
Bashing-omUWN: Issue823 up for review and final edits - Hectically interrupted; proof reading required :D https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-823/4164600:34
guivercthanks Bashing-om , i'm part way thru reading now  (hub) .. I'll refresh00:35
guivercBashing-om, the matrix index one, would s/Mauro Gaspari documents the resources on the Ubuntu Matrix Project/Mauro Gaspari documents the available resources on the Ubuntu Matrix Project/   (ie. addition of 'available' ..)00:40
* guiverc still not really happy with 'documents the resources'.. but i recall my alternatives were all longer..00:40
Bashing-omguiverc: Yeah adding available makes better, doing :D00:44
* guiverc is still reading.. and had left room after my last ^comment to refill my drinky-mug...00:45
Bashing-omguiverc: Moar Coffee here !00:47
* guiverc didn't add coffee in mine... mostly chocolate and nestle banana quik I think I used00:47
Bashing-omguiverc: Back in my hurried days - was lots of Ovaltine in my milk :P00:49
guivercQuestion(s)... I just read "We’re told 18 projects have been selected"  ... Q:  I fear I use "We're" too often, does it appear that way when you read... and 18 or eighteen... I like reading eighteen, but 18 is shorter and often think maybe better in UWN... any thoughts?00:49
guiverc:)   Yeah I used to like ovaltine.. I buy nestle milo as cheaper (very light chocki & mostly malted drink; I do add chocki to it often)00:50
Bashing-omguiverc: Our esteemed senior editor advises the long writting - eighteen - best I recall. editing :)00:52
guiverc18 was used twice in that one.00:53
guivercseason of kde projects00:53
guiverc"(share WPA3 {SAE})" feels unusual to me, is [share WP3 (SAE)] better? or just nested brackets (what I think you tried to avoid)00:54
guivercs/what Wine does for/what Wine does,/  I believe (wine 9.0..)00:55
Bashing-omguiverc: Author has it too as "18". In this case good to leave IMO.00:55
guivercIt looks like we should remove a \n in "Canonical Ubuntu: Inside Operator Day" quoted bit00:57
Bashing-omguiverc: I had considered "[]" brackets ^ - but such is generally construed as an editorial addition. But yeah looks strange as is.00:57
guivercwhatever you're happy with... I'm just saying what I see  (right & wrong..)00:58
guivercIn the Subscribe... as you've put a Mastodon: & Telegram: before additional links; should we add Facebook: & Twitter: to others (I'm loathe to put X though instead of twitter)01:03
guivercI suspect all should have it, or none should  (and if it's X, I'd prefer none I believe)01:04
guivercI've finished read thru... ^ all I noted/saw, looks good.01:06
Bashing-omguiverc: Well, the others hace their tirtles in the URL link; Where as Mastodon and Telegram do not. Readers made aware of what the added links are.01:08
guivercfair enough... maybe an alterantive is (Mastodon) & (Telegram) AFTER the link 01:08
guivercat the front it makes it feel like a formatting choice (to me)...01:09
Bashing-omtitles - One of these days I will fix my ole mechanical keyboard - I will never grow to like this keyboard @01:09
Bashing-omguiverc: making them as suffixes :)01:09
guivercyeah...  I lost my standing mecahnical when I switched to this newer & smaller box... larger model M just felt unstable, so it's a crappy newer dell thingy now (I do have a model M/machanical as a sitting keyboard still)01:10
Bashing-omguiverc: Ho kay - we go play catchup elsewheres now :P01:19
guiverc& thanks Bashing-om 01:20
Bashing-omguiverc: And a big thanks to you - will not happen without you :D01:22
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
-ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::omg!ubuntu:: Ubuntu Pro Packages in ‘Software Updater’ — Annoying, or Necessary? @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2024/01/ubuntu-pro-software-updater-issue19:05
Bashing-omUWN: Pulling WIP/WIKI - log checked and no further edits are known. Will start the push soonest.20:03
Bashing-omUWN: M/L is away - Posting to the Forums next.20:17
Bashing-omUWN: Forums posting done - makeing a Mastodon blog up next :D 20:35
guivercposted 823 to twitter, telegram. (mewe)20:50
Bashing-omBloged :D21:07
guivercuwn 823 shared to fb too21:24
Bashing-omUWN: Issue824 off and running :P21:31
guiverc:) & thanks Bashing-om 21:44
Bashing-omguiverc: Clean up and repeat :P21:45
guiverc:)   (you do clean up before the publish only now.. it's copy & repeat mostly now)21:46
Bashing-omguiverc: Clen the Local stuff to make my partition all pretty again :P21:47
guiverc:)    (I only clean when my system won't let me login in, or apply upgrades...out of space on $HOME or /)21:49
Bashing-omOh guiverc - I so hate when that happens --- me exercise an once of prevention :P21:59
=== user03 is now known as gchound

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