[18:30] [telegram] My external screen automatically goes off after some minutes, to save power. When I turn it back on, I have to adjust the brightness ... I can understand that. However, what I see a bit odd is that the monitor setting are also changed (specifically, the position of the 2nd screen has been moved to the right!) [18:30] [telegram] Boefore : https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/8d4d793d/file_10381.jpg [18:31] [telegram] After : https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/04c8da6b/file_10382.jpg [23:27] [telegram] Hi, is there a way to give a Bluetooth device some sort of nickname? What I mean is: when using the 'bluetoothctl connect [device]' the device fields are a bunch of numbers that don't seem to have a meaning. For example, the one for my Bluetooth earphones is 'C8:53:9F:CE:36:69', is there a way to change it to something like 'Earphones'?