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arraybolt3Not sure if anyone else is actively fixing Python 3.12 stuff at this moment, but if so, I'm taking abinit unless someone else already is working on it.19:44
arraybolt3does it count as patch piloting to be working on transition fixes?19:46
arraybolt3I don't think so, but anyway.19:46
vorlonno, patch piloting is specifically about being a resource for non-uploaders who are trying to get changes included in Ubuntu20:20
arraybolt3so... how exactly do I handle a package that isn't ready for Python 3.12 at all? Do I port it and forward the port upstream? Or is there a documented (ro at least standard) way to force something to use Python 3.11 only?21:37
arraybolt3I did something similar to the latter once but it was for the tests I think21:37
jbichaUbuntu 24.04 LTS is not expected to have Python 3.11 available at all21:46
arraybolt3(as opposed to being for the whole package build process - I'm fighting with a package that uses Python in part of it)21:46
arraybolt3jbicha: I'm trying to help get Python 3.12 to migrate currently. I figure software that isn't ready for it yet will eventually becme ready (or get left behind), but right now there are packages that need to ignore it so they can pass.21:48
arraybolt3currently abinit is building with Python 3.11 but not 3.12.21:49
arraybolt3I suppose I *could* try to upgrade it to Python 3.12 and see if I can give upstream a needed shove in the right direction21:50
jbichayou can file Launchpad bugs for things that don't work with Python 3.12. There might already be Debian bugs21:50
arraybolt3kk makes sense21:50
jbichaif not, a Debian bug would be helpful since Debian is trying to finish the Python 3.12 transition soon too21:54
arraybolt3sounds good, also I'm filing an upstream bug22:01
arraybolt3yeah, no Debian bug. I'll get that filed too.22:01
vorlonpackages that aren't compatible with python3.12 get dropped22:05
vorlon(if not fixed)22:05
arraybolt3Makes sense to me. (This kind of thing, though, is why I hate Python. :P)22:06
arraybolt3"Backwards compatibility? What's that?"22:06
vorlonbackwards compatibility with, in this case, python2.  all the languages old enough to *have* a longer deprecation cycle are worse languages in much more important ways.22:30
vorlonand abinit looks like it's a one-line fix?22:30
arraybolt3vorlon: nope. turns out it's way harder than that.22:33
arraybolt3I just tried to do the one-line fix only to find out that abinit doesn't even *build* with Python 3.12 enabled.22:33
vorlondo you want to paste the error?22:34
vorlonsince it's not a short build22:34
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Issue 69 in abinit/abinit "Python 3.12 incompatibilities" [Open]22:34
arraybolt3doesn't happen if you leave -proposed disabled so that you're using Python 3.11.22:34
vorlonwell the abisrc.py script is broken already without python3.1222:36
vorlonRuntimeError: Found two Fortran files with same basename `/tmp/abinit-9.10.4/shared/common/src/02_clib/m_fsockets.F90` and other in dir `/tmp/abinit-9.10.4/src/02_clib/abinit.src`22:36
vorlonthat's not a python3.12 incompatibility, it looks more like building when python3.12 is present causes some code to be invoked which wasn't otherwise22:36
arraybolt3oh good catch22:37
arraybolt3well perhaps that will help upstream dig up deeper issues, I'll look at the build logs.22:37
arraybolt3vorlon: where are you seeing that? I don't see it in my bug report, and I don't see it in https://launchpadlibrarian.net/694336606/buildlog_ubuntu-noble-amd64.abinit_9.10.4-2_BUILDING.txt.gz either.22:39
sudiparraybolt3: "SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence" should be an easy fix. python 3.12 needs raw strings22:41
arraybolt3sudip: Right. The issue is that if Python 3.12 isn't supported yet (which is obviously isn't), and it's unsupported enough that a build is failing and tests are failing because of it, porting the whole thing to Python 3.12 may be time-consuming, dangerous (since now we're shipping an entire feature that upstream doesn't have, namely support for a newer version of Python), difficult to22:42
arraybolt3maintain, and probably work that upstream would want to have anyway.22:42
arraybolt3but it sounds like vorlon found an issue even deeper invovling Fortran code in abinit, and if that's the case them 👋 thanks I'm out :P I'm not touching Fortran with a ten-foot pole if I can avoid it. (that's a joke, I will try to fight with it if I have to, but I know literally zero Fortran so...)22:43
vorlonarraybolt3: look at the redirected output in abisrc.stderr22:46
vorlonactually sorry, the above was with python3.1122:46
vorlonwith python3.12 it's a different failure22:46
vorlon    import imp22:46
vorlonModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'imp'22:46
vorlonthat's the python3.12 failure22:46
arraybolt3found it22:47
arraybolt3that's probably the error they need to see22:47
arraybolt3I'll attach that to the bug report.22:47
* sudip has seen a bug report for another package about "No module named 'imp'"22:48
sudipLP: #204994222:48
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2049942 in passenger (Ubuntu) "Python 3.12, ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'imp'" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/204994222:49
vorlonhad to resort fo stackoverflow for an answer to translating the obsolete syntax https://stackoverflow.com/questions/69884878/replacing-imp-with-importlib-maintaining-old-behavior22:54
vorlonso, 3-line change22:56
arraybolt3alright, what am I doing wrong.23:11
arraybolt3echo "Package: src:*python*:any" > /etc/apt/preferences.d/99proposed23:12
arraybolt3echo "Pin: release a=experimental" >> /etc/apt/preferences.d/99proposed23:12
arraybolt3echo "Pin-Priority: 950" >> /etc/apt/preferences.d/99proposed23:12
arraybolt3^ that's in a script that sbuild runs automatically when attempting to build against Sid (or anything else, but I'll disable it after trying to build this thing with Sid).23:12
arraybolt3for some reason apt seems to ignore this in the schroot and I end up with Python 3.11 installed instead and nothing is downloaded from Experimental. Yet, https://packages.debian.org/experimental/python323:13
arraybolt3obviously I've gotten confused about how apt pinning works, that *should* snag python3-default (and everything else with python in the source package name too).23:13
arraybolt3for clarity, yes I do have... oh... I am silly.23:14
arraybolt3echo "deb https://deb.debian.org/debian experimental main";23:15
arraybolt3:face_palm: you know I might actually want to redirect that output to a file or something...23:15
arraybolt3ok, thanks everyone for letting me rubber-duck debug23:15
arraybolt3\o/ reproduced the failure on Debian23:26

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