
Guest72Good Morning there, I am about to move to a Linux desktop.09:26
Guest72I am just looking at Kubuntu.09:26
Guest72Looking at Ubuntu in parallel, I learned that the Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS is supported until April 202709:26
Guest72whereas Kubuntu 22.04.3 LTS is only supported until April 2025.09:26
Guest72Is there a good reason for this 2 years gap?09:26
icmp113hello all, is there an alternative way of contacting the admins of the forums, when the web form does not work due to the error i want to report?09:43
user|31How do i check storage12:21
diogenes_Vx15user|31, storagecheck.com?12:28
=== francq is now known as francq_
=== francq_ is now known as francq
user|34Whats the Kubuntu LiveCD password12:46
diogenes_Vx15user|34, what do you need password for?12:48
user|34diogenes_Vx15 I put my laptop in sleep mode and when i tried accesing the Kubuntu Again.. It asked for password... But I dont remember putting a password in the first place12:49
diogenes_Vx15user|34, yeah that situation sucks, happened to me many times, try linux or ubuntu or kubuntu or user12:50
diogenes_Vx15or simply hit enter.12:50
user|34hitting enter didnt work12:50
user|34well whenever i restart and enter it.. it doesnt ask for the pass12:50
user|34so yeh12:51
BluesKajHi all13:25
icmp113hello again, i still need to contact an admin of the forums. the registration is not possible16:16
icmp113it has been like this since at least 3 days16:17
icmp113the error message says due to a server error the image identification is not possible16:18
icmp113sorry, "verification" not "identication"16:19
=== warmana1 is now known as warmana
mparilloKubuntu Forums17:13
=== warmana1 is now known as warmana
icmp113mparillo: you sound surprised. this used to be the irc support channel of  kubuntu, right?17:33
icmp113so my hope was that an admin is still looking here, because the web form for a contact uses that captcha that does not work17:34
mparilloI was unclear what you meant by "need to contact an admin of the forums". There is a website called https://www.kubuntuforums.net/ and I used to frequent it before their understandable desire to combat spam made it difficult for me. Separate from Kubuntu Forum dot net (also called KFN) are the IRC channels, which are not channels. Some channels require registered nicks. Also note that the larger Ubuntu project is experimenting with migrating to Matrix.22:17
mparillos/not channels/not forums/22:18

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