[00:00] there were a few of them.. yeah you're probably right... was looking for something (didn't find it) & those were published under 'ubuntu-news-team' which is where I was looking (for something unrelated to ubuntu-news) [03:06] * guiverc wonders if Bashing-om has pebbles in his shoes... in summaries thus far it feels like every 8th word is "rocks" [03:15] guiverc: Maybe a tin can thing there - but I am not ratteling the can :D [03:15] :) [03:16] guiverc: By the way - I bet your wrist is better - My good will last passed it on to myself :P [03:16] * guiverc wants to edit uwn823 in a few mins... paste some summaries.. [03:18] :) & thanks [03:22] * guiverc out of uwn823 [03:39] * guiverc wants to add two more... will soon edit. [03:41] * guiverc out [04:36] * guiverc going to add two more & go elsewhere awhile... my mind is wandering.. [04:39] * guiverc out.. [05:49] * guiverc shortly to add a couple more.. [05:51] * guiverc out [22:41] guiverc: Accessing 823 for Saturday wrap-up - no updates to add.