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everwolfcomo estan04:28
everwolfalguien para hablar ??04:31
everwolfda fiaca no hablar con nadie ,jaja04:31
rosganihi everwolf04:32
Bashing-om!es | everwolf04:32
ubottueverwolf: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.04:32
kotgcHello, I'm receiving this tar error https://dpaste.com/DXJKJW6PW04:40
kotgcHowever, if I remove lines 9, 10, 13-15 this may not backup the disk which needs backup of its data?04:41
shadow255kotgc: it appears that command intends *not* to include the non-existent targets. Eliminating the lines for them is a good thing if it allows your command to work.04:48
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kotgcshadow255 thank you for clarifying the code. I can move on to the next problem then, why does the OS backup not have these files? There is only sda1 which is EFI and sda2 which appears to be the OS.05:27
backthenmy flash drive is read only and I can't find ways to change it. Is it because the physical write-lock button is broken on it05:47
UndrWater_backthen: from what i've read, it's because it's ready to be finished. reads, ok. writes. done.06:09
backthenhmm looks like the issue is with this Access Control List06:24
UndrWater_backthen: that's another possibility06:25
backthenUndrWater_:  though I do also get the 'ready to be finished' issue for most disks. Though that's a separate issue largely I ignore06:26
backthenfor ACL I found a script to remove it and now I can write to the disk06:26
UndrWater_backthen: congrats06:29
backthenthanks. I want to make this SD card install with Ubuntu. Though I hear that will quickly damage the card06:41
UndrWater_backthen: you want to install ubuntu on the SD card, or you want to use the SD card to install ubuntu?06:49
backthenUndrWater_: the former. Ubuntu on the SD card and boot from it06:57
UndrWater_yeah. better from a real drive, such as an ssd or spinny drive06:58
UndrWater_you can use SD for boot. what are you installing on?06:59
backthena laptop. It's a 32G SD card I dont care if damaged. As long as I can use it for a year for simple work then I'm happy07:03
UndrWater_backthen: if it's new, maybe it'll work. otherwise, maybe an ssd attached via usb?07:07
backthenUndrWater_: I do have ssd via usb too, though it's bulky so I thought to give SD a try. I figure as long as I don't do lots of file io except the file io that occur inherently from ubuntu, then should last a while07:15
UndrWater_it "might". which is the problem. backup. backup. backup.07:17
UndrWater_otherwise. you're good!07:17
backthenwill do. It's nice to get some last use of this SD card that's otherwise falling apart physically07:18
backthenbtw unrelated, I have another laptop that I boot via a Ubuntu usb drive with 'try ubuntu'. The ubuntu logo appears for a few minutes and eventually I get a terminal text message something like 'media creation failed', and then I'm asked to remove the usb drive and reboot. I guess that laptop has some issues?07:24
UndrWater_backthen: i'd suspect the usb first. but perhaps you are correct07:30
UndrWater_night time for me. good luck!07:30
backthenthanks gn. The usb does work on other laptops. The problem laptop I figure may have ram or cpu issues07:34
realivanjxhi. i am using ubuntu 23.10. after setting up wireguard using the cli, i noticed that the dns settings in the conf file isnt respected by the operating system (still uses the dns server from the wifi/router). i have to always manually change the dns server from the network settings gui. is there a way to make ubuntu to use the wireguard dns07:50
alkisgrealivanjx: what's the output of `resolvectl`, does it list the DNS server under the wireguard link?07:52
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realivanjxalkisg: yes i can see the wireguard interface with the correct dns according to the conf file07:55
realivanjxbut when i use dig, it still hits the default ones on my laptop's wifi07:55
alkisgCan you actually pastebin the output of resolvectl? Feel free to modify things for privacy if you like07:56
realivanjxok one sec07:56
alkisgAnd, you want wireguard dns to be the dns for everything, or just for a certain domain?07:56
realivanjxalkisg: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/YcxvZHd7xK/07:57
realivanjxalkisg: i want the wireguard's dns to be the dns for everything07:59
realivanjxcurrently the wg's dns is completely ignored07:59
realivanjxhere is my wg client conf: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/BpzDWsJ6gs/08:01
alkisgrealivanjx: did that use to work in the past? 23.10 has had some silly netplan changes, changing the network-manager file format. Also are you using network-manager?08:08
alkisgFinally, why don't you put allowedips= if you want everything to go through the tunnel? I faintly remember that this made systemd-resolved apply the global dns setting then...08:08
realivanjxbecause i only want to use my own dns08:11
realivanjxi dont want the other traffic to go through the vpn08:11
realivanjxalkisg: and no this is my first time setting this up on ubuntu08:12
alkisgAre you using network-manager, e.g. does `nmcli con show` list the connection?08:12
realivanjxim not really sure if i use network-manager or some other since i never touch those so it should use whatever is preconfigured with ubuntu 23. i can see the wifi connection on nmcli con show though08:14
alkisgDo you also see the wireguard connection, i.e. have you imported it or are you just running it manually each time?08:14
realivanjxyea it is also there. i only configured the wireguard via wg cli only08:15
alkisgOK if you're running it manually and you don't want to use allowedips (understandable) then I think you'll need something like this: https://www.procustodibus.com/blog/2022/03/wireguard-dns-config-for-systemd/#override-dns-globally08:16
realivanjxok thanks. do you have an idea to undo the PostUp command for the PostDown?08:17
realivanjxnevermind. it seems that the actual problem is that the dns i set in the wireguard conf is not prioritized so the system still uses the wifi's. what is the command to disable dhcp's dns to put it in PostUp and revert that in PostDown.08:28
wondererhey all,08:46
wondererI am trying to install on ams hyperv ubuntu-22.04.3-live-server-amd64.iso08:46
wondererbut getting from Cd, error: "unsigned image's hash is not allowed"08:47
wondererso which images can I use thats allowed?08:47
wondererdont want desktop08:47
wondererand also dont wan tuse the quick menu options, want to bespoke the setting while create the vm08:48
r_haHey, Is there a way to use clonezilla from usb drive on aarch64?13:32
BluesKajHi all13:48
jeremy31r_ha: You can install clonezilla on Ubuntu ISO on USB13:50
r_habut still, after trying to boot it i get nothing but black screen13:52
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jeremy31Is there any ISO that boots?13:59
jeremy31r_ha: what one?14:07
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CosmicDJjeremy31: ubuntu-23.10.1-desktop-amd64.iso for example14:18
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mra90I have two devices connected to local WiFi one is a windows device and internet works fine but the other is Ubuntu laptop, connected to the same network but no internet or super super slow19:36
mra90what maight be wrong here? Also, it used to work well19:36
mra90when I ping that ubuntu laptop from windows I get: Ping statistics for
mra90    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 2, Lost = 2 (50% loss),19:37
bpromptmra90: the WiFi coming from a local router you can access?19:43
mra90bprompt, yes19:43
bpromptmra90: tried restarting the router yet? so it does rediscovery of devices19:43
mra90hmm that would disable internet for everybody in the building so I would rather do it as a last thing19:44
mra90and also, no issue on windows19:44
bpromptmra90: other than that, I'd try jogging the linux wifi driver, or a reinstallation of it19:44
mra90so router itself is fine19:44
mra90I tried to reboot ubuntu but no improvement19:44
mra90It even shows the network signal strength is "Good"19:45
bpromptmra90: you could try -> https://devicetests.com/uninstall-reinstall-wifi-drivers-ubuntu <-19:47
bpromptmra90: what I can think of, is some library issue19:47
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calamariI'd like to set up Ubuntu 22.04 as a WPA2/3 secured Wi-Fi hotspot, with a host IP of my choosing, such that an Apple iPad (specifically) will connect to it and can communicate with the host. I've been able to accomplish some of these things, but not all at once. For example, choosing the host IP was a problem, and getting the iPad to see it as a valid connection was also a problem. Anyone accomplished this before?20:26
toddccalamari: not really a ubuntu issue but all of those should be able to be done but 50% router IE is the router setup for static and is it a availible ip address on the router20:30
calamaritoddc: They should be yes, as OpenWRT seems to be capable of it. Not sure how to accomplish it in Ubuntu tho. I suspect NetworkManager is to blame, but I'm not sure.20:34
calamaritoddc: also, just to clear up any confusion: there is no router, just a pc and ipad, both with wifi.20:36
calamariAndroid seemed quite happy to connect (albiet with the wrong host IP due to it being hardcoded in NM), but iPad not so much20:38
calamariI suppose I could try recompiling netowrk manager to change the IP, unless I'm wrong and it's actually somewhere else like the kernel20:39
calamariI guess that's where I'll start20:39
toddccalamari: I suspect you are folloing a oder wifi hotspot guide but atthe moment I cannot test at right now but a static IP can and should be set in the hotspot tool in network manager it will be differnt for each connection wired and or wifi20:42
toddclooking at the guide it just connects wired to wireless and passes the ip to the wired network https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/net-wireless-adhoc.html.en20:44
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jeremy31calamari: Check out https://github.com/lakinduakash/linux-wifi-hotspot21:19
lchanyone home21:30
CosmicDJlch: depends21:31
lchwhy does usb-creator-gtk run forever when creating the usb stick from an iso image?21:31
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calamarijeremy31: at least the GUI shown on the GitHub README doesn't seem to have a host IP address setting. Is it in there somewhere?22:18
ruserhello, how do i find which package is providing libxcb-errors?  I'm trying to build sway from src but  can't seem to meet this dependency.22:37
rboxapt-file can tell you what package something is in22:37
calamarijeremy31: Yes it does, and it seems to work.. Thanks a lot!22:37
ruserrbox: oh, nice. does it require a package to be installed on the system to find?22:38
rboxif it was installed you could just use dpkg22:39
ruserthank you22:39
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