
aienaI have a tiny query I like Qterminal but since I am on ubuntu I have gnome-terminal there by default both the icons are identical is there a way to give Qterminal/konsole etc different terminal icons00:18
rboxicons where00:21
aienarbox, in gnome and system wide00:32
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rboxmeaning where...00:37
aienaone sec00:37
aienaeverywhere when Isearch for the terminal and when i pin it to the application launcher00:37
rboxwhy do you have both on the laucnher00:39
aienasometimes I like one over the other but I want to visually distinguish them by icon00:40
rboxyou switch?00:40
rboxthe desktop file is in /usr/share/applications00:41
aienayeah gnome trminal is cool purple konsole I think I'll remove00:41
rboxcopy it to ~/.local/share/applications00:41
rboxand change the icon to wahtever you want00:41
rboxhgow many termianls do you need00:41
aienaqterminal is neat discovered it in a lubuntu vm00:41
aienarbox, https://paste.opensuse.org/pastes/6a50db5c7733 lol00:43
rboxwhy do you need to search00:43
rboxif you've pinnned it00:43
aienaguake has a unique terminal wanted to make differnt others all show up as one gnome style one00:43
aienarbox, its not pinned yet want to pin bith but its a nightmare00:44
aienathey look identical00:44
aienamaybe its not possible to give a custom icon but I hope it is00:47
rboxijust told you how00:48
rboxbut you just run the one you want00:48
rboxpin it00:48
rboxand call it a day00:48
aienacopy it to ~/.local/share/applications yes but I dont know from where to copy it to there00:48
rbox[05:41:09 PM] <rbox> the desktop file is in /usr/share/applications00:49
aienasorry I missed that00:50
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loswedsededis there a tone generation application for ubuntu?01:51
loswedsededlike https://onlinetonegenerator.com/01:51
loswedsededdownloadable and no internet reliant I mean01:51
rboxwhat do you want to do with the tone once you've generated it01:52
aienathanks rbox works beautifully01:54
aienaloswedseded, I think audacity can easily generate a tone for you02:02
aienaI used to use it for that and much more02:03
aienaits pretty good02:03
JanCaudacity can do it indeed02:05
JanCprobably effect plugins for many other audio editors too02:05
JanCor for Jack02:05
JanCthere is also a package named 'siggen'02:08
JanCthat one is for the commandline02:09
aienaok not tried those. Audacity was cross platform and was enough for all my needs for audio cleaning cutting joining etc.02:11
aienaI admit I dont do much tone generation but did use to to test filters etc.02:12
aienawith predictable input02:12
JanCyes, Audacity is quite easy to use (although I think it still doesn't support PulseAudio properly?)02:13
JanCit's been a while since I used it to be fair02:14
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zeproxHi! I'm having trouble getting my bluetooth headset to work. I have no input in headset mode, if I switch to handsfree mode i have no input or output.10:26
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tripstahthis any good? https://sourceforge.net/p/boot-repair-cd/home/Home/  or are there better alternatives?12:40
EriC^^tripstah: it's good12:48
EriC^^do you have a problem with booting right now?12:49
tripstahnope, but have had a few times before. now's good.12:50
EriC^^ok cool12:51
tripstahjust in case... :-)12:51
EriC^^gotcha ;)12:51
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BluesKajHi all13:25
BinarySaviorhow can I have ubuntu logged in by default when OS is booted up?14:09
Parisin the setting panel14:10
Parismust be in account/user auto loggin14:10
Parissomething like that.14:10
phrykI just set up ubuntu 22.04 in a vm. this is my first linux in over 10 years (my daily driver being freebsd). i gave this vm a virtual disk of 40gb and told the setup to use the entire disk. but when i `df -h` i can see that just above half of the disk seems to actually be used – what's up with that?15:36
phrykno disk encryption/signatures used, so i expected it to actually get 40g of space, not 80% of that, definitely not just half of it…15:37
ravagephryk: Ubuntu Server?15:38
phrykyes. also just stumbled onto https://bugs.launchpad.net/subiquity/+bug/1907128 seems to have been an active decision and that the topic i have to read up on is lvm.15:39
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 1907128 in subiquity "Subiquity only provisions half of available space for root logical volume" [Undecided, In Progress]15:39
ravageyes i think you have to resize it manually atm15:40
phrykweird, but hey, snapshots are apparently a thing and since i don't want to deal with a full-blown offsite backup solution just yet, i guess i know what my interim solution will be. :P15:40
ravageit is a stupid default.  i think you can do manual partitioning to get around it15:47
ravagealso it is just misleading. "use entire disk" is just not what is does15:48
pavlosphryk: this alias will show you first level dirs ... alias big='sudo du -d1 -ah / | sort  -rh'15:50
phrykpavlos: i don't see the relevance of that. i don't have a problem figuring out what uses how much space.16:13
PeGaSuSso, I'm a bit angry with the "lets make everything as a snap". firefox snap refuses to start, for some unknown reason and if I try to start it from command line I get a "(crashreporter:329271): IBUS-WARNING **: 17:23:24.649: Failed to mkdir /home/vitor/snap/firefox/3626/.config/ibus/bus: Not a directory". same happens with Chromium16:24
PeGaSuSthe command `ps x | grep -v grep | grep firefox` returns no output which means no instance is running16:26
PeGaSuSI'll reinstall it and see. but really makes little sense (and don't come with the "security" thing) to turn things that we used for decades as binaries into snaps.16:30
BibblesSinds de laatste kernel upgrade naar 6.5.0 in 33.04.3 vliegen de errors en warnings me rond de oren. Hebben meer mensen hier problemen mee? Voorlopig ben ik maar even terug naar kernel 6.216:37
BibblesIk bedoel versie 22.04.316:37
BibblesO, sorry. This is the english channel ofcourse. My bad...16:38
arraybolt3PeGaSuS: Meh, the "security" thing was the whole point :P If you dislike it though, you can always uninstall the Snap and replace it with the Mozilla PPA or the upstream Firefox tarball. (I use the tarball on a slow, low-disk-space machine that doesn't cope with the Snap so well.)16:40
PeGaSuSI tried to remove and install the snap again and it still doesn't even start16:40
arraybolt3PeGaSuS: You can probably go into /home/vitor/snap/Firefox/3626/.config, then `stat ibus` and see if it's a file rather than a directory for some reason16:41
arraybolt3and if it's a directory, then `cd ibus; stat bus`16:41
arraybolt3and if *that's* a file rather than a directory, `mv bus bus.oldweirdwhatisthis; mkdir bus` and try again16:41
ioriamaybe a broken link to current16:42
PeGaSuSyeah. `bus` seems to be a symlink: https://0bin.xyz/raw/X3JYYRX7ENTD7ZBXCD6TWRXS3M16:43
ioriai'd try to copy over the content of ~/.config/ibus/bus/ , but idk really16:44
PeGaSuSls ~/.config/ibus/bus >> ls: cannot access '/home/vitor/.config/ibus/bus': No such file or directory16:47
PeGaSuSnot even `~/.config/ibus/` exists16:48
ioriathat should exist16:49
PeGaSuSfor some weird reason it doesn't. and the pc is been up for the last 4 days16:49
PeGaSuSI can reboot, but I wonder if that fixes anything16:50
BibblesHello everyone. Ever since my 22.04.3 system upgraded tot kernel 6.5.0 I'm getting a lot of errors and warnings during startup about "array-index-out-of-bounds" etc. Also some of my hardware doesn't seem te be working with this new kernel. So, eventually I quit trying to fix this and reverted back to kernel 6.2 Does anyone expericence the same and can/will this be fixed?16:57
PeGaSuSafter a reboot I was able to start Firefox but `/home/vitor/snap/firefox/3626/.config/ibus/bus` is a file and not a dir. `~/.config/ibus/` still doesn't exist16:57
rboxBibbles: sounds like you should file a bug report17:00
Bibblesrbox: Probably. I've been searching for this and a see a lot of bug reports from various distributions thata are experiencing the same issues.17:00
rboxokay well if there isn't one in the ubuntu bug tracker17:01
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Bibblesrbox: seriously?17:01
rboxwell if its a kernel bug, you can just wait and maybe it'll get fixed if its the same as these other random bug reports17:02
rboxif its not a kernel bug, well then, it probably wont magically fix itself17:02
alkisgBibbles: is the device using an in-kernel driver, or an out-of-tree one? Btw, you can also uninstall the -hwe kernel and use the generic 5.15 one17:04
Bibblesrbox: It's probably a kernel bug. I'm looking at reports like this one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-meta-hwe-6.5/+bug/204931717:04
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2049317 in linux-meta-hwe-6.5 (Ubuntu) "UBSAN array-index-out-of-bounds error in dmesg - amd gpu drivers" [Undecided, Confirmed]17:04
rboxwell if there is arelad ya bug report17:06
rboxthen just followi t and see17:06
phryki'm trying to get mssql running on 22.04. which as per ms is the latest supported version and seems to be the best choice because it's an lts release. however the setup (mssql-conf setup) fails when trying to run sqlservr, which crashes.17:07
phrykerror output is less than helpful, but seems to indicate it's trying to open a file that doesn't exist (cause: 6, last errno: 22).17:07
rboxsounds like a question for microsoft17:08
phrykrunning sqlservr through strace it looks like it's trying to open /sys/block/dm-0/device/scsi_disk – this exists up to dm-0, but the entire 'device' directory does not exist – can somebody clear up what this file would be and why it might not exist on my system?17:08
phrykrbox: there's a microsoft channel? tried #mssql but it's almost empty, doesn't even have a topic and is very dead. :P17:08
Bibblesalkisg: The device is my network device. Normally it is supported with r8169, which is in-kernel. But the 6.5.0 doesn't work well and causes all sorts of weird behaviours. So I tried installing the r8168-dkms from repo. But that one didn't install. So eventually I had to recomplie a new .deb that is suited for 6.5.0 kernel. That one works. So that is one problem less. I still battle with screens full of warnings about "array-index-out-o17:08
alkisgBibbles: if the UBSAN warnings are from the external .deb (not in ubuntu repositories), then you need to ask them to update it17:20
alkisgIf they're from another, in-kernel driver, pastebin a couple of lines so that we can see from which driver it is17:20
alkisgAnd note once more that it's a supported use case to use the 5.15 kernel; while 6.2 isn't maintained anymore in 22.0417:20
Bibblesalkisg: These are allthe kernels on my system: linux-image-6.2.0-26-generic, linux-image-6.5.0-14-generic, linux-image-generic-hwe-22.0417:23
BibblesShould I install the 5.15 manually?17:23
alkisgBibbles: sudo apt install linux-generic17:24
alkisgThen reboot and select 5.15 in grub; THEN remove the 6.2 kernel17:24
BibblesOk. So the linux-generic will install the 5.15 kernel?17:25
alkisgYes, it's the metapackage that installs the kernel and keeps it up to date with updates17:25
Bibblesalkisg: But wouldn't that be a big step back? Or is 5.15 what the 22.04 version started out with in the first place?17:26
alkisgBibbles: ubuntu LTS releases maintain two series of kernels, the "stable" one and the "hardware enablement" one; all servers and all 22.04.0 installations have the "stable" one, while the rest ones have the hwe one17:27
alkisgSo if you don't have some newer hardware that can't run on 5.15, then no, it's not a step back; you just give time to your dkms.deb developer to catch up with newer kernels17:28
Bibblesalkisg: I see. Thanks for that information! Much appriciated! But for the time being it's still ok to use the 6.5 or the 6.2 I guess? Maybe lateron, If I stay on 22.04, I can install 5.15 and use that kernel.17:29
BibblesI just did a clean install with the latest Xubuntu 22.04.3 and it installs 6.5 out of the box.17:31
alkisgBibbles: if the driver works then sure you can keep using 6.5. Don't use 6.2 it won't receive updates in 22.04. And yes, 22.04.3 comes with the -hwe kernel. That doesn't mean 5.15 is bad or unmaintained.17:32
Bibblesalkisg: I understand. Thanks again for the help and info! I will probably have to move back to 5.15 then.17:33
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cart_manHi eveyrone. I downloaded the Ubuntu-touch repo but tere is no code in that repo. How do I pull the actual code?18:55
szstrah-ble' keh-dara:   How do u login to phpmyadmin with database creation abilities?19:11
szstrI need to set mysql user phpmyadmin to be able to create databases?19:12
bpromptszstr:  hmmm you could try asking at #php19:14
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jsmoothA couple of months ago I installed Ubuntu to a flash drive. At first I got grub shell, rebooted to get desktop, now I keep getting grub shell. Is there any ideas as to what happened that causes this20:34
rboxsome configuration file for grub got corrupted20:35
jsmoothIs the fix to just reinstall Ubuntu (including full format) again?20:36
rboxthat would probably work20:37
jsmoothIs there something that doesn't require a full reinstall?20:37
rboxyou could try fixing grub20:38
bpromptjsmooth: when you exit the LiveUSB session, do  you shut it down or simply turn off the computer?20:39
jsmoothI would imagine I would shut it down first.20:39
jsmoothWouldn't it be dangerous to just turn off the power?20:39
bpromptjsmooth: yeap, if however you happen to poweroff the computer or interrupt the shutdown process, the session gets corrupted and good chances it won't load next time, or something like might happen20:40
bpromptjsmooth: just checking if that's what happened20:40
alkisgjsmooth: can you boot the liveusb now? Or you can't get past the grub prompt?20:40
bpromptjsmooth: it only has to happen once btw, to get corrupted20:41
jsmoothACtually, no, because somehow the usb is failing. WIndows says I have to format it but if I try it says it's write-protected\20:41
alkisgIt sounds like the flash drive got worn out and got itself to read-only mode20:41
jsmoothIT's brand-new20:42
alkisgDidn't you say a couple of months ago?20:42
alkisgIf you put a non-live OS in a usb drive, it causes too many writes, it can damage it in a couple of months20:42
jsmoothHmm. I guess it ruined it in 5 reboots20:43
oerheksunless that usb is an NVME..20:43
jsmoothI don't know, it's a 64GB ONN Flash Drive, best info I have.20:44
* alkisg is waiting for his nvme-to-usb enclosure to get rid of all these problems :D20:44
alkisgjsmooth: just try to format it, if you can't, then send it back, it should still be in warranty after just 2 months20:44
jsmoothI don't think I registered a warranty20:44
oerheksrun chkdsk on windows first?20:45
ioriajsmooth, can't you start it from the bios menu ? does it show there ?20:45
bpromptjsmooth: not trying to be bashful, ONN is a bit of a generic brand20:45
jsmoothI tried to format the usb, it said it's write-protected. The other USB i bought within a week of this one has done the same thing to me, it was the usb I used for the Ubuntu installer.20:45
bpromptjsmooth: btw, at first I thought you were meaning a liveusb session, as opposed to a full install to usb, anyhow20:46
jsmoothThe other drive is live iso, but this one had the actual installation on it.20:46
MaikIf the sticks are read only you probably can throw them away. Installing a OS on flash drives isn't really recommended.20:47
bpromptjsmooth: hmmm I still have my old Sandisk 4Gbs stick, running a LiveUSB of 20.04 just fine btw, even used it for 16.04 back then, still works20:47
jsmoothHmm. I was a suggestion from an engineer, so I did it.20:47
Maikthe read write count is far less so not such a good suggestion20:48
alkisgI've switched to sandisk sd cards for my raspberries, they were the most resilient of all the brands I've tried20:48
bpromptjsmooth: as I said, ONN is a bit of a generic brand, you'd want heavy reliability for lots of data I/O20:48
jsmoothOkay. I guess I shouldn't have bought a cheap one20:49
bpromptjsmooth: if you want my biased, Samsung is tops, or Sandisk20:49
jsmoothI'll keep that in mind20:49
bpromptjsmooth: and nevermind the price20:50
TomyLoboI'm on ubuntu 22.04, I'm trying lxd for the first time. setting up a container worked and i'm now trying to forward all traffic going to one of my ipv6 IPs to it. From remote, I only get timeouts. From the host, it works. UFW logs a block, here are the details: https://gist.github.com/TomyLobo/39d4d24fe0fe1f58a9f399aa3536794621:34
TomyLoboI've been at this for hours, I can't figure out how to unblock this21:35
lunatiqanyone familiar with Ombi? I'm trying to update it but having trouble. I copy the tar from github of the latest version. I cp the working directory to another to back it up. I remove the old. I mkdir a new one. I wget the gz. I tar -xzvf and try to start it but it doesn't start.22:02
rbox"it doesnt start" doesnt say anything22:03
lunatiqrbox I don't know what else to say. I'm not a Ubuntu pro.22:04
lunatiqI use systemctl to start it and stop it22:05
lunatiqI can copy the backup and start it back up and it works22:05
TomyLobolunatiq, instead of "it doesn't start", post the error, if there is one. if there is no output at all, say that, along with the output you would expect, or what else leads you to conclude that "it doesn't start"22:34
lunatiqTomyLobo I check ps aux. After initiating systemctl start ombi it goes to the next line like there was no issue but it isn't started.22:37
lunatiqI get 502 bad gateway too22:37
lunatiqI don't receive any error or a notice to check logs.22:38
TomyLobowhat does "systemctl status ombi" say?22:39
TomyLobobtw for the majority of services, all "systemctl start ombi" does is launch the process and whatever else happens after it is none of its business22:40
TomyLobothat's why it instantly goes back to the command prompt22:40
lunatiqLet me try the process again and see what it says22:42
TomyLoboyou could just look at "systemctl status ombi" :)22:43
TomyLoboalso, journalctl -u ombi22:43
TomyLobobtw, tell the authors of whatever "ombi" is, to make a package or a snap or a container image or something, cause handing people a tarball isn't really great22:44
lunatiqI understand22:46
TomyLobook so it exited with status 203. that doesn't tell us much, unless that's documented somewhere. but let's check the journal first (journalctl -u ombi). and see if port 3000 is already in use for some reason (netstat -nap | grep :3000)22:46
TomyLobolunatiq, what's the output of "file /opt/Ombi/Ombi"?22:48
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SuperLagIs there a way to perform the LTS install with the 6.x kernel right from the outset? or do you have to install normally and update later?23:31
oerheksSuperLag, if you install LTS now, you would get HWE automatic, so yes you can23:34
ubottuThe Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack23:34

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