 2.0.0?17:36
leftyfb!info openzfs17:36
ubottuPackage openzfs does not exist in mantic17:36
leftyfbwouldn't that be built into the kernel?17:37
telgareithKernel driver, and userland tools17:37
leftyfb!info | libzfs4linux17:38
ubottu'libzfs4linux' is not a valid release17:38
leftyfb!info libzfs4linux17:38
ubottulibzfs4linux (2.2.0-0ubuntu1~23.10, mantic): OpenZFS filesystem library for Linux - general support. In component main, is optional. Built by zfs-linux. Size 219 kB / 650 kB. (Only available for linux-any.)17:38
telgareithI'm not compiling it unless I can do so with the build environment Ubuntu uses, just with 2.2.2 source17:39
leftyfbtelgareith: pretty sure libzfs4linux version 2.0.x isn't available on any supported releases of ubuntu17:39
=== puff`` is now known as puff
semGood morning. I have an old PC that currently runs Lubuntu 20.04 LTS. How do I "convert" this system to Ubuntu 20.04 LTS with LXQt so that it can continue to be community-supported?18:09
semUnfortunately I cannot upgrade to Lubuntu 22.04 because my graphics card is not supported in nouveau, and the nvidia-340 driver is EOL and supports Linux 5.4 at the latest18:11
arraybolt3sem: You don't need to do anything, once the Lubuntu team stops supporting a release, the community support provided by the underlying Ubuntu LTS continues.18:12
semOk, thanks arraybolt3 for your help with this :)18:13
arraybolt3Glad to help :)18:14
ericusI need help. Remmina to Windows machine used to work. Now only remote sound from Windows works, not microphone19:06
=== alexa_jones is now known as alex_jones
ambrosesaysheey, does anyone know a way to format an sdcard?20:52
=== EriC^^_ is now known as EriC^^
bobdobbsHi all. I'm using ubuntu 22.04. After a reboot, I cannot connect to the internet via wireless. I think my computer has wifi capability on the motherboard itself - but I'm not sure21:33
bobdobbsI've managed to reconnect by running a cable directly to my rig21:34
bobdobbsI can't seem to find wifi setting form the gnome desktop panel21:35
erry_la quattordicesima21:39
Nomikosno, il diciassette21:42
=== ajfriesen84737 is now known as ajfriesen
sembobdobbs: are you still having problems?22:42
=== user03 is now known as gchound
loswedsededon a terminal, what key or combination do I have to press to stop a program? say, ytb-dl22:50
loswedsededI tried ctrl+c, ctrl+q but they don't work22:51
loswedsededI believe a combination of those keys shut all my open terminals...22:51
arraybolt3Ctrl+C is supposed to work22:51
arraybolt3Ctrl+\ sometimes works better22:51
arraybolt3(it's more "nuclear" than Ctrl+C)22:51
arraybolt3If those don't work, you'll have to SIGTERM the process, and if that doesn't work SIGKILL it.22:52
sarnold^Q will ask the terminal to stop output. it'll look like the thing is dead. ^S will restart terminal output.22:53
sarnold^Z will suspend the process22:53
sarnoldthe process can block the ^Z; it can probably reconfigure ^Q and ^S, too, to make those not do anything22:54
=== user03 is now known as gchound
semI plugged an ethernet cord into one of those powered "ethernet to USB-c adapters" into my laptop23:51
semI can see the ethernet lights blinking, however nm-applet shows "ethernet unplugged" and ip link shows "down"23:51
semI am not sure how to begin troubleshooting this23:51
sarnoldif it were me, I'd check lsusb or lspci output to see if I could find the chipset, then try to use that to figure out what module to load, if any, and then load that module or build that module or pay someone to write a module to support it, etc23:52
semhmm so it is likely not supported at the hardware level?23:53
EriC^^sem: try 'lsusb' does it mention it?23:54
JanCyou should be able to check if it is supported23:54
semYeah, ID 0b95:1790 ASIX Electronics Corp. AX88179 Gigabit Ethernet23:54
EriC^^sem: what about 'lshw -c network' ? any driver loaded?23:54
semEriC^^, Yes I see something in there with logical name enxf8...23:56
semoh and now ethernet is working in network manager... :)23:56
semyou fixed it23:56
semthanks a bunch -- and that is a good tip for investigating the hw to see if it is supported23:57
sarnoldoh yay :)23:58
JanCalso, you said 'ip link' showed it as "down", so that already meant it had a driver loaded23:58
* sarnold facepalm23:59
JanCit could still have been the wrong driver or a broken driver23:59

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