=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life [09:34] no, I did not use a new user with a fresh kde setup because the problems already start in SDDM... So I guess its not connected to any KDE setting. [09:35] my glxgears look great: https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/W0mcjU7L/image.png [09:37] I tried a lot now... different kernels, even back to 6.2, kde-backports and oibaf-drivers. I will boot now from the ISO and see if this a general thing [10:47] Hello I am doing an install but my pc went to suspend while I am away and live session asking for password [10:48] I tried " " "ubuntu" and "kubuntu" none of them worked [12:44] hello === hanno is now known as Ha23 [13:48] Hi all === omega_ is now known as omega__ === omega__ is now known as omega_ [17:17] i think all my problems are because i have not removed/purged the oibaf ppa before the upgrade... what sounds really strange to me is, when i want to downgrade the `libdrm-amdgpu1` package to the mantic version, apt wants to remove(!) all xorg (and kde and all the apps)... [18:21] How can i get older versions of kubuntu that support dos partitioning? [23:48] Hello! How can I install 23.10 to btrfs subvolumes I created (not to @ and @home)? And where 'Expert install' option? [23:51] Hello! How can I install 23.10 to btrfs subvolumes I created (not to @ and @home)? And where is 'Expert install' option?