=== JanC_ is now known as JanC [19:00] \o [19:01] I don't see anything on the agenda [19:01] o/ [19:02] hey there, sorry but I'm still busy with evening things and will be at the computer only in ~10min [19:02] Andy was supposed to be on the agenda for tonight according to the list archives but he was edited out of the wiki? [19:02] rbasak, bdmurray, kanashiro, seb128, sil2100, teward: mind if we skip? [19:02] +1 for skipping since ^ [19:03] seb128: he withdrew the application as he's not interested in pursuing core-dev anymore [19:03] just checking that that was not a mistake [19:03] hum, ok, I didn't see his follow up and shame :( [19:03] he communicated that internally to me and I dropped him from the agenda [19:03] the reason wasn't mine to speak so I let it be :) [19:03] ah ok, thanks for the context [19:03] anyway I'm fine skipping [19:04] I be to step away for 10min or so now anyway [19:04] great, if there's no AOB then let's skip [19:04] +1 [19:04] thx :) [19:04] +1 [19:05] o/ [19:06] sorry I was reading so yes skipping is fine [19:12] perfect [19:12] by the power vested in me, I now pronounce this meeting skipped [19:12] see y'all next to next week o/ [21:52] no issues with skipping. been busy today